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4 th MARCH 2011 Ashton Coal Operations Pty Limited Community Consultative Committee EnvironmentalReport Environmental Report.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th MARCH 2011 Ashton Coal Operations Pty Limited Community Consultative Committee EnvironmentalReport Environmental Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th MARCH 2011 Ashton Coal Operations Pty Limited Community Consultative Committee EnvironmentalReport Environmental Report

2 Ashton Monitoring Locations

3 Depositional Dust Monitoring

4 Total Suspended Dust Monitoring

5 PM 10 Dust – Site 1 Monitoring Maximum daily limit 150µg/m 3

6 PM 10 Dust – Site 2 Monitoring Maximum daily limit 150µg/m 3

7 Monitoring Maximum daily limit 150µg/m 3 PM 10 Dust – Site 3

8 Monitoring Maximum daily limit 150µg/m 3 PM 10 Dust – Site 8

9 Blasting Statistics at 1 st March 2011 Criteria ChurchVillage VOPV Maximum21163114 Average11041 >2 mm/s001.6%(1)0 >10 mm/s0000 >115 dBA01.6% (1)00 >120 dBA0000 63 blasts have been fired for the reporting period to date.

10 Rainfall Monitoring

11 Water Sampling Locations Monitoring

12 Water Quality - pH

13 Monitoring

14 Water Quality - pH

15 Water Quality - EC Monitoring

16 Water Quality - EC Monitoring

17 Water Quality - EC Monitoring

18 Groundwater Sampling Sites Monitoring

19 Groundwater – Standing Depth Monitoring

20 Groundwater – Standing Depth Monitoring

21 Groundwater – EC Monitoring

22 Groundwater – EC

23 Noise Monitoring Noise Statutory noise monitoring was conducted in February 2011. There were no exceedences for the reporting period.

24 Complaints Community Total complaints 4 –, Total enquiries - 0 DECC

25 Complaints

26 Environment Related Operation Changes Daily Operational Changes DateIssueOperational Changes 9/12/2010Winds getting towards 10m/s Trucks were audible in the village. OCE changed location of trucks dumping from the RL135 to in the pit 11/12/2010 Increasing winds with trucks dumping on the RL130 Moved trucks from the RL130 dump back to the Buttress dump in pit at 3pm 13/12/2010 Increasing South easterly winds with trucks dumping on the RL130 Moved trucks from the RL130 dump back to the Buttress dump in pit at 7:30pm 14/12/2010 Proactive movement to reduce noise in the village Moved trucks from the RL130 dump back to the Buttress dump inpit at 7:30pm 15/12/2010 Proactive movement to reduce noise in the village Moved trucks from the RL130 dump back to the Buttress dump in pit at 7:30pm 16/12/2010 Proactive movement to reduce noise in the village Moved trucks from the RL130 dump back to the Buttress dump in pit at 7:30pm 18/12/2010Predicted high NW windsDidn't dump on top dumps all day

27 Environment Related Operation Changes Daily Operational Changes DateIssueOperational Changes 22/12/2010 Proactive movement to reduce noise in the village No dumping occurred on the RL130 dump until 8.45am 23/12/2010 Proactive movement to reduce noise in the village No dumping occurred on the RL130 dump until 8.00am 22/02/2011 9am Machinery location change to working on area exposed to the village, 1 dozer on rehabilitation bulk push Environmental Manager inspected village and listened for dominant noise sources. There appeared to be no issue with the operations There were no issues identifiedNo action 24/02/2011 8:30 machinery commenced working on exposed face to the village, one dozer on high dump with low number of trucks dumping. Dozer also working on high level of rehabilitation bulk push, one dozer on lower level bulk push with low volume of trucks dumping. 8:35 Environmental Manager inspected village The higher level dozer working on rehabilitation was audible. Contacted OCE at 9.05 and had the higher dozers operations immediately halted. High level dozer work on the rehabilitation was permanently halted. Lower dozer continued. Immediate halting of higher dozer operations brought the noise levels down for the following 15min period. This dozer was moved of the rehabilitation operations.

28 The End Any Questions?

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