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Define the term “Spatial” in your own words.

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Presentation on theme: "Define the term “Spatial” in your own words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Define the term “Spatial” in your own words.
Today’s Warm-Up Define the term “Spatial” in your own words.

2 Today’s Learning Objective
We will examine the five themes of geography using a station identification activity Today’s Agenda: Warm-Up TPO Vocabulary Weekly Missive The Five Themes of Geography

3 This Week at a Glance Monday: Five Themes of Geography
Tuesday: Geographer’s Tools-Maps Wednesday: Map projections gallery walk Thursday: Earth-Sun Relationship Friday: Extreme Weather: Case Study- Mapping Hurricane Katrina

4 Remember! Terms: GIS, Meridian, Global Position System, Parallel, Prime Meridian, Greenwich Mean time, Projection, Remote Sensing, International Date Line, Scale, Latitude, Cartography, Longitude, Mental Map Map, Map Scale, You have a vocabulary/unit snap shot at the end of this week!!!

5 Cornell Notes Grab your Cornell Note Sheet and title it “The Five Themes of Geography”. As we take notes you only need to write down what is underlined.

6 Cornell Notes

7 Geography The study of the earth, its features, and of the distribution of life on the earth. Includes human life and the effects of human activity.

8 The Five Themes of Geography
Movement Region Location Interaction Place MR. LIP

9 Movement- How do People, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?
Geographers analyze movement by looking at three types of distance: 1. Linear Distance- how far across the earth a person, idea, or thing travels.

10 Movement- How do People, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?
2. Time Distance- The amount of time it takes to travel the distance. Airplane time distance from Victoria Australia

11 Movement- How do People, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?
3. Psychological Distance- the way people think about distance.

12 Region- How are places similar or different?
Geographers characterize regions in three ways: 1. Formal Regions- defined by limited characteristics (culture, location). i.e. Middle East

13 Region- How are places similar or different?
Geographers characterize regions in three ways: 2. Functional Regions- areas that have different places that interact and rely on each other (example: the city and the suburbs)

14 Region- How are places similar or different?
Geographers characterize regions in three ways: 3. Perceptual Regions- areas that are perceived to have certain characteristics (Ex. Wild West

15 Location- Where is it? Geographers describe location in two ways:
1. Absolute location- the exact place on earth where something is found 10.65°N (latitude), 71.6°W (longitude) 2. Relative location- describes a place in comparison to other places (i.e., my house is next to Walmart)

16 Human Environment Interaction- How do people relate to the physical world?
How people use what the environment offers them and change it to meet their needs. Also, how the environment affects people.

17 Place- What is it like? Places around the world are different because of Physical features Climate Land forms Vegetation 2. Cultural features 1.Language 2. Landmarks Costa Rica

18 Quick practice- Write down the theme you think is being represented by each image.

19 1.

20 1. Human –Environment Interaction

21 2. “Dollar General is located across the street from the high school, about .2 miles away from a major highway and near the KB neighborhoods.”

22 2. Location- Relative location
“Dollar General is located across the street from the high school, about .2 miles away from a major highway and near the KB neighborhoods.”

23 3.

24 3. Movement

25 4.

26 4. Region- Formal Region

27 5.

28 5. Place-Culture

29 Human and Physical Practice
On your note sheet, draw an example of BOTH human and physical geography. There is no right or wrong answer!!!!!! Draw whatever comes to your mind!!!!!

30 Closure Name the 5 themes (without looking
Closure Name the 5 themes (without looking!) and give an example of each.

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