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African Forest and Landscape Restoration Initiatives Introduction and Overview – Dennis Garrity, Drylands Ambassador, UNCCD & Senior Fellow, World Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "African Forest and Landscape Restoration Initiatives Introduction and Overview – Dennis Garrity, Drylands Ambassador, UNCCD & Senior Fellow, World Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Forest and Landscape Restoration Initiatives Introduction and Overview – Dennis Garrity, Drylands Ambassador, UNCCD & Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute Landscape Resilience in Africa – Magda Lovei, World Bank BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa – Christina Seeberg-Elverfeldt, BMZ CGIAR Research in Support of the Restoration Agenda - Debbie Bossio, Water, Land, and Ecosystems Research Program Land Health Surveillance and Agroforestry in support of Land Restoration in Africa - Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Centre Community Leadership is Key: The African Landcare Network as a Grassroots Approach to Landscape Restoration – Clinton Muller, African Landcare Network Audience Participation 1

2 AFRICA RESTORATION INITIATIVE World Resources Institute August 2015 Image: Flickr/USAID Kenya

3 Trend in biomass productivity by farming system


5 HOW TO TRANSLATE OPPORTUNITY INTO AN AFRICAN RESTORATION MOVEMENT? African countries already have major successes African countries already have commitments to the Bonn Challenge – Ethiopia: 15 million hectares – DRC: 8 million hectares – Uganda: 2.5 million hectares – Rwanda: 2 million hectares African countries are formulating commitments, conducting analyses and developing strategies How can an African regional initiative help to accelerate progress on the ground?

6 1.Limited uptake of Bonn Challenge from Africa countries with only four national commitments 2.Disparate projects have led to a lack of knowledge sharing on restoration 3.Country ownership of the restoration agenda 4.Analyses and capacities to realize restoration ambitions, e.g. maps, partnerships, strategies 5.Adequate finance to meet the scale of ambition 6 CHALLENGES

7 The Parkland Renaissance on Niger Farmlands

8 Farmer-Managed Regeneration of trees has been massively upscaled on the croplands in Niger

9 Agroforestry is the central pillar of Rwanda’s restoration efforts Potential of 1.1 million hectares – 45% land area on sloping agricultural land and flat land Rwanda’s Border-to-Border Restoration Program

10 Land use (ha) – Rwanda Land that is: - agricultural -non-forested -sloping (5-55%). Rwanda Landscapes for Restoration Interventions

11 Conservation agriculture with reduced tillage and trees increases productivity while restoring land quality and reducing labor.


13 17 African countries are now engaged in EverGreen Agriculture Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Conservation Agriculture with trees Trees interplanted in conventional tilled cropland Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration + Trees interplanted in conventional tilled cropland

14 National analyses driving strategy National partnerships driving action Knowledge shared via peer-to-peer learning exchanges Sub-regional partnerships emerge R100 governance is structured for continental & global coordination New sources of climate and private finance available Quantified restoration and carbon sequestration potential Ambitious hectare commitments from African countries Restoration included in INDCs 2. Enable regional coordination 3. Mobilize national action 1. Inspire ambitious commitments InspireEnable Mobilize DESIRED OUTCOMES

15 NEPAD Integrate the forest and landscape restoration agenda into the African Union’s programs Engage heads-of-state and a range of ministers to realize a “whole of government” approach Deliver strategic guidance to the initiative WRI Leverage experience with the 20x20 launch to help design the program Support the initiative, with guidance from NEPAD, African countries, BMZ and partners Support countries in quantifying their geographic commitments Engage impact investors Deliver coordination and management capacity as needed AREAS OF FOCUS FOR THE PARTNERS With African countries owning and driving the agenda…

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