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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

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1 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.
北方交大附中 初三英语备课组

2 Period 1 Teaching Objectives: At the end of the class, students will be able to use the structure “used to” to talk about people’s changes in appearances, personalities and hobbies.

3 Lead-in Height Build Other features Appearance tall, short,
List the words to describe people’s appearances and personalities. Appearance Height Build Other features tall, short, be of medium height heavy, slim, thin, be of medium build long straight hair, big eyes short curly hair, a round face wear glasses

4 Lead-in Personality Positive words Negative words outgoing honest
funny hard-working friendly helpful brave humorous active silent shy lazy greedy selfish dishonest

5 Who is he? He is short. He is thin. He has short hair. He wears glasses. He has a round face. He has magic power. His movie is popular.

6 used to have a round face.
In the past Now He is short. He is thin. He has short hair. He wears glasses. He has a round face. He has magic power. His movie is popular. used to be short. used to be thin. used to have short hair. used to wear glasses. used to have a round face. eg: He used to be short, but now he is tall.

7 People Sure Change! I used to be fat, but now I am thin.
I used to have big eyes, but now I have small eyes. I used to be shy, but now I am outgoing. People Sure Change!

8 1b Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like? He used to wear glasses, but now he doesn’t wear glasses.

9 1b What did Mario/Amy/Tina use to look like? Mario used to be .
He used to wear 2. Amy used to be She used to have hair. 3. Tina used to have and hair. short glasses tall short red curly

10 Did his friend use to be/have…? What is his friend like now?
Guessing game Name In the past Now Mario used to be short used to wear glasses tall Amy used to have short hair have long straight hair Tina used to have read and curly hair have long and blonde hair Did his friend use to be/have…? What is his friend like now?

11 √ √ √ √ √ √ 2a Listen and check(√) the words you hear.
friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active brave quiet helpful 操作建议: 听前先朗读词汇并理解词汇意义。 听前预测: What do we know about Paula in the past and Paula now?

12 2b Listen again and complete the chart about how Paula has changed.
In the past Now Paula used to be really She was always silent in class. She wasn’t very She was never brave enough to ask questions. She got good grades in She was also good in She used to play the Now she’s more interested in She plays almost every day. She’s also on a team. 2. She still plays the from time to time. sports quiet soccer outgoing swim piano science music class piano

13 After-listening: Suppose you were Steve and you meet another classmate
After-listening: Suppose you were Steve and you meet another classmate. Make a conversation with your partner to talk about how Paula has changed. A: I met Paula. She has really changed a lot. B: She used to be quiet, didn’t she? A: Yes, she was always silent in class. She wasn’t… B: Is she still quiet? A: No, she is active now. She…

14 2d Listen to the conversation and fill in the chart. In the past Now
Appearance Personality Interest

15 2d Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
选用 Did Billy use to be thin? Did he use to wear glasses? Did he use to be shy and quiet? Did he use to be popular? Did he use to like reading in the library? Did he use to get good scores on his exams?

16 2d Role-play the conversation.
Alfred: This party is such a great idea! Gina: I agree. It’s been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. Alfred: It’s interesting to see how people have changed. Gina: Billy has changed so much! He used to be so shy and quiet. Alfred: Yeah, his face always turned red when he talked to girls! Gina: I used to see him reading in the library every day. Alfred: That’s because he was a really good student. He studied hard and got good scores on his exams. Gina: Did he use to wear glasses? Alfred: Yes, and he used to be thin, too. But look how big and strong he is now! Gina: He’s so popular now. Look at all the girls around him!

17 People Sure Change! What did you use to look like?
Talk about how you have changed by answering The following questions. What did you use to look like? What did you use to be like? What did you use to like doing?

18 Read the conversation on page 26.
Write a short passage to talk about how you and your partner have changed by using “used to” ( self check 2).

19 Period 2 Teaching objectives: At the end of this class, students will be able to use the key structure “used to” to talk about how people have changed in things they like.

20 How has changed! Emily Lead-in
Look at the pictures and make sentences to share how Emily has changed in the things that she likes by using the structure “used to or didn’t use to”.

21 √ In the past Now loves didn’t eat
Emily didn’t use to eat a lot of vegetables, but now she loves carrots and tomatoes.

22 Emily In the past Now listened to enjoys country music
Emily used to listen to pop music, but now she enjoys country music.

23 Emily scary movies In the past: watched Now: hates
Emily used to watch scary movies, but now she hates them.

24 Emily In the past: didn’t read a lot of books Now:
read at least six books a year Emily didn’t use to read a lot of books, but now she reads at least six books a year.

25 1a painting pictures music class ants and other insects P.E. class
Talk about things you used to like and things you didn’t use to like with your partner and take notes . painting pictures music class ants and other insects P.E. class I used to like painting pictures, but I didn’t use to like ants and other insects. …used to like reading, but I didn’t use to like watching TV.

26 Listening 1c&1d Before-listening:
1. Read the sentences in 1c and guess what they are talking about in the conversation. 2. What did you use to like and dislike when you were in the primary school? I used to like…, but I didn’t use to like…

27 √ √ 1c Listen and check(√) the sentences you hear.
I didn’t use to like tests. We used to walk to school. I used to hate P.E class. I used to be on the soccer team.

28 1d Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about
things in the past and now? Fill in the chart. In the past Now Girl I didn’t use to like I don’t worry about We used to wear to school. We can wear to school. Boy We used to every day after school. We all the time. I used to hate I P.E. class. tests tests whatever we like the school uniform play study love P.E. class

29 Survey I used to be afraid of… I am still afraid of… I used to like…
I still like… I used to hate… 记录下自己和搭档的调查结果。

30 Grammar Focus I used to be short.
我过去很矮。我过去在学校不受欢迎。 Paula过去非常安静。她过去不喜欢考试。 你过去很矮,不是吗?是的。/不是。 他过去戴眼镜吗?是的。/不是。 I used to be short. I didn’t use to be popular in school. Paula used to be really quiet. She didn’t use to like tests. You used to be short, didn’t you? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. Did he use to wear glasses? Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t.

31 4a Write sentences about the past using used to.
2. My mom/ have curly hair/ have straight hair 3. Jerry/ read books on European history/ read books on African culture 4. Sandy/ teach British English/ teach American English My mom used to have curly hair. She didn’t use to have straight hair. Jerry used to read books on European history. She didn’t use to read books on African culture. Sandy used to teach British English. She didn’t use to teach American English.

32 Write a passage to introduce how Emily has changed according to the information in 4b.
Write a passage to talk about the results of the survey.

33 Period 3 At the end of this class, students will be able to:
Skim the article to get the main idea of each paragraph by finding the key words. Realize the difficulties to get success.

34 From Shy Girl to Pop Star
1. What will be talked about in the article? 2. Identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears. 2 how Candy’s life has changed Candy’s advice to young people Candy’s background 3 1

35 From Shy Girl to Pop Star
Read paragraph 1 and 2 and fill in the chart to see how Candy’s life has changed. In the past Now She used to be shy. She is not shy She didn’t use to be in school. She gets She didn’t use to how she appears to others She always does and she has to be what she says or does She used to with friends. It is almost impossible.

36 From Shy Girl to Pop Star
Read the article and answer the following questions. How did Candy deal with her shyness? What are the things that you are afraid of ? What are your ways to deal with them? 3. Are all the changes in Candy’s life good? Why? 4. Compare the good changes and the bad ones, What do you think of Candy’s life now? 5. If you were Candy, what would you say to all those young people who want to become famous?

37 From Shy Girl to Pop Star
Retell the article according to the given information. Candy’s background Candy used to be…and took up… A s she got better, she dared to… Now, she is not… How Candy’s life has changed Candy’s life is different. There are many good things, like… She didn’t use to be…, but now she gets… However, there are also some bad things. She has to worry about…/ be careful about…/ doesn’t have… Candy’s advice to young people In order to become famous, Candy thinks young people have to…Besides, people require…to succeed.

38 Suppose you are the interviewer and your partner is Candy
Suppose you are the interviewer and your partner is Candy. Ask and answer question. A: It’s glad to interview you today. We want to know something about your life in the past. Did you use to sing in front of others? B: No, I didn’t. I used to be… However, I took up… A: You are so great! Do you like all the changes in your life? B: Some of them are good while some are bad… A: What would like to say to people who want to become famous? B:…

39 Suppose you are going to give a speech to people who want to become famous and you want to share Candy’s example to them in your speech. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. You have to be prepared to give up your normal life and keep fighting on. Now I’d like to share Candy’s story with all of you. Candy used to be…

40 Useful expressions take up deal with dare to do sth. not…any more
开始做 对付;应付 敢于做某事 不再 总是,一直 获得很多的关注 担心 对…很谨慎 私人时间 准备放弃正常的生活 take up deal with dare to do sth. not…any more all the time get tons of attention worry about be careful about private time prepare to give up normal life

41 由于有太多的警卫在我周围,好朋友出去闲逛是不可能的。
with friends because 2. Candy是如此的受欢迎,以至于她到哪里都受到很多关注。 Candy is she everywhere she goes. 3. 为了取得成功,你不仅需要有才华还要努力工作。 To get success, you It’s impossible to hang out there are many guards around me so popular that gets tons of attention need not only a lot of talent but also hard work.

42 4. Candy 过去十分害羞,所以她害怕在大家面前唱歌。 ,so she sing in front of crowds. 5
4. Candy 过去十分害羞,所以她害怕在大家面前唱歌。 ,so she sing in front of crowds. 5. Candy一直坚持努力,所以她现在不再害羞并且喜欢唱歌。 Candy , so she and . 6. 一直不断旅行并见新鲜的人是非常好的。 travel and meet new people all the time. Candy used to be shy was afraid to keeps fighting on was not shy anymore/was no longer shy loves singing It’s good to

43 Read the article and recite the useful expressions.
Write a passage to introduce how Candy’s life has changed and talk about your opinions on her life.

44 Period 4 At the end of this class, students will be able to:
Skim the article to get the main idea of each paragraph by finding the key words. Use the sentence context to find the missing sentences and guess the meanings of new words. Learn to understand their parents more.

45 Who are they? What are the problems they might have?
Left-behind children seldom, miss, feel lonely, fail, examinations,

46 He Studies Harder Than He used to
2b Look at the title and predict what will be talked about in the article. He Studies Harder Than He used to Why didn’t he use to study hard? What makes him study harder?

47 1 4 3 2 Read the article and get the main idea of each paragraph.
He Studies Harder Than He Used to Read the article and get the main idea of each paragraph. 1 Reasons for Li Wen to cause trouble 4 Li Wen’s life at present 3 How Li Wen’s life has changed 2 Li Wen’s life in the past

48 B. Now Li Wen has really changed
Read again and put these sentences into the correct places in the passage. Missing language A. They had a long talk B. Now Li Wen has really changed C. However, things began to change a few years ago D. His teacher was worried about him Reading strategies: 1. Check the meaning of each paragraph. 2. Check the meaning of the sentence context.

49 Paragraph 1 … When he was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems, and his family spent a lot of time together His parents moved to the city to look for jobs, and his grandparents came to take care of him… c 转折关系 however

50 Paragraph 2 …One day he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school and she called his parents. She advised them to talk with their son in person. So … D

51 Paragraph 3 . “It was exactly what I needed,” he said. “Now I understand that even though they are busy, they are always thinking of me. They take pride in everything good that I do.” A

52 Paragraph 4 After that, Li Wen’s parents had much more communication with their son than they used to He became more outgoing and made some good friends in school. He even joined the school basketball team and became active in many other activities. “ I’m much happier now, and I…” B

53 Paragraph 2 v.影响 Li Wen’s unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. He became less interested in studying. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. Finally, Li Wen’s parents made the decision to send him to a boarding school. adj. 缺席,不在 寄宿学校 亲自 She advised them to talk with their son in person. So his parents took a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride to get to Li Wen’s school. They had a long talk…

54 Read the article and answer the following questions.
Why did Li Wen cause a lot of trouble? Why did Li Wen tell his teacher he wanted to leave the boarding school? Who helped him to make changes? How did them help Li Wen? According to Li Wen, what is the most important thing in children’s lives? Do you agree with him? Why?

55 2e Complete the passage with the proper forms of the
words and phrases in the box. be proud of / take pride in make a decision/ decide miss/ be absent from change/influence look after/take care of Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy. He works hard and does well in school. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When his parents moved to the city to work, they could not be at home to him. So he became less interested in studying and classes. Then his parents to send him to a boarding school. He found life there difficult. One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person. This conversation his life. He realized that his parents would always love him, and they would everything good that he did. Now he is much happier and more outgoing than he used to be. take care of/ look after made a decision /decided missed/ was absent from changed/ influenced be proud of/ take pride in

56 Life for left-behind children is difficult
Life for left-behind children is difficult. They are lack of love from their parents, which may lead to the bad performance in school and in society. However, they can have a bright future as other children if they can understand their parents. Please give a speech to the left-behind children and their parents to help them have a better understanding.

57 Useful expressions For left-behind children: feel lonely and unhappy
love/ miss/care for/think of you It’s important to understand… They take pride in / be proud of everything good that you do. We should /are supposed to/ had better work hard… We’d better not/shouldn’t be absent from/ influence…

58 Useful expressions For parents: miss your children
spend more time with sb. /to… look after/ take care of show love/ care for have a talk with… in person It’s important for parents to be there for their children.

59 I LOVE YOU Parents and children are best gifts given to each other and mutual understanding can make the love more vitality.

60 一个普通的15岁男孩 为…感到自豪 惹麻烦 对…感兴趣 考试不及格 做决定 送某人去某处 a normal 15-year-old boy
take pride in cause problems be interested in fail the examinations make a decision to send sb. to

61 take care of/ look after
建议某人做某事 亲自 尽管 照顾 感到孤单 缺勤,不在 坐了24小时火车和5小时公共汽车 advise sb. to do sth. in person even though take care of/ look after feel lonely be absent from take a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride

62 used to were proud of He made a decision to/decided to send
他过去常常取得好成绩,所以他的父母以他为傲。 2. 他决定送给妈妈一块手表。 3. 他的老师告诉他不要浪费时间。 used to He get good grades, so his parents him. were proud of He made a decision to/decided to send his mother a watch/send a watch to his mom. His teacher told him not to waste time.

63 I won’t go to bed until my mom comes back,
4. 我每天直到妈妈回家才睡觉,因为我害怕孤独。 5. 我现在更快乐,我也比过去学习更努力。 6. 在孩子有需要的时候,爸爸妈妈能够随时给予帮助是十分重要的。 I won’t go to bed until my mom comes back, because I am afraid of loneliness. I am happier now and I work harder than I used to. It’s important for parents to be there for their children.

64 be there (for someone) 是英语口语的一种表达方式, 属于习语。 表示“随时有空或准备好听取他人倾诉或 助他人。
是英语口语的一种表达方式, 属于习语。 表示“随时有空或准备好听取他人倾诉或 助他人。 eg: 1. You know I’ll always be there for you. 2. Best friends are always there for each other in times of trouble.

65 Read the article and recite the useful expressions.
Finish the exercise in self check (1). Finish the additional reading materials to practice the reading strategies.

66 Period 5 At the end of this class, students will be able to
use the simple past tense, simple present tense and the key structure “used to” to write about how they have changed.

67 Writing Task Write about how you have changed. What did you use to be like? Which change is the most important one, and why? Try to write two paragraphs. Paragraph 1: General introduction about the changes in your life Paragraph 2: The most important change and how it happened

68 Paragraph 1: Changes in appearance, personality and hobbies
In the past Now used to & simple past tense simple present tense

69 Paragraph 2: The most important change and how it happened
simple present tense simple past tense

70 How I’ve Changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be short, but now I am tall. I didn’t use to wear glasses, but now I have to wear glasses. What’s more, I used to be quiet and I was not brave enough to ask any questions in class. However, I am outgoing and popular now. Because of the changes in my personality, I like helping others and playing with my friends. On the contrary, I used to like staying alone.

71 As you can see, the change in my personality is the most important for me. Once my teacher asked me to come to her office and had an honest talk with me. because of her trust and encouragement, I became confident and I realized the more active I was, the better grades I got. As time goes by, I am outgoing and confident now. I am glad to see all the changes happened, I believe I will be better and better.

72 How I’ve Changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I
used to , but now I Besides, I used to , but now I The most important change is Once… 写作提示: 注意时态及used to结构的正确使用。 恰当使用连接词。 注意信息点之间的结合。(段落之间的过渡)

73 Homework Write about how you have changed.

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