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Latest Classification Issues Audit Policy Bureau Korea Customs Service (Name)

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Presentation on theme: "Latest Classification Issues Audit Policy Bureau Korea Customs Service (Name)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latest Classification Issues Audit Policy Bureau Korea Customs Service (Name)

2 Office Experience Certificate Self introduction Audit Policy Bureau, KCS (’13.2~) Auditing Team, Seoul Customs (’12.10) Investigation Team, Seoul Customs (’11.11) Hosting Korea Customs Classification Committee (’13.7~) Adopting of WCO Classification Opinion in national level (’13.10) Attending 53 rd and 54 th WCO HS Committee as Delegation of Korea (’14.3, ’14.9) Authorized Customs Broker(’09) Classification Expert Certificate(’12)


4 I. What is HS and classification? Contents II. Why does classification matter? III. Case Studies - A Bullion Coin - A Paramotor - An Inflatable Ball - A Smart Watch IV. Summary & Implications

5 HS “Chapter” “Heading” “Sub-heading” I. What is HS and Classification? XX. XX. XX

6 Controlled goods Trade statistics Customs tariffs & Drawback taxes II. Why does classification matter?

7 Legal Tender (Heading 7118, 0%) Gold Billets (Heading 7108, 3%) III. Classification of a Bullion Coin

8 Aircraft (Heading 8802, 0%) Paraglider (Heading 8804, 0%) III. Classification of a Paramotor

9 “Hoppity Ball” – Toy (Heading 9603, 8%) “Fitness Ball” – Article for physical exercise (Heading 9606, 8%) III. Classification of an inflatable ball ?

10 Machine for transmission of data (Heading 8517, 0%) Wrist -watch (Heading 9102, 8%) III. Classification of a smart watch ?

11 Clear Criteria IV. Summary and Implication Legal Tender (HS 7118, 0%) Aircraft (HS 8802, 0%) ? ? Essential Characteristics

12 Q & A

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