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Final Year Project Electronic & Computer Engineering Design and Realisation of Experiments for an embedded Linux Laboratory Class. Student: Andrew Sweeney.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Year Project Electronic & Computer Engineering Design and Realisation of Experiments for an embedded Linux Laboratory Class. Student: Andrew Sweeney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Year Project Electronic & Computer Engineering Design and Realisation of Experiments for an embedded Linux Laboratory Class. Student: Andrew Sweeney Supervisor: Peter Corcoran

2 Linux Kernel and RTAI Ubuntu and Advantages Basic Installation Vanilla kernel Latest stable version of RTAI

3 Add-ons Hardware Abstraction Layer patch Adeos patch MESA Library EFLTK Package

4 Verify RTAI Funtionality Testsuite Latency Test Pre-empt Test Switches Test

5 Experiments Kernel Modules C Language Loadable Objects Define symbols and include headers

6 Pure Periodic Scheduling of a Single Task Task: Turn speaker on/off Period converted to internal counts Structure containing info on the task Method of the task Cleanup function at the end of module

7 Pure Periodic Scheduling of Two Tasks Tasks: Toggle speaker on/off and vary frequency of the toggling Base period to be used Both tasks use a shared variable Priorities placed on tasks

8 Variable Periodic Scheduling of a Single Task Task: Toggle speaker port after alternating periods of time Task is told to sleep instead of wait Delay is calculated for the period during the task function

9 FIFO Communication between RTL and Linux Data queue for sharing data between real- time tasks & user-level applications Real-time Task: Create two FIFO queues Periodic Task: Toggle speaker port and increment heartbeat

10 Aims and Goals Have fully functioning RTAI installed on desktop and run basic test program Work through real-time experiments on included in presentation Document procedures for student and supervisor fully for working experiments Work into the more advanced procedures and document all progress

11 Questions ????

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