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Trend analysis of indicators on Food security for Pakistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Trend analysis of indicators on Food security for Pakistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trend analysis of indicators on Food security for Pakistan

2 Availability

3 Access DETERMINANT  Analysis of physical access

4 Access DETERMINANT  Analysis of economic access

5 Access OUTPUT  Prevalence of undernourishment

6 Access OUTPUT  Depth of food deficit

7 Utilization DETERMINANT

8 Vulnerability EXPOSURE

9 Vulnerability SHOCK

10 Analysis of micro indicators on food security (Using Household Income Expenditure Survey 2010-11)

11 Analysis of parameters to determine PoU PoU (survey) (in %) PoU (SOFI) (in %) DEC (survey) (kcal/person /day) DES (SOFI) (kcal/person /day) MDER (kcal/person /day) National30.8%21.3%2046.523211743 Urban44.4%27.2%1945.32206.21779.1 Rural28.0%13.0%2097.02378.21725.0 Prevalance of Undernourishment (PoU) Dietary Energy Consumption(DEC) Dietary Energy Supply (DES) Minimum Dietary Energy Requirement(MDER)

12 Analysis of Depth of food deficit Depth of Food Deficit* National209.4 Urban344.8 rural185.9 Punjab190.2 Sindh344.2 KPK146.3 Balochistan170.5 *calories required to uplift the undernourised

13 Analysis of main source of acquisition Share of purchased food in total food consumption (%) Share of Own produced food in total food consumption (%) Share of food from other sources (%) Share of food consumed away from home (%) National75.418.813.592.18 Urban92.183.241.612.79 rural67.6626.014.501.87 Male74.6919.663.492.17 Female84.368.444.782.42

14 Analysis of macro nutrient Share of DEC from protein (%) Share of DEC from fat (%) Share of DEC from carbohydrates (%) National10.5827.2462.17 Urban10.7128.9560.32 rural10.5226.4563.02

15 Analysis of main consumed food group cerealsmeatdairyFruitsVegetables National1020262713429 Urban916342584230 rural1071232773028

16 Household Income Expenditure Survey (2010-11) Pakistan

17 HIES (2010-11)  Total Sample Size 16341 HH  Survey period 2010-11 (July 2010 to June 2011)  Reference period of food data - Last 14 days for Essential daily use items (like potatoes, apple, perishable items) - Last one month for other food items

18 HIES (2010-11)  Number of Food items 68  Quantities (Grams, Kg, Litre, Number) (but converted in gm/ml for food security indicators using Standard density conversion factors)  Values in Pakistani Rupee

19 Limitations & Recommendations based on the Food Security Data

20 Limitations  Quantities are in local units,  In Survey food items list is not specific, but in the forms of group like “Wheat & Wheat Flour”  Scope of the survey does not include the Tribal areas, Azad Jammu Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan

21 Recommendations  In Survey, Food items list should be revised and items must be specific  Scope of the survey should cover entire country  Workshop has made us realize at policy making, that broad brushed policies should be replaced with policies based on real time Food security indicators.P  PoU in urban area is higher than rural, so attention may be given to Urban areas.  Special incentives to agriculture development in Sindh (Watan Card Scheme)  Awareness campaign for healthy and protein rich diet



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