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We Share The Air: Tobacco-Free Outdoor Spaces CGO4M Laura Koelen.

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Presentation on theme: "We Share The Air: Tobacco-Free Outdoor Spaces CGO4M Laura Koelen."— Presentation transcript:

1 We Share The Air: Tobacco-Free Outdoor Spaces CGO4M Laura Koelen

2 INTRODUCTION  Grey Bruce is trying to pass a by-law where outdoor recreational spaces remain tobacco-free  Why? Because second-hand smoke IS dangerous!  Cigarette butts and cigarette related items are the number one littered thing on beaches and roads.  Cigarettes are harmful to everyone and everything.

3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION  Second-hand smoke IS dangerous!  Studies have shown that breast cancer in adolescent females has remarkably increased if they are exposed to second-hand smoke.  Blood nicotine levels are significantly increased in bar workers who are exposed to second hand smoke  So why should we let people smoke on playgrounds, beaches, soccer fields, etc where children and others are exposed to over 4000 chemicals


5 KEY PLAYERS  Jason Cranny & Jason Weppler  Angela Newman  SDSS Beach Clean-up  Students of CDHS

6 OBJECTIVES  Locate several places in Grey Bruce / Chesley and where most people smoke. i.e., beaches, high school, parks, soccer fields, etc.  Observe how well cleaned-up the cigarette butts are/ how many are littered in each place.  Provide services available for those who wish to quit smoking.  Propose a new site that might be suitable for tobacco quitting services i.e., at the high school.

7 Methodology Saugeen Shoreline Beach Clean-up

8 “Are You Tobacco-Free?” Survey

9 “Butt Hunt”

10 During my “Bunt Hunt” Notes:  Heritage Trails & pathways – approximately 250 metres each  Smoker’s Pit - CDHS: asphalt & around the trees - JDSS: front entrance & around the benches  Chesley Pool – not open since summer 2012



13 Butt Hunt:  Soccer Field (Hanover) - Sign: “No Smoking During Soccer Events”  P&H Centre – only place with a cigarette receptacle  CDHS – highest count of cigarette butt litter (250)


15 RESULTS  Cigarette butt litter was the #1 littered item on the Saugeen Shoreline beaches.  CDHS has the highest amount of butt litter (250)  There are only 2 services that have addresses, others are helplines, toll free numbers, books, and health care professionals. - Even though there are many other services available, they are not very well known. - The buffer indicates how far away some of these services are from Chesley and Hanover.



18 So...

19 CONCLUSION  Proposed service at CDHS – talk to BWSDB & GBMHU  Tobacco is highly addicting and students need help and the resources to stop smoking.  Everybody needs to be well-educated on the topic of tobacco,  what’s in tobacco (over 4000 toxic chemicals!),  and the effects it has on a person and the environment (it’s a greater problem than we realize).  We could dedicate a specific room at the high school where this information could be held as well as: support sessions, a public health worker or a health care professional who would be available throughout the week and maybe free nicotine replace therapy – such as the patch, gum, lozenges, or the inhaler to help students quit smoking


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