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Promoting Children’s Safety

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1 Promoting Children’s Safety
You are the only thing protecting the child from danger!

2 Safety Objectives Supervise the children at all times.
Maintain at least the minimum adult-child ratio as required in your state. Develop safety limits. Provide a safe environment Practice fire safety. Develop plans for weather emergencies. Know emergency procedures for accidental poisoning. Recognize signs of child abuse and report any known or suspected cases. Teach children how to protect themselves from sexual assault.

3 Supervise the Children at All Times
Must protect the children until they can protect themselves Children are unpredictable, quick, and fearless without judgment Keep your back to the wall Move closer if you see something happening Keep rooms clean

4 Maintain Minimum Adult-Child Ratios
Ratio relates directly to safety Always follow state law Legal actions can be taken by the state

5 Develop Safety Limits Limits – guides to actions and behaviors that reflect the goals of a program Make them simple and easy to understand Walk indoors Use blocks for building Wipe up spills right away Tell the teacher when something breaks Go up the ladder and down the slide Wear a helmet Remind children about the limits

6 Provide a Safe Environment
Pick safe toys and materials greatly reduces the risk of serious injury Choose appropriate toys for their age Check toys frequently for damage Playground Plan it with safety in mind Evaluate equipment for safety

7 Practice Fire Safety Learn how to use a fire extinguisher
Practice Fire Drills You may only care two children at a time Some centers use cribs with wheels to take large groups of immobile children out at once. Bring your attendance list with you to check for all of the children Stay calm, so your children wont panic

8 Sun Safety Protect children's skin by going out before 10 am or after 4 pm. Put sun screen on 30 minutes prior to going outside Reapply if out longer than 2 hours

9 Poisonings Have the local poison control number posted by every phone
Call the poison control for any suspicions of poison. Do not follow the directions on the bottle, call poison control

10 Neglect and Abuse Abuse or neglect reports have tripled over the last 25 years Three leading factors Financial problems Substance abuse Stress of handling parental responsibilities

11 Nonaccidental Physical Injury
Nonaccidental Physical Injury – physical abuse inflicted on purpose. Frequent complaints of pain May have fear of adults Page 85 Bottom Paragraph

12 Neglect Neglect – when children are not given the basic needs of life
Proper food Medical and dental care Shelter Clothing Neglect may or may not be intentional on the part of the abuser Possible signs Arrives early is or is picked up late Wears inappropriate or unclean clothing Child seems hungry always Medical needs are unmet Poor hygiene often results in odor Child appears fatigued or falls asleep

13 Emotional Abuse Emotional Abuse – abuse of a child’s self-concept through words or actions Signs Refusal to talk Unusual or unpredictable behavior Rare smiling or laughter Excessive clinging or crying Withdrawn behavior Destructive behavior Poor motor coordination for age Fear of adults

14 Sexual Abuse Sexual Abuse – forcing a child to observe or engage in sexual activities with an adult. Teach the difference between good touch, bad touch Follow centers guidelines for teaching about sexual abuse 85-90% of sexual abusers know their victim Signs Walking or sitting problems Bruises under clothing Extremely disruptive or aggressive behaviors Regress to infantile behaviors

15 Reporting Child Abuse Teachers are Mandated Reporters of child abuse
As along as you make the report in good faith, you will not be subject to legal action if your suspicions are found not to be found as abuse Follow your centers guidelines Call Penalties for failing to make a report $1,000 fine 6 Months in Jail Page – nd paragraph

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