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Mass per Unit Volume Equation: Density =Mass X Volume.

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2 Mass per Unit Volume Equation: Density =Mass X Volume

3 Why was the ship floating at first? What caused the ship to sink? Why did it sink? Are there any famous ship wrecks you can think of? What caused them to sink?

4 Buoyancy is the upward force of an object produced by the surrounding fluid in which it is fully immersed. If an object floats it is buoyant Formula: Buoyancy = (Volume object )( Density fluid )

5 Step one: Find the volume of an object, in this case a piece of metal. We are using the water displacement method to find the volume. The volume of the metal is 15mL 3

6 Step 2: Find the density of the liquid. According to our reference tables water has a density of 1 kg/m 3 Step 3: Plug the numbers into the formula and solve B = (15mL 3 )(1kg/m 3 ) B = 15 mL 3 ٠ kg/m 3

7 All boats have something which is called an air chamber. This is just air which is stored on the bottom of a boat. Because air is less dense then water this causes the boat to rise


9 The Red Cross needs to increase the amount of medical supplies being delivered into Africa. In order to do this they need there ships to carry more supplies, but they are unable to hold any more weight. The Red Cross just bought 100,000 bottles of the malaria vaccine and unable to buy more boats or steel to make their boats more buoyant. They want you to redesign their previous fleet of boats. Put the knowledge you learned into practice

10 Due to the urgent need of the Red Cross you will only have 15 minutes to complete your task. Each group will be given a 6 inch X6 inch piece of aluminum foil, to build a boat. The team who builds the most buoyant boat will win a free no homework pass from the Red Cross. The strongest boat will be determined by the boat which could hold the most pennies.

11 Write 150 word conclusion on why you decided to construct the boat the way you did. You MUST include 5 of the 8 following terms Buoyancy Air Force Mass Volume Density Surface Area Displacement EvaluationPoints Included 5 terms1/2 of a point for each term Used the terms in the correct context 1 point each term You gave 3 supporting ideas on why you designed the boat the way you did 2 points each supporting idea ABCDF 12 +10-128-106-8>6

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