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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION FUND AVAILABLE AND EXPENDITURE crore."— Presentation transcript:


2 NFSM Position up to 31Aug. 2014 Rs. In lakh S.No.Name of Crop/ Scheme Allocation ReleaseUnspent Balance as on 1.04.14 Total Availability (4+5) Expenditure 1234567 1Paddy1926.18963.09263.641226.7368.37 2Wheat6924.453462.13812.174274.30 3Pulses17824.368912.184119.7113031.89228.81 4Coarse Cereals1536.00768.00 81.37 5Cotton70.0341.86 6Sugercane20.8012.43 7 Intreset accured in year 2013-14 310.71 Total28301.8214159.695506.2319355.21378.55 Publicity0.00 5.52 Total28301.8214159.695511.7519360.73378.55

3 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S. N. InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012Achievement 1 Demonstrations of improved Technologies : (a) Cluster DemonstrationsRs 5000/-.Ha. 250001875.001037979.69 Distribution of certified Seeds HYV SeedsRs 2500/-Qtl 500001250.00109215.01 3Integrate Nutrient Management (a) MicronutrientsRs 500/-Ha. 60000300.004550- (b) Gypsum/80% WG SulphurRs 750/-.Ha. 18000135.0012500.80 (c) Bio-fertilizer Rs.100/-Ha. 3900039.0034500.80 4Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Ha. (a) Distribution of P.P. ChemicalsRs 500/-Ha. 20908104.5422822.77 (b) WeedisidesRs 500/-Ha. 1100055.0010351.27

4 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012 Achievement 12345678 5Resource Conservation Technologis/ Tools : (a)Manual SprayerRs. 600/Unit Nos. 7500 45.00 1130 0.96 (b) Power Knap Sack SprayersRs 3000/-Nos. 40012.00360.30 (c) Zero Till Seed DrilsRs 15000/-Nos. 253.75 -- (d)Multi crop PlanterRs 15000/-Nos. 253.75 -- (e) Seed DrillsRs 15000/-Nos. 51076.50704.50 (f) Zero till Multi crop PlanterRs 15000/-Nos. 101.5000 (g) Ridge Furrow PlanterRs 15000/-Nos. 253.75 -- (h) ChisellerRs 8000/-Nos. 100.80 -- (i) RotavatorsRs 35000/-Nos. 700245.00865.75 (j) Laser Land LevelerRs. 150000/-Nos. 1015.00 -- (k) Tracter mounted sprayerRs. 10000/-Nos. 252.50 -- (l) Multi crop PlanterRs. 40000/-Nos. 500200.00431.60

5 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N. InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012Achievement 345678 6 Efficient Water Application Tools : (a) Distribution of Sprinkler sets Rs.10000/-Ha.3000300.003150.10 (b) Incentive for pump setsRs.10000/-Nos.2080208.002335.04 (c) Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Rs.15000/-Nos.4462669.3035412.15 (d) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Rainguns Rs.15000/-Nos.669.90 -- 7 Cropping System based trainingsRs.14000/-Nos.22231.08846.99 8 Micellaneous expenses 50300.002591.09 Total Finacial 5886.37 228.81

6 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-RICE Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012Achievement PhyFinPhyFin 12345678 1Cluster Demonstrations (aHYV Rice/Line Transplanting (Target 1.5% of area of District) Rs 7500/-Ha.4128309.60 375733.13 (b) Cluster Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice (One Cluster or 100 ha) (Target 0.5% of area of District) Rs 7500/-Ha.4000300.00345026.54 2Seed Distribution : -- (a) Hybrid Rice SeedRs 5000/q or 50% cost whichever less Qtl5900295.00 -- (b) HYVs SeedsRs 1000/q or 50% cost whichever less Qtl31000310.00 500 - 3Plant and Soil Protection Management: -- (a) MicronutrientsRs 5000/q or 50% cost whichever less Ha.1500075.00600 - (b) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio- agents Rs 5000/q or 50% cost whichever less Ha.1500075.00500 - (c) WeedicidesRs 5000/q or 50% cost whichever less Ha.1500075.001000 -

7 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-RICE Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2014 Achievement PhyFinPhyFin 4Resource Conservation Techniques/ Tools : (a) ConoweedersRs 600/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.250015.00 -- (b) Manual SprayersRs 600/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.250015.00290 - c) Power SprayersRs 3000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.501.505 - (d) Seed DrillsRs 15000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.25037.5020 - (e) Multi crop PlanterRs 15000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.30.45- - (f) Power WeederRs 15000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.101.50- - (g) Zero Till Multi Crop Planter Rs 15000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.30.30- - (h) Drum SeederRs 1500/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.50.08- - (i) Rotavators/Turbo SeederRs 35000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.20070.0030.90

8 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-RICE Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2014 Achievement PhyFinPhyFin 5Paddy Threshers/Multi crop ThreshersRs 40000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.52.00 -- 6Self Propelled Paddy TransplanterRs 75000/unit or 50% cost whichever less 53.75 -- 7Incentive for Pump SetsRs 10000/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.2500250.00334.26 8Cropping System based trainingsRs.14000/-Nos.7510.50323.54 10 Local Initiatives :- WinnowerRs. 2500/unit or 50% cost whichever less Nos.316079.00-- Total Finacial 1926.18-68.37

9 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-COTTON Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2014 Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1FLD on ICM7000/22916.03 147.20 - 2FLD on Deshi and ELS Cotton8000/1008.00 10.00 - 3FLD on Intercropping7000/40028.00 74.40 - 4Trials on HDPS9000/20018.00 57.20 - Total 70.03 -

10 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-Coarse Cereals Progress up to Aug.. 2014 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2014Achievement PhyFinPhyFin 1 Demonstration of Improved package (a) MaizeRs. 5000/haHa.223201116.001801061.54 (b) Pear MilletRs. 5000/haHa.100050.009641.77 (c) Small Millet (Kodo Kutki)Rs. 5000/haHa.100050.008605.30 2 Distribution of Certified Seed (a) HVY seeds Rs. 1500Qtl 650097.50391.96 (b) Hybrid Seeds Rs. 5000Qtl 4450222.5078510.80 Total 1536.0081.37


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