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Reconceptualizing the Nature of Scientific Practices in Pre-service Elementary Teacher Education A collaborative study between colleagues at the University.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconceptualizing the Nature of Scientific Practices in Pre-service Elementary Teacher Education A collaborative study between colleagues at the University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconceptualizing the Nature of Scientific Practices in Pre-service Elementary Teacher Education A collaborative study between colleagues at the University of Limerick, Boğaziçi University, & University of Delaware School of Education

2 Interdisciplinary Context Science: Disciplinary and multidisciplinary connections across disciplinary boundaries. Science education: Cognitive science, Human development (theories of learning, conceptual change) Nature of science in science education: Philosophy of science, Science, Science education School of Education 1

3 International Collaborative Context: Level I School of Education 2

4 International Collaborative Context Level II Collaborative study focused on scientific practices, one of 5 key ideas in the book. Purpose: Improve pre-service elementary school teachers understanding about scientific practices in a science education course. Research Team Colleagues: Sibel Erduran, University of Limerick, Ireland Ebru Mugaloglu, Deniz Saribas, Ebru Kaya, & Gaye Ceyhan, Boğaziçi University, Turkey School of Education 3

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6 Study Focus: Scientific Practices School of Education 5 Benzene ring

7 Participants: 21 Pre-service elementary teachers (3 rd year in teacher education program) Materials: Research instruments Teaching module Duration of module: 3 class sessions Data sources: Group discussions, Pre-post surveys Pre-post posters Interviews School of Education 6 Study Details

8 Findings Intervention influenced pre-service teachers’ perceptions of scientific practices in a holistic sense. In few cases, confusion was detected about scientific methods. A shift in teacher candidates’ understanding was noted though it was not necessarily along the desired cyclic and dynamic account of scientific practices. School of Education 7

9 Lesson Learned Revision of instructional module. Design learning environments that engage learners in holistic accounts of NOS more extensively. Implement and evaluate further interventions. School of Education 8

10 Future Steps Participate in a National Workshop in Istanbul, Turkey on December 22, 2014. Use findings to revise curriculum intended to improve pre-service teachers understanding of scientific practices. Sharing findings at national and international conferences. School of Education 9

11 Acknowledgements TUBITAK Project number 291762/2236 “Revisiting Scientific Inquiry in the Classroom: Towards and Interdisciplinary Framework for Science Teaching and Learning” Marie-Curie/TUBITAK Brain Circulation Scheme Fellowship to Sibel Erduran, based at Bogazici University UD Center for Science, Ethics, and Public Policy, during the work on the book School of Education 10

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