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Developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY

2 Feb 2, 2015, Nisga’a Mallory Burton Overview of UDL

3 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY The BC UDL Project

4 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY What is UDL and what are its origins? What are the 3 main components in the UDL formula? How can UDL benefit our students? Essential Questions

5 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY UDL …a way of thinking

6 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY BC teacher explains UDL

7 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY David Rose and Anne Meyer Harvard Center for Applied Technologies (CAST) Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age (2002) Universal Design for Learning

8 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY UD Origins in Social Justice

9 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Universal Design in Education curriculum The design of products and environments to be students usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation of specialized design.

10 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Students Goals Guidelines The UDL Formula

11 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Tools for getting to know your students Tools for your students to get to know and advocate for themselves as learners Tools for exchanging information between educators and home/school Students

12 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Writing UDL Goals

13 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Big Ideas – an Opportunity for Redesign

14 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Backwards Design (UdB)Wiggins and McTighe How do you see a rainbow?

15 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Expression Multiple Means of Engagement The UDL Guidelines

16 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY UDL 2.0

17 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY SET-BC’s UDL Resource

18 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Shelley Moore’s Curriculum for All

19 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY

20 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY What is UDL and what are its origins? What are the 3 main components in the UDL formula? How can UDL benefit our students? Essential Questions

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