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The Energy Future We Could Create The Sun is Amazing Workshop June, 2012.

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3 The Energy Future We Could Create The Sun is Amazing Workshop June, 2012

4 What is the goal? Environmental stability? Enough to meet needs? Fairness in life chances? Less about stuff, more about community, family?

5 Five Elements: 1. Efficiency: low power, high performance appliances 2. Low Power high efficiency buildings 3. Green Energy 4. Smart Use: Matching consumption with power production (e.g. electric cars with night wind) 5. Sparing use of fossil fuels at transitional fuel and…

6 Innovation

7 Let’s consider examples of what we know works Starting point: The Art of the Possible

8 Example: Arthur Rosenfeld The Principle: Conserving Energy is simpler and cheaper than building more power plants. Efficiency measures save Californians $30B/ year. Air pollution Avoided: 100 million cars equivalent

9 “Rosenfeld Effect” 20 power plants not built

10 Alliance to Save Energy Energy Efficiency Movement saves Americans $700 Billion per year in energy bills [ck]

11 Low hanging Fruit: Cool Roofs: reflective colors Chicago to Sydney latitudes equivalent to taking ½ the worlds cars off the road; a 20 year reprieve on global warming – Art Rosenfeld.

12 Conservation and Efficiency: McKinsey Report (2009) $520 B investment-  1.2 Trillion saving (100% ROI) 23% reduction in U.S. Energy Consumption

13 McKinsey analysis

14 Political Will When government sets standards and means it, engineers figure out how to do it

15 2008: Governor Schwarzenegger issues Executive Order S-14-08 requiring 33% renewables by 2020. 2011: Senate Bill X1-2, signed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr., codifies 33% by 2020 RPS. California Leads Renewable Portfolio Standard: 33% by 2020 ISO and Utilities have to figure it out

16 ISO demonstrates effect of political mandates: Mandate  challenges  solutions.

17 Not bad: 1% or less margin

18 When California leads….

19 When California forces manufacturers to build more efficient appliance…. e.g. refrigerator, it changes nation because manufacturers don’t want to build two different products

20 And US Solar market grew 109% last year (2011)

21 And industry incentivized to improve Technology E.G. market for battery technology Prototypes with 10x greater energy density

22 Global element of improving energy future: Help Developing World Leap Frog Fossil Fuel Step E.g. wireless communications and electricity

23 Renewable Resource is Huge

24 Solar Resource 10,000 x more energy then humans use (Art Sussman)

25 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. (2009) Wind Power Resource: 16 X Current Consumption

26 Wind Resource in the United States ( as percentage of in-state generation ) Dakotas and Nebraska are the “Saudi Arabia” of Wind Power

27 People need jobs: let’s get it done

28 Depression Era Project

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