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Laboratory Safety. 1.The Golden Rule (of science) ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! use both hands careful when heating!!

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory Safety. 1.The Golden Rule (of science) ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! use both hands careful when heating!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory Safety


3 1.The Golden Rule (of science) ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! use both hands careful when heating!!

4 2. Wear Protective Gear GOGGLES go on before lab starts and are not removed until Mr. Reynolds says APRONS go on before lab starts and are not removed until Mr. Reynolds says

5 HOW COOL IS SHE? Ladies, don’t you wanna be just like these women?

6 HOW COOL IS HE?? Guys, you too can be super cool! BUT ONLY IF YOU WEAR YOUR SAFETY GLASSES!!!!

7 3. If Mr. Reynolds is NOT in the room, you should not be either Lights on + Doors open = OK Lights off + Doors locked = Not OK

8 4. Study the Procedure Be sure you understand what you are doing in the lab and the possible hazards OH! You will also always have a questions from each lab on chapter/unit ASSESSMENTS

9 5. Never eat or drink during lab Only with permission on black tables

10 A clean station is a happy station 6. Clean up after yourself

11 7. Know the location of safety equipment Fire extinguisher Eye wash Fire blanket First aid kit Broken Glass Container Broom/Dustpan

12 8. Working with hot plates 1. Tie back long hair 2. Take off loose clothing 3. Keep all flammable material (aka papers) away from flame 4. Never leave hot plate unattended

13 Safely Heating 1. Point test tubes away from humans when heating 2. HOT glass looks like COLD glass – use tongs/gloves to pick up 3. Use only PYREX and KIMAX

14 9. Working with chemicals 1. Always dispose of chemicals properly (NEVER down the sink) 2. Never mix unless told to 3. Never place used chemicals back into stock container (Why?) 4. Never taste a chemical (duh!) 5. Wash hands w/soap after 6. Always waft when smelling 7. Check label 2X before taking

15 10. Report all accidents immediately Breakage Spills Or any other accident, do not hesitate to tell Ms. O

16 Breaking Glassware 1. It can happen. It is OK if an accident occurs. 2. If you break something: –Tell Mr. Reynolds –One partner stays near breakage –The other goes for broom/dustpan –Broken glass in container, NEVER trash

17 Chemical Spills 1. If you spill on yourself: –Tell Mr. Reynolds –Wash it off immediately with water 2. If you spill on something: –Tell Mr. Reynolds –Usually clean up with water

18 In case of fire 1. If you catch on fire: –Tell Mr. Reynolds –Stop, drop, and roll –Never run! 2. If someone else catches on fire: –Tell Mr. Reynolds –Smother with safety blanket –Use Fire Extinguisher 3. If fire breaks out in the room: –Follow school fire-drill procedure

19 11. Always work in a responsible manner 1. No fooling around No fooling around 2. No playing around No playing around 3. Always be responsible and respectful to each other, Mr. Reynolds and the classroom 4. Do not TOUCH equipment or chemicals until you have been given permission


21 4th


23 3rd


25 2nd


27 and the winner is...


29 The End

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