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Inside Out by Francisco Jimenez. Check Your Progress 1)Record Comprehension and Vocabulary score 2)Did you meet your Goal? If “yes” give yourself 5 points!

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Presentation on theme: "Inside Out by Francisco Jimenez. Check Your Progress 1)Record Comprehension and Vocabulary score 2)Did you meet your Goal? If “yes” give yourself 5 points!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inside Out by Francisco Jimenez

2 Check Your Progress 1)Record Comprehension and Vocabulary score 2)Did you meet your Goal? If “yes” give yourself 5 points! 3)Record Vocabulary Vault score 4)Record Adventures in Writing score 5)Add and record Team Cooperation score 6)Read and Response, give yourself 1 point for every day I signed. (up to 5 points) 7)File all old papers

3 New Job Check the board for this weeks job Fill out your new team score sheet Team Name Start Date: 2-9-09 Unit Title: Inside Out Strategy Target: Compare and Contrast

4 Team Cooperation Goal Practice Active Listening

5 Title: Inside Out Reading Goal: Compare and Contrast Team Cooperation Goal: Practice Active Listening Genre: Realistic - fiction Author: Francisco Jimenez

6 preferred: like better I preferred the Blue Pitbull, I like it better.

7 blended : mixed My mom blended some mangos, she mixed them to make a smoothie.

8 sketched: drew We sketched the Halloween pumpkin, we drew what it would look like.

9 gestured : signaled The crossing guard put up a red octagon to gesture the cars to stop, she signaled them to a stop.

10 Embarrassed : ashamed The monkey was embarrassed when she picked her nose in front of her amigos, she was ashamed.

11 Respond : answered My dad responded to my question, he answered the silly question.

12 Review Vocabulary with Partner Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?

13 Compare and Contrast Compare- same Contrast-different

14 Compare and Contrast

15 Building Background How are Captain Smith and Mr. Jackson similar and different? How is the first week of the journey similar and different from the rest of the weeks?

16 p. 107-108 What examples of compare and contrast do we see in The Cow-Tail Switch and Other West African Stories?

17 p. 147

18 Team Talk Let’s preview the questions on page 51 of your treasure hunt.

19 Partner Read 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you pages 149-150 Partner Read p. A:149-B:150 Restate page B:149 and A:150 Read Silently: Page 149-150 Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words

20 Team Discussion-15minutes Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to question 1 and 2

21 Team Talk Compare and Contrast Francisco and Curtis. (write) {CC} Why did Francisco befriend Arthur? (write) {CE} The author writes that the teacher moved her finger “as fast as a windshield wiper on a rainy day.” This is an example of – {FL} – A alliteration. – B a metaphor. – C exaggeration. – D a simile. Why do you think Francisco was interested in the caterpillar? {DC}

22 Class Discussion What words did your group clarify?

23 Writing Adventures- 15 min Imagine you are Francisco. How do you feel on the first day of school? Give two details in your response.

24 Scoring Guide You answer the question25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation10 points

25 Vocabulary Practice-10 min Divide your words with partner. Choose a word from your list to use in a meaningful sentence.

26 Fluency – 5 min Page 149

27 Fluency Rubric 100 pointsExpressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 pointsSmoothness Rate and correctness 80 pointsRate and correctness 70 pointsCorrectness

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