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IL Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) Tour (20 points)

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1 IL Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) Tour (20 points)

2 Project Directions: Write a report on this laboratory tour in the following way: Start with an introduction/overview of the purpose of the facility. Then, give a brief explanation of each of the three stations. Be concise, accurate and complete. Provide details using appropriate terminology (see next pages). STATIONS: –INORGANIC PREPARATION –ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY –MASS SPECTROMETRY (ICP-MS) E-mail this assignment to your instructor. It must be a minimum of 400 words. This report will be due by the beginning of lab one (1) week after the trip.

3 List of appropriate terminology. Analyte - That component of sample you seek to isolate and measure the [M] of. Analytical spike - A quality assurance tool. Linear Range - The concentration range in which there is a linear relationship between analyte concentration and analytical(instrument) response. Beer's Law - A representation of linear performance in spectroscopy, stating that light absorbance equals molar absorptivity xs path length times concentration. Nebulizer - Device on the atomic absorption spectrometer that delivers a fine mist of sample to the flame. Venturi Effect - The suction process that occurs when a gas flows across a small orifice. Digestion - Sample preparation with acid and heat that liberates metals and other inorganic analytes from the sample matrix and puts them into the liquid phase. Extraction - Sample preparation procedure in which an appropriate solvent is used to move organic analytes from the sample matrix into the solvent phase.

4 List of terminology, cont. Separatory Funnel- Tapered "flask" used to effectively isolate aqueous and organic phases. Soxhlet Extractor - Extraction device that is used to repeatedly reflux an organic solvent through a solid sample. Chromatography - The science of using separation techniques to pull apart components of a complex mixture. Injector - The "port" on a chromatograph that facilitates introduction of the sample onto the column. Supercritical fluid - A gas under some critical temperature and pressure that may be used as an extraction solvent. Detector - The device at the exit end of the chromatography column that responds to at least some of the analytes being separated. Retention Time - The characteristic time at which an analyte appears in the chromatography process. Peak - The detector response to an analyte coming off a column. Eluent - The liquid or liquid mixture that moves the analytes through the column to the detector during a chromatographic run. Isocratic - A liquid chromatographic condition in which the same solvent composition is used throughout the analytical run.

5 Driving Directions: Head south on Mattis to University. Turn left on University and proceed east to First Street. Turn right on First Street and proceed south on First Street past Florida Avenue until you get to Hazelwood Drive. Turn right on Hazelwood Drive for a short distance until you see a circle drive on your left with a flag in the middle. You are allowed to park in the circle drive, but be sure to not block the drive for any delivery trucks. You will have 30 minutes to get to ISTC. If you are late, the tour will begin without you and you will be unable to write your report.

6 More Directions sitor_information.cfm

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