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 “TESOL methods excessively empower native-speaker teachers of English, teacher- trainers, and publishing companies in the UK and the USA, so that they.

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2  “TESOL methods excessively empower native-speaker teachers of English, teacher- trainers, and publishing companies in the UK and the USA, so that they can monopolize the global TESOL industry. The methods also marginalize non-native-speaker teachers of English around the world. However, for the kind of diversity and pedagogical effectiveness we need in global TESOL education, a local-situated approach to pedagogy needs to be adopted.” (Anwaruddin, 2011, p. 48).

3  Most of the teaching methods originated in Europe and North America, whereas the majority of learners of English as a foreign language live in Asia, Africa, and South America.  The author argued that “the manufacturers of the methods are the industrialized and developed west and the consumers are the developing or the underdeveloped. The exporters of the methods are the former colonizers and today’s neo-coloniseres, and the importers are the colonized. In this process, there is a fallacy that everything imported from the developed countries is of superior quality” (p. 50).

4  1. Scholastic dimensional  2. Linguistic dimensional  3. Cultural dimensional  4. Economic dimensional


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