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What is bio crop waste and How it can be used 11720379 Tatsurou Yamamoto.

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Presentation on theme: "What is bio crop waste and How it can be used 11720379 Tatsurou Yamamoto."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is bio crop waste and How it can be used 11720379 Tatsurou Yamamoto

2 What is bio crop waste Bio crop waste is the residue left from processing and harvesting any plant crop. For example … Wood waste (thinned wood, leaves, small branch, saw dust, wood chips, bark)

3 What is bio crop waste Most residue of an organic matter can be called bio crop waste. Crop waste (husks, cornstalks, wheat, barley, straw, hulls, citrus peels, lawn clippings, etc.)

4 Bio power generation Converting bio crop waste to electric energy. wood waste crop waste bio waste derive fuel fuel ethanol production electric energy burning Move a power plant Drying Pressure Shape forming * image Fermentation Distilling * image

5 Application of bio-ethanol The bio-ethanol becomes substituting the gasoline. CO2 emissions are reduced by using the fuel which bio-ethanol was mixed. plant Bio-ethanolGasoline mix Crop waste

6 The bio-ethanol quantity of production in the world Japan is greatly late about production of bio-ethanol. USA Brazil EU China India Russia others (×10 4 kl, 2006) Japan 30kl, 0.00005%

7 Conclusion Bio crop waste is the residue of wood and crop. Bio crop waste should be used for bio power generation. The bio-ethanol becomes substituting the gasoline. Bio energy (bio power generation and bio- ethanol) is clean energy. I want bio energy to develop from now on.

8 reference 0000/ 0000/ Thank you for your attention

9 Hokkaido(7) Kagoshima Tokyo Okinawa(5) Osaka Gifu(2) Akita(2)

10 再生可能エネル ギー 発電量 ( GWh ) 割合 (%) 太陽光発電 2,311 0.2% 風力発電 3,248 0.3% 地熱発電 2,765 0.2% 小水力発電 17,236 1.5% バイオマス発電 11,545 1.0% 合計 37,104 3.2% 2008 年度の発電量と日本の全発電量に占める割合 The whole quantity of CO2 does not change. Bio crop waste fuel burning Electric energy Crops absorb CO2 by photosynthe sis.

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