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Grassland By: Colton Drew and Ryan. Location DDDDid you know that Savannas are located in Africa and south America? SSSSavannas are found in wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Grassland By: Colton Drew and Ryan. Location DDDDid you know that Savannas are located in Africa and south America? SSSSavannas are found in wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grassland By: Colton Drew and Ryan

2 Location DDDDid you know that Savannas are located in Africa and south America? SSSSavannas are found in wide band on either side of the equator on edges of tropical rainforests. TTTThere is also a Savanna in northern Australia

3 Landscape  Grass lands are places with hot dry climates that are perfect for growing food.  There are very few trees and shrubs in a Grassland.  There is one tree per acre.

4 Plants and Animals Zorilla, is a skunk like a mammal that lives in Africa. Zorilla has long, thick black fur with white stripes. These animals are about 13-15 in long.

5 Plants and Animals MMMMeerkats are small burrowing mammals that live in plains of southern Africa. Meerkats live in groups up to 25 animals called a mob or gang. Meerkats are primarily insectivores.

6 Plant and Animals  The cape hunting dog is a wild dog that wonders the plains.  The cape hunting dog spotted fur.  These dogs hunt in packs up to 10 or 20 dogs.

7 Fun Facts DDDDingo, Emu, Kangaroo, Wallaby, Wombat, and many other animals live in a Grassland. MMMMany animals live in Savannas, from invertebrates like grasshoppers, termites, and beetles to large animals like lions and leopards. TTTThere are times of almost no food water during the dry season. Many Savanna animals migrate to deal with this problem.

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