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Research on Adaptation of Students to Learning Environment in Problem-Based Learning: Implementation in Maritime Education and Training THE INTERNATIONAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Research on Adaptation of Students to Learning Environment in Problem-Based Learning: Implementation in Maritime Education and Training THE INTERNATIONAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research on Adaptation of Students to Learning Environment in Problem-Based Learning: Implementation in Maritime Education and Training THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARITIME ECONOMISTS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004 30 JUNE – 02 JULY 2004 İZMİR, TURKEY Cpt. Selçuk NAS Dokuz Eylul University School of Maritime Business and Management Department of Nautical Science Kaynaklar Yerleskesi 35160 Izmir Turkey Phone : +90 232 4537072 (4316) Fax: +90 232 4538197 E-mail: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARITIME ECONOMISTS

2 IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY Active learning which is implemented for the first time in maritime education and training is defined as “unusual” and “tiring” by the students of School of Maritime Business and Management. Research on Adaptation of Students to Learning Environment in Problem-Based Learning: Implementation in Maritime Education and Training The new learning concept places the students in the center of teaching and learning. The new changed role imposes high responsibility on the shoulders of the students studying in the active learning environment. adapt While students adapt the new learning environment, they should develop a self- directed learning strategy. Sometimes this process is likely to cause burden of stress for the students and thus affect their motivation negatively. After some period, losing motivation makes the students deviate from the learning environment.

3 On the basis of litrature, the meaning of the student adaptation to learning environment can be explained as bellow; being able to find their places as participants in the learning environment, cope with their stress and time trap, fulfill their obligation for learning, reach deep learning within their group, develop new learning strategies according to their learning outcomes. Meaning of the Adaptation IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

4 Process of adaptation to problem-based learning Student is excited but anxious about the unknown, New system seems overwhelming Initiation New events provoke anxiety. Student develops strategy, evaluates outcome. Result is increased confidence or change in strategy. Response to new learning events Student acknowledges accomplishments, & reflects on benefits of new method of learning Confirmation / resolution (Williams et al. 2003)

5 IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY Table 1: Comparing Surveys Which were Studied on Adaptation to PBL Environment.

6 Not being able to determine knowledge requiring depth and breath, Students do not having enough confidence to cope with the difficulties of learning responsibility, Difficulties of learning within the group and establishing group dynamics, Difficulties in following the principles of PBL curriculum not easily understandable, Difficulties of self-directed learning, Being unable to cope with stress Problems with time management Language difficulties when PBL is conducted in any language other than mother tongue Improper evaluation process and shortage in learning environment facilities provided by the school The Summary of The Causes of Maladaptation IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

7 The aim of this study is to measure the causes of maladaptation and to provide suggestions to easy adaptation to the problem-based learning environment based on the perceptions of the students. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Learning Environment Adaptation Maladaptation Causes...........? Suggestions...............? Accomplishment of the Students

8 IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY First, detailed literature review is carried out on adaptation problems or maladaptation in active and problem based learning, which is followed by comparing and contrasting as shown in Table 1. Second, all causes of maladaptation and suggestions for adaptation to PBL learning environment are discussed in focus group study with students. New causes and suggestions are added and some of them are changed in this period. Third, new developed causes of maladaptation and suggestions of adaptation to PBL learning environment are put into the 5-point Likert scale (1: Completely Disagree, 5: Completely Agree). Fourth, developed questionnaire is applied on a small group of students as a pilot study. And the views of the tutors, involved in the PBL curriculum, are taken. Some of the profile data are added in questionnaire, and some of the variations are corrected or changed in this period. Final state of the questionnaire has 28 variables on the causes of maladaptation and 33 variables on the suggestions to adaptation. QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT

9 SAMPLES The sample chosen from the class 1 and 2 students studying at Dokuz Eylul University, School of Maritime Business and Management, Department of Nautical Science and Maritime Business Administration comprises a total of 182 students. The students on whom the first PBL curriculum has been implemented are all Turkish citizens. The questionnaire was applied in the middle of the academic year of 2003/2004. DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURES The research is exploratory and the questionnaire consists of different types of statements, Data processing is maintained by the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) Program. Descriptive statistic, based on Likert-scale statements, ending in interval data, are analysed for perceptions of the students. Means for the sample sizes and the standard deviations are also calculated. The results of the factor analysis on causes of maladaptation and suggestion to adaptation are accomplished, and, finally, the reliability test (Cronbach Alpha) of the factor groupings analysis is applied. IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

10 ADAPTATION Class 1 n (%) Class 2 n (%) Total n (%) Back to Traditional Learning Envi. Student Frequ. (n) Ratio (%) Adapted35 (% 45)36 (% 55)71 (% 50)To wish33 22,6 Changeable26 (% 33)15 (% 23)41 (% 29)Changeable55 37,7 Maladapted17 (% 22)14 (% 22)31 (% 22)Not to wish56 38,4 Total7865143 (%100)Total144100 Due to the limited samples, significant correlation could not be observed on profile variables. Nevertheless, There is a medium negative correlation between scores on adaptation and wishing to go back to the traditional learning environment (r=-0,631, p<.01). And there is a medium positive correlation between scores on adaptation and learning responsibilities of the students (r=0,392, p<.01). IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY RESULTS 1

11 The Highest Scores on Suggestions for Adaptation to PBL Environment 5-point Likert scale- 1: Completely Disagree, 5 : Completely Agree NMean Std. Deviation Easy access to contents of presentations1454,6897,7684 Clear language used by academy1454,5517,9123 Making better use of facilities such as simulators, labs etc.1454,5517,8410 Having rights to criticize the school1444,5417,8760 Specialized academy tutoring problem based learning session1444,4931,9160 Feeling individual respect from school1454,4552,8658 Motivating aspects of the scenarios1434,4336,9386 Having rights to criticize academy and activities1434,34271,1012 RESULTS 2 IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

12 RESULTS 3 The Highest Scores on The Causes of Maladaptation to PBL Environment 5-point Likert scale- 1: Completely Disagree, 5 : Completely Agree NMean Std. Deviation Difficulty in limiting the knowledge to be gained. 1384,32611,0682 Little time for self.1374,19711,0278 A system against expectations for more relaxing environment at university life. 1384,13771,0684 Having to work on a great deal of knowledge.1384,13041,0727 Less social life.1364,08821,2017 Unclear clues about learning issues to be studied.1384,05801,1511 A system requiring more efforts than traditional system does.1374,01461,1694 A system different from traditional one.1373,74451,2428 Students’ responsibility for their learning.1353,65931,3280 IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

13 Factor Analysis in Students’ Perception on the Suggestions for Adaptation to PBL Environment.

14 IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY Factor Analysis in Students’ Perception on The Causes of Maladaptation to PBL Environment

15 The highest scores of the perceptions have shown which statements affected the students adaptation by the time of measuring. Every specialist who designs the learning environment must know that causes of adaptation problems can always be changed according to the factors of the learning environment. These factors were found meaningful with the factor analysis on the students’ perception on the suggestions for adaptation to PBL environment. Furthermore these factors are very similar to the quality dimensions which are in the higher education. IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY CONCLUSION 1

16 Factor analysis on the students’ perceptions on the causes of maladaptation to PBL environment was meaningful. Besides, these factors are very similar to the summarized causes of maladaptation shown in Table 1. The highest factor loading in factor analysis of causes of maladaptation to PBL environment is “personalized interaction”. It means that the relationship and the communication with the students are the most meaningful factors for achievement of adaptation. Some of factor groupings displayed inadequate coefficient alpha scores, due to the fact that they were grouped with only a few items and the sample size were rather limited. For further researches on adaptation problem, this study could be applied on the whole faculty in active learning environment. IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY CONCLUSION 2

17 Finally, when the specialists design the PBL environment for every module, quality dimensions in higher education must be taken into consideration. At the same time, perceptions of the students on the maladaptation problems must always be measured. These perceptions and factors of the PBL environment shall be matched with each other for the achievement of the student’s adaptation. IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY CONCLUSION 3


19 (1)Learning Environment Facilities Which Are Provided by School (Tangibles), (2)Methods of Performing Learning Environment Facilities (Competence), (3)Personalized Interaction (Empathy), (4)Becoming an Active Participants in The Learning Environment (Assurance), (5)Outcome of The PBL Learning Environment, (6)Utility of The New Learning Environment, (7)Reliability of The PBL Learning Environment, (8)Constrain to Adapt the Students. Factor Analysis in Students’ Perception on the Suggestions for Adaptation to PBL Environment. IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

20 (1)Personalized Interaction, (2)Not Being Able to Determine Knowledge Requiring Depth and Breath, (3)Difficulties of Self-directed Learning, (4)Anxiety From Lack of Social Life, (5)Personal Problems, (6)Shortage in Learning Environment Facilities Provided by School, (7)Not Being Able to Cope With Stress, (8)Time Management Problems, (9)Misunderstanding PBL Principles, (10)Language Difficulties, Factor Analysis in Students’ Perception on The Causes of Maladaptation to PBL Environment IAME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 30 JUNE – 02 JULY İZMİR, TURKEY

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