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School in Italy is a fundamental right.

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1 School in Italy is a fundamental right.
ITALIAN PUBLIC SCHOOL School in Italy is a fundamental right.

2 All children have the right to education regardless of gender, social class or religion, and physical condition. The school must ensure the upbringing and education of children, socializing and learning.

3 It promotes the integral development of the person, articulating the educational objectives in relation to its growth in our appreciation of individual differences, with the active involvement of students and families.

4 It ensures that all citizens compulsory education for at least eight years, lately raised to ten years. kindergarten, primary school and secondary school of first grade are the first path segment of the italian school.

5 The educational system protects the freedom of teaching and is centered on schools’ functional autonomy. Therefore, the State lays down general rules to be followed by all schools both state and private.

6 These rules include: the general objectives of the educational process and the specific learning objectives; the subjects taught and times required; standards relating to service quality; systems for assessing and monitoring service.

7 Schools have to develop their own formative plan by exercising a part of the autonomy that the state gives them. The State also sets indications as to the skills that each student must achieve at the end of each cycle to school.

8 The indications are based on the eight key competences recommended by the European Parliament.
1. Communication in the mother tongue 2. Communication in foreign languages 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 4. Competence digital 5. Learning to learn 6. Social and civic competences 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship 8. Cultural awareness and expression.

9 The Italian school develops its own educational action in accordance with the principles of inclusion and integration of people and of cultures, considering the acceptance of diversity an essential value. In the classes are placed pupils with disabilities, supported by support teachers, pupils with DSA (SLD: specific learning disabilities), with BES (SEN: special educational needs) and students non-native speakers, who find in school the place to grow, acquiring knowledge, skills and autonomy.

10 It is up to the teacher the students evaluation
It is up to the teacher the students evaluation. The periodic and final evaluations should be consistent with the objectives and goals set by the Indications and specified in the curriculum. It is up to individual schools also self-assessment, which has the function of introducing reflection mode on the organization of their educational offerings.

11 Private or municipal nursery
SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AGE TYPE OF SCHOOL EXPERIENCE AREAS SUBJECTS 0 – 3 years Private or municipal nursery 3 – 5 years Kindergarten Body and movement; Images, sounds, colors; Speeches and words; Knowing the world. 5/6 –10/11 years (compulsory) Primary School Italian; English; mathematics; history; geography; sciences; music; art and drawing; PE; technology; Catholic religion (optional).

AGE TYPE OF SCHOOL EXPERIENCE AREAS SUBJECTS 10/11 –13/14 years (compulsory) SECONDARY SCHOOL OF 1° GRADE Italian; English; mathematics; history; geography; sciences; music; art and drawing; PE; technology; Catholic religion (optional). 14/16 years (compulsory) SECONDARY SCHOOL OF 2° GRADE High Schools Technical institutes Vocational schools Basic subjects common to all addresses: Italian; English; mathematics; history; geography; sciences. The other subjects are specific and differ depending on the course of study.

AGE TYPE OF SCHOOL EXPERIENCE AREAS SUBJECTS 16/19 years (optional) SECONDARY SCHOOL OF 2° GRADE High Schools Technical institutes Vocational schools Basic subjects common to all addresses: Italian; English; mathematics; history; geography; sciences. The other subjects are specific and differ depending on the course of study.

14 Piano Dell’Offerta Formativa (PLAN FOR EDUCATION)
  ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE “VINCENZO TIERI” Corigliano Calabro Cod. fiscale: Cod. mecc. CSIC Tel-fax : Sito web : Piano Dell’Offerta Formativa (PLAN FOR EDUCATION)

15 • to the territory needs; • to the expectations of families
The Plan for Education is the fundamental document OF the school’s cultural and planning identity IT ANSWERS: • to the territory needs; • to the expectations of families as it explores themes of cultural, environmental, social and language by an appropriate language to the students’needs. It CLARIFIES: the foundations and addresses programmers and organizational areas of focus of the educational activity. It PROMOTES: the integral development of the person, articulating the educational objectives related to the integral development of the person, in relation to physical, mental, linguistic, logical, critical, operational and social growth. It VALORIZES: the teaching profession who formulate specific training by adapting its guidelines to the different pupils’ needs.

16 Development of personal identity:
KNOWING Mastery of skills and basic knowledge of the language and communication of the individual disciplines KNOW-HOW Internalization of the survey procedures is essential to the understanding of the world and the environment KNOW HOW TO BE Maturation  capacity of action, exploration, planning, to understand and to operate responsibly in the context of school, family and society Development Of Skills Cognitive Communicative and expressives psychomotor Affective-Relational Development of personal identity: Self-Knowledge Integration in their living environment Self-Esteem Safety and autonomy Development of positive social interactions with each other and the environment: surmounting of self-love Conflict Management Peace Education Sense of legality

17 Our schools and their organization
kindergarten 178 pupils 20 teachers Kindergarten "Carmine De Luca“ Kindergarten "Parini" Kindergarten “Cardame Street“ Primary School 17 classes 343 pupils 32 teachers Primary School “G. Rodari” Secondary School of 1° grade 382 pupils 18 classes 45 teachers Secondary School of 1° grade “V. Tieri”

18 timetable Kindergarten: from 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m.
from Monday to Friday. Primary School: from 8:15 a.m. to 13:15 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. Secondary School of 1° grade: from 8:15 a.m. to 13:15 p.m.

19 Kindergarten Objectives
Themselves and others Develop personal identity sense. Knowing how to have a personal and family history. Reflecting, discuss it with others. Play and work constructively and creatively with peers.

20 Body and Movement Know their body. Achieving good practice self-care, hygiene and healthy eating. Perform different types of activities such as: stay in balance, running, jumping. Participate in individual and group play by the rules. Knowing the different parts of the body and draw them.

21 Images Sounds Colors Develop interest in listening to the music. Communicate, express emotions, tell using body language. Express themselves through drawing, painting and other manipulative activities. Explore the materials available and use them creatively.

22 Develop and enrich their vocabulary.
Speeches and Words Develop and enrich their vocabulary. Telling, invent and listen to the stories. Develop a range of language appropriate to the experience and the learning. Reflect on the language and compare different languages.

23 Follow correctly a given path.
Knowing the World Ordering objects according to different criteria, compare and assess quantity. Follow correctly a given path. Placing correctly in the space itself, objects and people. Orienting themselves in time of daily life. Seizing the natural transformations.

24 The objectives of primary and secondary school 1st grade
Linguistic and expressive area Italian Understanding spoken and written Italian language. Producing oral and written texts. Developing sense of aesthetics and literary taste. English Understanding the key elements of a spoken and written test in English. Producing short oral and written texts in English. Interacting in English conversations.

25 Linguistic and expressive area
Music Listen to music and sound phenomena. Express themselves with singing and musical instruments. Art and image Use knowledge about visual language in order to produce creative images through a variety of techniques, materials and diversified instruments. Read and describe works of art and visual messages. Phisical education Promoting the ability to live and act in a changing world. Promoting the ability to live one's own body in terms of dignity and respect.

26 Historical – Geographical Area
History Use the documents and observation to understand historical realities. Understand the data and reflect. Place the events according to the space-time coordinates.. Geography Identify and describe the physical characteristics of the territory and man-made. Use the documentation and observation to learn about and compare different geographic reality. Recognizing the important elements in the landscape to protect and enhance.

TECHNOLOGICAL AREA Mathematics Use numbers and operations to solve problems. Representing facts and phenomena, to make assumptions, to produce solutions and conclusions. Representing, and evaluating data, forms, reports with graphics and symbolic language. Science Identify hypotheses and producing guesswork and draw conclusions. Representing facts and phenomena.

TECHNOLOGICAL AREA Technology Detecting the fundamental properties of the main materials and their production cycle. Using tools and communications, to process data, text, images and produce documents in different situations.

29 METHODOLOGIES Teachers organize educational activities during the weekly planning. The kinds of learning are tailored to the abilities and potential of the student; in the specific cases of students with disabilities, the support teacher is responsible for preparing and updating, together with the class teachers, the DPF (Dynamic Profile Functional), and the IEP (Individualized Education Plan). The strategies adopted by the teachers provide work for the projects, and often the involvement of agencies or external experts. It takes place the Cooperative learning. Our Institute has established the Sports Center School (SCS), an organized structure within the one. Its task is to plan and organize events and activities to create a sporting habit in their lifestyle and promote the integration with territory subjects that deal with sports (Rugby Association).

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