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HMA meetings 2012 Danish EU presidency, January – June 2012.

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1 HMA meetings 2012 Danish EU presidency, January – June 2012

2 HMA meetings in Denmark 2 Date: 23-24 February 2012 –Welcome reception: 22 February 2012 Date: 19-20 June 2012 –Welcome reception: 18 June 2012 Venue: Copenhagen – Hotel Scandic Copenhagen

3 The Danish EU presidency 3 The Danish Medicines Agency will host 17 meetings from February to June 2012 The Danish Medicines Agency also hosts the annual Pharmacovigilance officers training course and Official Medicines Control Laboratories (OMCL) conference

4 Other Presidency meetings CAMD: 14-16 March EMACOLEX: 22-23 March CHMP/PhVWP-h: 26- 27 April CMD(h): 10-11 May WGEO: 14-16 May COMP: 23-24 May CAT/PDCO: 24-25 May CVMP/CMD(v): 31 May-1 June HMPC: 4-5 June HMPWG: 5-6 June WGQM: 14-15 June WGCP: 22 June 4

5 Facts about Denmark Population in Denmark: 5.5 million Population in Copenhagen: 1.2 million Denmark is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world Denmark has been a member of EU since 1973 This is the 5th time Denmark holds the EU presidency 36% of all citizens commute to work by bicycle Danish women have the highest employment rate among EU countries 5

6 Facts about The Danish Medicines Agency 540 employees / 450 FTE Responsibilities: –Authorisation of human and veterinary medicinal products –Inspection, laboratory and enforcement –Pharmacoeconomics –Reimbursement –Consumer safety – Pharmacovigilance, Clinical trials and advertisememt, Medical Devices –Institute for Rational Pharmacotherapy – rational use of medicinal products 6

7 Venue: Scandic Copenhagen 7 Located in the heart of Copenhagen 15 minutes from Copenhagen Airport by train Hotel and conference facilites refurbished in 2011

8 Contact information 8 HMA in Denmark: Tina Engraff Email: Phone no: +45 4488 9727 Presidency website of The Danish Medicines Agency: (launch: November 2011) Official Danish presidency website: (launch: December 2011)

9 Welcome to Copenhagen in 2012! 9

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