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A quick guide for entering results in TracDat..   Login = your ECU ID; Password =

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Presentation on theme: "A quick guide for entering results in TracDat..   Login = your ECU ID; Password ="— Presentation transcript:

1 A quick guide for entering results in TracDat.

2   Login = your ECU ID; Password = your ECU password  TracDat is SLOW – have a good dose of patience as you begin to report.  Contact the Assessment Office if you need assistance or Kristen Springer Dreyfus in IPAR.

3  Save often.  Write your Results and Action Steps in a Word document and copy/paste them into TracDat.  Have a list of courses ready to check under Related Courses for Curriculum Mapping ◦ This applies mostly to academic programs.  Be prepared to link your Outcomes to ECU Goals under the Related Goals Tab ◦ This applies to all areas.







10 Keep this simple, but clear… Include data and reference supporting documents…

11  Results should focus on the student learning outcomes, not the process.  Include data, #s, and link to documents like sample products and rubrics used for evaluation.  Course grades can NOT be used as evidence of student learning outcomes. ◦ If course grades are referenced in TracDat we will be found out of compliance with SACS. If they were used in past reports, please go back and fix these reports.

12 Results Type has changed to Reporting Year

13 In 2009-10, Academic Programs, selected a Results Type. It has now been replaced with a Reporting Year which will mark the period of the Outcome rather than evaluate the product for the Outcome.


15 Click here to Add an Action Step.


17 Word the Action Steps in past tense to provide evidence that your program acted upon the Results data.

18 Click here to upload your document(s).

19 Getting in the habit of collecting and referencing these supporting documents is a culture shift, but most of the required documents are already in existence and simply need to be connected to the assessment reports.

20  The COE Assessment Office (COE OA) has added a folder to each program’s Related Documents to house files for the particular academic year.  We suggested that each program create a folder for each academic year in which they load their Related Documents. ◦ Then files from previous years can be referenced within TracDat.

21  For Academic Programs and others, as applicable  Curriculum map the Outcome results to your program using the Related Courses tab.  This will allow you to report on Course Objectives more easily in the future.

22  Click on the blue Plan tab.  Click on the grey Related Courses tab and select the appropriate Outcome.  To curriculum map the Outcome, check each course within the program that has a course- embedded activity or product.  SAVE when finished.


24  Course Lists must be updated each Fall semester. ◦ We commonly call these the course planners or grids.  As Academic Programs report their results in TracDat, please submit an updated Course Listing for TracDat to the COE Assessment Office,

25  For Academic Programs and other areas, as applicable.  Related Goals for the COE include NCATE Unit Standards.  If your Outcome is ALSO related to an NCATE Unit Standard, please link the Outcome and Related Goal.


27 Mapping to Related Goals for NCATE will allow us to report on NCATE Unit Standards across COE programs, facilitating future reporting.

28  Take a few moments to review the content of the report. It will be pulled by IPAR and sent to the appropriate SACS Working Group for review and feedback.  Once complete, please send a confirmation email to Any constructive feedback is also THANK YOU!!

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