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[INSERT YOUR NAME HERE] Campaign Overview. Proprietary and Confidential2 The Problem.

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Presentation on theme: "[INSERT YOUR NAME HERE] Campaign Overview. Proprietary and Confidential2 The Problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE] Campaign Overview

2 Proprietary and Confidential2 The Problem

3 Proprietary and Confidential 13 years since 9/11, recent hate crimes show that Sikhs have not made a dent in raising their profile in America The Sikh community has a massive misperception problem in America. As a result of our inability to deal with our severe misperception problem, people have literally died or experienced extreme emotional harm. The few national conversations the United States has had about Sikhism have been portraying Sikhs as victims. 3

4 Proprietary and Confidential4 The Solution

5 Proprietary and Confidential The National Sikh Campaign is launching a historic, presidential style campaign to change the perception of Sikhs in America The National Sikh Campaign is working with the best political consultants in the world to change the perception of Sikhs in America: o Hillary Clinton’s former Chief Strategic Adviser o President Obama’s former campaign media team o President Obama’s former White House staff 5

6 Proprietary and Confidential This dynamic and historic campaign will do four things: 1.Gauge Public Opinion through research that will explore in-depth attitudes and misperceptions toward Sikhs and how new information and visuals can change attitudes. 2.TV and Digital Ads that will be tested for effectiveness and rooted in data driven, proven messaging. 3.Develop an Earned Media plan that will engage outreach to national print and TV reporters, find state outlets to pitch local stories/profiles, and line up grassroots members to be the face of the campaign. 4.Launch an integrated campaign that harmonizes the web, TV, and press efforts with grassroots work that is being done on the ground. 6 1 2 3 4

7 Proprietary and Confidential A reflection of what’s possible…President Obama’s ad that introduced him to America 7 “Buster”

8 Proprietary and Confidential How will the campaign be funded? 8 We are focusing on grassroots donations. Recently we held a meeting in Washington DC to organize gurdwaras across the country to collaborate and raise funds for the campaign and broke down the country into 15 organizing regions.

9 Proprietary and Confidential How will the campaign be funded? 9 Each gurdwara will have a 6 month goal based on their sangat size and assuming 50 percent of their sangat contributes $100. Goal breakdown is below:

10 Proprietary and Confidential10 The Outcomes

11 Proprietary and Confidential The outcomes of the Campaign solve the most pressing issues of the Sikh community and will have generational impact The campaign will: o Allow Sikhs who may feel alienated to be a part of the larger American community. o Lay the groundwork to allow Sikhs to tap into other arenas of American society and take on leadership roles. o Leave an infrastructure of support so that the community can organize collectively for a common purpose long into the future. 11 1 2 3

12 Proprietary and Confidential Next Steps and how to get involved… If you are interested in getting involved, here are 5 easy steps: 1.Donate on the campaign website: or Text ‘Sikh’ 41444 2. Register yourself in the campaign database: 3. Like the campaign Facebook page: 4. Follow the campaign on Twitter: 5. Encourage friends and family to donate and get involved! 12

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