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Barak Obama Web 2.0. MyBarackObama  Social Media Good Practices  MyBarackObama  was designed to enable supporters to help Obama to.

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Presentation on theme: "Barak Obama Web 2.0. MyBarackObama  Social Media Good Practices  MyBarackObama  was designed to enable supporters to help Obama to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barak Obama Web 2.0

2 MyBarackObama  Social Media Good Practices  MyBarackObama  was designed to enable supporters to help Obama to get elected, so its features supported relevant business processes.  This is an important point: serving people by designing a digital environment that helps them to do what they want to do especially when their actions are aligned with your goals; it becomes a win-win.  Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube

3 MyBarackObama: what is the strategic frame here?  Start-up vs. established business: changing the rules!  The campaign was contending with established players that had far greater resources  There were few alternatives to putting emerging social media technology and processes in the front lines of the contest (they were desperate)  The campaign had little chance of success if it had only used legacy processes  Obama was not on the radar screen at first because he didn't look like a serious contender according to traditional metrics  By using the technology, the Obama campaign was able to engage customers in fundamentally new ways  Customers (voters) used the same technology to amplify the effect

4 Compared to CRM, ERP, SCM  Far-reaching b/c bottom-up  Organization Culture - Leadership may be different  Low cost  Control unclear  Value potential huge but hard to realize

5 Unlock Participation  Transformation to a bottom-up culture needs help from the top  best uses come from users — but they require help to scale  Appeal to the participants' egos and needs — not just their wallets  The right solution comes from the right participants  Balance the top-down and self-management of risk for authenticity

6 Going Forward  What are the limitations of social Media as “connectivity tissue”?  How should Obama ‘use’ social media post-election?  Should SM be a strategy?  If so, what are the implications?

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