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Statutes and Ordinances An introduction to University processes.

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1 Statutes and Ordinances An introduction to University processes

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4 Statutes Statute A: The Chancellor and the Government of the University pp. 5-11Statute A: The Chancellor and the Government of the University Statute B: Matriculation, Residence, Degrees, Discipline pp. 12-19Statute B: Matriculation, Residence, Degrees, Discipline Statute C: Schools and Faculties pp. 20-24Statute C: Schools and Faculties Statute D: The University Officers pp. 25-42Statute D: The University Officers Statute E: Trust Emoluments pp. 43-57Statute E: Trust Emoluments Statute F: Finance and Property pp. 58-59Statute F: Finance and Property Statute G: Obligations of Colleges pp. 60-66Statute G: Obligations of Colleges Statute H: Approved Foundations and Approved Societies pp. 67-68Statute H: Approved Foundations and Approved Societies Statute J: The University Press pp. 69-70Statute J: The University Press Statute K: Commencement, Interpretation, Invalid Proceedings pp. 71-74Statute K: Commencement, Interpretation, Invalid Proceedings Statute T: Temporary Provisions pp. 75-77Statute T: Temporary Provisions Statute U: Academic Staff pp. 78-85Statute U: Academic Staff Schedules pp. 86-94Schedules Passages from Acts of Parliament relating to the University of Cambridge and Procedure for making a Statute for a College pp. 95-101Passages from Acts of Parliament relating to the University of Cambridge and Procedure for making a Statute for a College Rules of Procedure made by the Commissary under Statute D, V, II pp. 102-102Rules of Procedure made by the Commissary under Statute D, V, II

5 Powers to amend Statutes under the Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923 7. (1) After the cesser of the powers of the Commissioners, a statute affecting the University made by the Commissioners or by any other authority, not being a statute made for a college, shall be subject to alteration from time to time by statute made by the University under this Act, but, if and in so far as any such statute (not being a statute prescribing the scale or basis of assessment of the contributions to be made by the colleges to University purposes) affects a college, it shall not be subject to alteration except with the consent of the college.

6 Statutes and Ordinances Statute A CHAPTER II POWERS OF THE UNIVERSITY 1. The University shall have power, for the encouragement of learning, the maintenance of good order and discipline, and the management of its affairs, to enact Ordinances and to issue Orders (whether by way of exception to an Ordinance or otherwise); provided always that no such Ordinance or Order shall contravene any provision of the Statutes. 2. The University shall have power to levy fees and other charges for any purpose or purposes connected with the University. 3. Subject to the provisions of the Statutes regarding University officers, the University may engage persons for employment in the service of the University, may determine their salaries and pensions (if any), and may prescribe the conditions of their service. 4. The University shall have power to accept benefactions, and shall not be prevented from accepting a benefaction even if the conditions attached thereto are at variance with the Statutes.

7 CHAPTER III THE REGENT HOUSE 1. The Regent House shall be the governing body of the University. 2. Any power of making, altering, or repealing Statutes which is assigned to the University by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923, or by any other Act of Parliament, shall be exercised by the Regent House. 3. The powers of enacting Ordinances and issuing Orders, except so far as such powers are assigned by Statute to any other authority, shall be exercised by the Regent House. 4. Whenever it is provided that an act or thing shall or may be done or determined by the University, it shall be done or determined by Grace of the Regent House unless it is expressly stated that it is to be done or determined otherwise, provided that the Regent House may delegate to the Council or to another body authority to act on its behalf in such matters as it may from time to time determine. 5. The members of the Regent House at any time shall be those persons whose names were on the Roll of the Regent House at the time of the last promulgation.

8 Ordinances Chapter I: The Chancellor and Government of the University pp. 105-170Chapter I: The Chancellor and Government of the University Chapter II: Matriculation, Residence, Admission to Degrees, Discipline pp 171- 217Chapter II: Matriculation, Residence, Admission to Degrees, Discipline Chapter III: Examinations pp. 218-233Chapter III: Examinations Chapter IV: Preliminary Examinations and Tripos Examinations pp. 234-421Chapter IV: Preliminary Examinations and Tripos Examinations Chapter V: B.A. Degree and M.A. Degree pp. 422-424Chapter V: B.A. Degree and M.A. Degree Chapter VI: Graduate Students pp. 425-431Chapter VI: Graduate Students Chapter VII: Degrees, Diplomas, and Other Qualifications pp. 432-551Chapter VII: Degrees, Diplomas, and Other Qualifications Chapter VIII: Schools and Councils of the Schools pp. 552-556Chapter VIII: Schools and Councils of the Schools Chapter IX: Faculties, Departments, and other institutions under the supervision of the General Board pp. 557_636Chapter IX: Faculties, Departments, and other institutions under the supervision of the General Board Chapter X: Institutions under the supervision of the Council pp. 637-644Chapter X: Institutions under the supervision of the Council Chapter XI: The University Officers pp. 645-714Chapter XI: The University Officers Chapter XII: Trust Emoluments pp. 715-940Chapter XII: Trust Emoluments Chapter XIII: Finance and Property pp. 941-968Chapter XIII: Finance and Property Chapter XIV: Colleges pp. 969-987Chapter XIV: Colleges Chapter XV: Institutions recognized under Statute H pp. 988Chapter XV: Institutions recognized under Statute H


10 COUNCIL: ROLE Principal executive and policy making body Administration Planning and resources Relations with Colleges




14 GENERAL BOARD: ROLE Academic and educational policy –quality of teaching and research –allocation of funds between Schools –teaching programme and examination regulations –academic services - libraries, IT, museums

15 COUNCILS OF THE SCHOOLS Groupings of related subjects –Arts and Humanities, Humanities and Social Sciences,Physical Sciences, Technology,Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine Advise General Board on all aspects of resource allocation within a School

16 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 7 Divisions –Academic (inc Planning and Resource Allocation) –Estate Management –Finance –Management Information Services –Human Resources (inc Health and Safety) –Research Services –Secretariat (inc Legal Services) Headed by Registrary

17 Notices, Graces, and Reports For sections which can be amended by the General Board there will be a General Board Notice (eg Tripos regulations, new MPhil exams) published in the Reporter which comes out on Wednesdays. Graces require the approval of the Regent House. A Grace will be approved by 4 pm on the second Friday after publication unless there is an objection. (In this case the Grace can be withdrawn or a ballot is held.) For straightforward matters the Grace will usually just have a footnote giving the Statutes and Ordinances page reference, or it may refer back to a Notice earlier in the Reporter. (eg a Notice announcing a donation) Items of major interest (or because of Statutory requirements) need a Report making a recommendation (eg buildings, new Professorships, recent Pay and Grading, IPR) The Report is signed by the promoting body (Council, GB, Faculty) and published. Approx 13 days later it will be discussed (debated) and if there are objections the Council will ask the relevant body to respond to the objections and will publish the response. If the Council decide to continue with the proposal a Grace to approve the recommendations in the Report will be published at the same time as the response.

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