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MUSCLE PERFORMANCE TESTING irfan. Assessment  I will assess the students by having them perform these fitness tests. They will also need to calculate.

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2 Assessment  I will assess the students by having them perform these fitness tests. They will also need to calculate their body fat percentage and their BMI without the use of specialty machines.

3 High School Fitness Tests  Shuttle Run  Standing Long Jump  40 Yard Dash  Sit and Reach  All used in President’s Challenge

4 President’s Challenge  Two Types:  Performance Related- Athletic performance  Health Related- Lower risks of high blood pressure, diabetes, low back pain. Aerobic Fitness- Heart and lungs Muscular, Strength, Endurance- Protect lower back Flexibility- ROM Body Composition- Body fat

5 Shuttle Run  Tests speed and agility.  Wooden blocks, marker cones, measurement tape, stopwatch.  Procedure  Set up two lines of cones 30 ft. apart.  Place 2 blocks of wood behind one of the lines.  Student picks up both blocks and returns them one at a time.

6 Shuttle Run  Scoring:  Two or more trials.  Quickest is recorded.  Nearest 10 th of a second.  Blocks placed, not thrown.

7 Shuttle Run  Shuttle Run Shuttle Run

8 Standing Long Jump  A.K.A. Broad Jump.  Used in NFL combine.  Once an event at Olympic Games.  Event in the Sports Hall Competition in the UK.  Measures explosive leg power.

9 Standing Long Jump  Equipment:  Tape Measure- measure distance.  Non slip floor for take off.  Soft landing area.  Lines should me clearly marked.  Long Jump Landing Mats also used.

10 Standing Long Jump  Procedure:  Stand behind line.  Feet slightly apart.  Two foot take off, swing arms, bend knees.  Jump as far as possible, don’t fall back.  Land on both feet.  3 attempts allowed.

11 Standing Long Jump  Scoring:  Measurement is taken from the take off line to the nearest point of contact on the landing (heels).  Record best of 3 attempts. RatingMales (cm)Females (cm) Excellent> 250>200 Very Good241-250191-200 Above Average231-240181-190 Average221-230171-180 Below Average211-220161-170 Poor201-210151-160 Very Poor< 191<141

12 Sit and Reach  Measures flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.  Sit and reach box is used.  Procedure:  Sit on ground with legs straight out.  Feet must be placed flat against the box and shoulder width.  Hands on top of each other with palms facing down.

13 Sit and Reach Scoring  3 practice reaches.  4 th reach is held for 2 seconds.  Recorded to nearest centimeter or half inch. In cm (feet being 0) MenWomen Super> +27> +30 Excellent+17 to +27+21 to +30 Good+6 to +16+11 to +20 Average0 to +5+1 to +10 Fair-8 to -1-7 to 0 Poor-19 to -9-14 to -8 Very Poor< -20< -15

14 Sit and Reach Test

15  Sit and Reach Test Sit and Reach Test

16 Other Tests  Other popular fitness tests are: Sit-ups Push-ups Vertical Jump 1- mile run

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