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Journal  Is it ever ok for one nation to invade another?  Is it ok if that nation is helping an ally?  What about if it was to stop human rights abuses?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal  Is it ever ok for one nation to invade another?  Is it ok if that nation is helping an ally?  What about if it was to stop human rights abuses?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal  Is it ever ok for one nation to invade another?  Is it ok if that nation is helping an ally?  What about if it was to stop human rights abuses?  Is it ok if the country is trying to gain resources?  What about trying to spread ideas and beliefs such as democracy or religion? Explain your reasoning.

2 What is Imperialism? Concept Formation

3 Learning Objective  Today you will:  Summarize similarities and differences across examples  Be able to correctly classify items as examples or non- examples of Imperialism  Understand how the geography of expansion and encounter has shaped global politics and economics in the past

4 What is Imperialism?  Goal: Through looking at several images, political cartoons, and primary source documents you will develop a working definition of imperialism.  Directions: You will view each new image, political cartoon, or primary source excerpt and answer two questions in your comp book:  What do you see?  What do you think is the intended message? (Consider who the audience might be)

5 What do you see? In your comp. book: Write 3 words describing what you see in this picture  1.____________________  2.____________________  3.____________________

6 Let’s look at some more images  For each image:  Write a brief description of what you see  Write a brief description of what you believe is the intended message

7 Image #1 1. What do you see? 2. What is the image suggesting? What is the message?

8 Image #2 1. What do you see? 2. What is the image suggesting? What is the message?

9 Image #3 1. What do you see? 2. What is the image suggesting? What is the message?

10 Image #4 1. What do you see? 2. What is the image suggesting? What is the message?

11 Final Definition  Now use those similarities to write a working definition of imperialism in your notebook “IMPERIALISM IS…” Imperialism - the political, economic, and/or cultural domination of one country or region by another country

12 Thoughts on HSPE  Tell a story! Make it personal  Emotions, sounds, smells, descriptions  Use the space  Proof-read

13 Wilfred Scawen Blunt: Britain's Imperial Destiny, 1896-1899 The old century is very nearly out, and leaves the world in a pretty pass, and the British Empire is playing the devil in it as never an empire before on so large a scale. We may live to see its fall. All the nations of Europe are making the same hell upon earth in China, massacring and pillaging and raping in the captured cities as outrageously as in the Middle Ages. The Emperor of Germany gives the word for slaughter and the Pope looks on and approves. In South Africa our troops are burning farms under Kitchener's command, and the Queen and the two houses of Parliament, and the bench of bishops thank God publicly and vote money for the work. The Americans are spending fifty millions a year on slaughtering the Filipinos; the King of the Belgians has invested his whole fortune on the Congo, where he is brutalizing the Negroes to fill his pockets. The French and Italians for the moment are playing a less prominent part in the slaughter, but their inactivity grieves them. The whole white race is reveling openly in violence, as though it had never pretended to be Christian. God's equal curse be on them all! So ends the famous nineteenth century into which we were so proud to have been born....

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