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20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking Overview Sources from The Open University acknowledged.

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Presentation on theme: "20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking Overview Sources from The Open University acknowledged."— Presentation transcript:

1 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking Overview Sources from The Open University acknowledged

2 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd My Background Fellow of Mech. Engg. & Management 40 years applying systems to business 13 years as independent consultant 25 years tutoring OU systems courses External examiner to Arab OU Lecturer on analytical techniques for MBA Course can be tailored in time & content

3 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd This Presentation This presentation is in 3 parts 1.Background of Systems Thinking 2.Extracts from the Management overview 3.General outline of delivery

4 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking - Background Formalised in ’60s by Peter Checkland Need grew as society became increasingly “interconnected” Opposite to “reductionism”, breaking things down into components, as most Work Study Decreases the detail by “going up” to see the whole picture

5 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking - Utility Holistic view of human systems Systems that have a purpose Are complex and interconnected Results - intended, unintended & emergent properties –Try for them not to be a surprise

6 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking - Principles Looks from a higher level to sense the issues Uses many techniques to understand a problem Adopts analytical management techniques to decide what to do Embraces advanced management techniques for action and implementation

7 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Systems Thinking – A Toolbox So the method helps progressively –To sense the context of the problem –To understand the issues –To decide upon options to solve –To act to an agreed plan Systems Thinking has its own language Integrates with advanced management concepts

8 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd The objective of the course hammer hammerer hammered

9 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Course Aims Encourage an interest in systems thinking Develop an awareness of systems –Their properties –Their interconnectedness Enable student to start to think systemically –Or at least differently, openly Create confidence to test on real problems

10 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Learning Outcomes Understand where systems thinking is different Understand the meaning of systems terms Be alert to the perspectives of others Create 6 types of graphic analysis tool Understand how systems thinking can be useful Create confidence in using some aspects Provide links to other management concepts

11 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Course Modules Module 1 – Intros, Overview, ice breaker Module 2 – Stakeholder analysis Module 3 – Sensing & diagrams Module 4 – Systems maps Module 5 – Understanding & diagrams Module 6 – Modelling, Indicators & Deciding Module 7 – Acting & key management insights Module 8 – Reporting, wrap up, feedback

12 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Own Language - Key Concepts WorldviewPerspectivesStakeholders MessesDifficultiesTrap Holistic Systemic Reductionist Systematic System Purpose BoundaryEnvironment Complexity Inter- connected System of Interest Hierarchy Level Sub-system InformationEmergence Unintended Consequences ModellingIndicatorsControlFeedback

13 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd System Connected components which do something –Systems must have an intended Purpose –May have emergent properties – not designed, but desirable –Or unintended consequences – not designed, but undesirable They have a hierarchy –Levels –Sub-systems –Environment

14 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Setting a Boundary (Purpose) Deciding a Boundary is key Defines or isolates what is practical to consider Determines focus of study Determines the Environment, So Limits and Defines the Study – inputs to the Terms of Reference

15 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Holistic Systematic or Reductionist –Perfect for many problems –Step after step towards the solution –The “traditional” approach of engineers Systems Thinking is about analysing complex problems in a holistic manner –Systemic, the total system –Look at all the issues and their implications –There will be many Inter-connections & Complexity

16 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Stakeholders & Perspectives We recognise that we are not all the same We attempt to maximise the consensus Care can usually create an optimum solution Stakeholders, no definition needed here –Analysis can often be quite simple yet powerful as a 2x2 matrix

17 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Summary of Factors to Consider Purpose of the diagram – to aid your own thinking – to inform or convince others Assess the Influence or Effects of the factors involved Estimate the Size of the effects of the factor Use what you have learned

18 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd And Finally Do practice doing the diagrams correctly to the conventions Can be more flexible on these conventions, once it is clear they have been mastered – Diagrams are tools – Their value is their utility for you and/or your audience

19 20CC Ltd Independent Consultants © 20CC Ltd Any Questions? Now or later to 020 8680 3511 or 0788 799 2427

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