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Int 2 / Higher Grade Physical Education Preparation of the Body Lesson 4.

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1 Int 2 / Higher Grade Physical Education Preparation of the Body Lesson 4

2 Lesson Content Homework Feedback Homework Feedback Specific fitness demands of different roles Specific fitness demands of different roles Gathering data on performance Gathering data on performance Monitoring your programme of work Monitoring your programme of work Phases of Training Phases of Training Describing your programme of work Describing your programme of work

3 Q.Choose an activity. Describe in detail the specific fitness requirements to successfully play your role within the chosen activity. Structure of Answer Structure of Answer Name activity, choose position, explain your role and responsibilities. Name activity, choose position, explain your role and responsibilities. Explain that football is a fast fluctuating game involving bouts of intense energy sprints interspersed with mid pace runs, jogs and periods of low intense walks but that you have to continually move for 90 minutes. Explain that football is a fast fluctuating game involving bouts of intense energy sprints interspersed with mid pace runs, jogs and periods of low intense walks but that you have to continually move for 90 minutes. Explain that to perform effectively you require three types of fitness, these are……………. Explain that to perform effectively you require three types of fitness, these are……………. Name the main aspects of physical fitness required. Give a definition for each aspect of fitness e.g. Speed Endurance is the ability to... Name the main aspects of physical fitness required. Give a definition for each aspect of fitness e.g. Speed Endurance is the ability to... For each aspect of fitness give practical examples of when you have required them to perform your role successfully – consider the responsibilities of your role. For each aspect of fitness give practical examples of when you have required them to perform your role successfully – consider the responsibilities of your role. Name the main aspect of skill related fitness required. Give a definition of this aspect of fitness e.g. Agility is the ability to... Name the main aspect of skill related fitness required. Give a definition of this aspect of fitness e.g. Agility is the ability to... Give practical examples of how agility helped you perform your role successfully. Give practical examples of how agility helped you perform your role successfully. Name the main aspects of mental fitness required. Give a definition of each aspect of fitness. Name the main aspects of mental fitness required. Give a definition of each aspect of fitness. Give practical examples of how aspects were required to perform your role successfully. Give practical examples of how aspects were required to perform your role successfully.

4 Q.Select an aspect of physical fitness. Describe the methods you used to gather information on this aspect. Explain why the methods were appropriate. Structure of Answer Structure of Answer Describe how you gathered general data within the activity. Describe how you gathered general data within the activity. Explain why time related observation schedule was an appropriate method of data collection. Explain why time related observation schedule was an appropriate method of data collection. Explain what conclusion you could draw from your general data gathering. Explain what conclusion you could draw from your general data gathering. Explain that you used standardised tests to gather specific data outwith the activity. Name the two tests Explain that you used standardised tests to gather specific data outwith the activity. Name the two tests Describe both standardised tests fully Describe both standardised tests fully Explain why the standardised tests were appropriate Explain why the standardised tests were appropriate

5 Benefits of standardised testing Knowledge of activity doesn’t influence performance in test. Knowledge of activity doesn’t influence performance in test. Unlike actual game no variables that you can’t control. Unlike actual game no variables that you can’t control. Specific to aspect of fitness. Specific to aspect of fitness. Are standardised results, compare with national averages. Are standardised results, compare with national averages. Reliable assessments provide raw scores which allow you to accurately set programme of work at a realistic and achievable level in week 1+2 of training programme. Reliable assessments provide raw scores which allow you to accurately set programme of work at a realistic and achievable level in week 1+2 of training programme. Raw quantitative data. Measure and compare scores with retest data. Raw quantitative data. Measure and compare scores with retest data. Allows for accurate target setting of progress and outcomes Allows for accurate target setting of progress and outcomes

6 Monitoring our programme of work Progressive Overload/Create weeks 3+4

7 Quick Fire Questions Q. How did we make sure our training was specific to activity, position and level of fitness. A. Used an appropriate method of training. Tailored training to suit position. Used initial test scores to set Weeks 1+2 of training programme Q.As level of fitness improves, how do we ensure it continues to improve and doesn’t plateau? A. Progressively Overload programme of work Q. How will we know it’s the correct time to overload our programme, and how will we know how much to overload it by? A. By monitoring our progress

8 How will we monitor your progress? Interim testing Interim testing Training Diary Training Diary Benefits of these... Benefits of these...

9 Benefits of Monitoring your training It let me check to see if my training method was appropriate and set at the correct level It let me check to see if my training method was appropriate and set at the correct level I was able to check my current level against my last set of results to track my progression I was able to check my current level against my last set of results to track my progression This would tell me if my intensity levels were set correctly This would tell me if my intensity levels were set correctly I compared my first set of test results… I compared my first set of test results… With my second set of test results… this shows that the overload I have undertaken in my training programme has worked and as the weeks progress we are improving my CRE / SE With my second set of test results… this shows that the overload I have undertaken in my training programme has worked and as the weeks progress we are improving my CRE / SE I was able to get internal feedback by how I felt during my pre season training programme and pre season games. I was able to get internal feedback by how I felt during my pre season training programme and pre season games. I felt progressively overloading my programme allowed me to monitor the small developments in my fitness as I worked towards my overall goal – motivating I felt progressively overloading my programme allowed me to monitor the small developments in my fitness as I worked towards my overall goal – motivating

10 Benefits of Monitoring your training (contd) To keep track of both the work I completed and how I intrinsically felt I keep a training diary To keep track of both the work I completed and how I intrinsically felt I keep a training diary This at times allowed me to see over the micro cycle of a week how I felt and tracked my progression towards the next part of the training year- the start of the session This at times allowed me to see over the micro cycle of a week how I felt and tracked my progression towards the next part of the training year- the start of the session To ensure my overload was progressive and set on my current level, I used the data from my interim testing to guide the levels/degree of overload in my programme in the coming weeks To ensure my overload was progressive and set on my current level, I used the data from my interim testing to guide the levels/degree of overload in my programme in the coming weeks This ensured I was progressing smoothly as training was based on my current level of ability and attainment. Ensuring the principal of specificity was maintained This ensured I was progressing smoothly as training was based on my current level of ability and attainment. Ensuring the principal of specificity was maintained

11 Homework Read the answers you have been given from the 2006 paper for question 4. Read the answers you have been given from the 2006 paper for question 4. Award these the mark you feel they are worth Award these the mark you feel they are worth Detail the strengths of the answer Detail the strengths of the answer Bullet point the missing content for each answer Bullet point the missing content for each answer

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