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Differentials. Gestational Hypertension BP > 140/90 for the first time during pregnancy (mid-pregnancy/ after 20 weeks) No proteinuria BP returns to normal.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentials. Gestational Hypertension BP > 140/90 for the first time during pregnancy (mid-pregnancy/ after 20 weeks) No proteinuria BP returns to normal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentials

2 Gestational Hypertension BP > 140/90 for the first time during pregnancy (mid-pregnancy/ after 20 weeks) No proteinuria BP returns to normal < 12 weeks post- partum Nonspecific term and provisional diagnosis

3 Gestational Hypertension Rule in Elevated BP, received at OBAS 170/100 Rule out Patient has proteinuria of 3+ dipstick

4 Pre-Eclampsia BP > 140/90 after 20 weeks in a patient with previously normal BP proteinuria: –Urinary excretion > 300 mg protein / 24 hr urine specimen or > 1+ dipstick

5 Indication of Severity AbnormalityMILDSEVERE Diastolic BP< 100 mm Hg110 mm Hg or higher ProteinuriaTrace to 1+Persistent 2+ or more Headache(-)(+) Visual disturbances(-)(+) Upper abdominal pain(-)(+) Oliguria(-)(+) Convulsion(-)Present (eclampsia) Serum creatininenormalElevated Thrombocytopenia(-)(+) Liver enzyme elevationMinimalMarked Fetal growth restriction(-)Obvious Pulmonary edema(-)(+)

6 Chronic Hypertension BP > 140/90 mm Hg before pregnancy or before 20 weeks gestation OR Hypertension first diagnosed after 20 weeks AND persistent after 12 weeks postpartum

7 Chronic Hypertension Rule in Elevated BP Rule out Patient still to be monitored if with elevated BP in the 12 weeks postpartum

8 Chronic Hypertension with Superimposed Pre-eclampsia New-onset proteinuria > 300mg/24hrs in hypertensive women but NO proteinuria before 20 weeks AOG Sudden increase in proteinuria or BP or platelet count < 100,000 cells/mm3 in patients WITH hypertension and proteinuria before 20 weeks gestation

9 Chronic Hypertension with Superimposed Pre-eclampsia Rule in Patient fulfilled the minimum criteria of pre-eclampsia Rule out Patient has no known history of elevated BP before pregnancy

10 Eclampsia Seizures that cannot be attributed to other causes in a woman with pre-eclampsia

11 Eclampsia Rule in Patient fulfills the minimum criteria of pre-eclampsia Rule out No seizure episode occurred

12 Algorithm Pregnant with BP > 140/90 < 20 weeks AOG No/stable proteinuria Chronic hypertension New / inc proteinuria/ dev’t of  BP/ HELLP Chronic HPN with superimposed pre-eclampsia > 20 weeks AOG proteinuria positive Pre-eclampsia negative Gestational Hypertension

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