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This section of the examination specification requires you to look at issues surrounding: life after death abortion euthanasia the media and matters of.

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Presentation on theme: "This section of the examination specification requires you to look at issues surrounding: life after death abortion euthanasia the media and matters of."— Presentation transcript:

1 This section of the examination specification requires you to look at issues surrounding: life after death abortion euthanasia the media and matters of life and death.

2 Life after death You will need to understand the effects of, and give reasons for your own opinion about: why Christians believe in life after death and how this belief affects their lives why the followers of one religion other than Christianity believe in life after death and how this belief affects their lives non-religious reasons for believing in life after death (near- death experiences, ghosts, mediums, the evidence of reincarnation) why some people do not believe in life after death.

3 Abortion You will need to understand the effects of, and give reasons for your own opinion about: the nature of abortion, including current British legislation, and non-religious arguments about abortion different Christian attitudes to abortion and the reasons for them different attitudes to abortion in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons for them.

4 Euthanasia You will need to understand the effects of, and give reasons for your own opinion about: the nature of euthanasia including current British legislation, and non-religious arguments about euthanasia different Christian attitudes to euthanasia and the reasons for them different attitudes to euthanasia in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons for them.

5 The media and matters of life and death You will need to understand the effects of, and give reasons for your own opinion about: arguments over whether the media should be free to criticise religious attitudes to matters of life and death

6 Lesson aims To investigate the main topics to be covered in Section 2 Matters of Life and Death. To explore issues surrounding life after death, abortion and euthanasia. To explore the media and religious attitudes to matters of life and death.

7 Learning outcomes By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Identify the main topics in Matters of Life and Death. Explain why matters of life and death are controversial. Be familiar with the key words for matters of life and death.

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