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Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation,

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Presentation on theme: "Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Photos placed in horizontal position with even amount of white space between photos and header Case Studies Using SST-MacSim Genie Hsieh Sandia National Labs SST + MacSim

2 SST-MacSim DEMO  MacSim and DRAMSim2 integration  Parallel execution of multiple MacSim 2

3 SST-MacSim: Two Modes  Standalone ./configure  make; make install  With DRAMSim2  Build DRAMSim2 library: make ./configure  --with-dramsim=DIR  make; make install 3./configure --prefix=/home/myhsieh/local/sst --with-McPAT=/home/myhsieh/local --with-hotspot=/home/myhsieh/local --with-m5=/home/myhsieh/m5-x86/./configure --prefix=/home/myhsieh/local/sst --with-McPAT=/home/myhsieh/local --with-hotspot=/home/myhsieh/local --with-m5=/home/myhsieh/m5-x86/ --with-dramsim=/home/mhsieh/DRAMSim2

4 MacSim + DRAMSim2 Example params_hetero_1_6 trace_file_list results 1.4Ghz 1.5 Ghz 1024 system_GDDR5.ini ini/GDDR5_hynix_1Gb_16B.ini 4 SST-MacSim DRAMSim2 DDR2, DDR3

5 5 DEMO MacSim DRAMSim2 SST Link

6 DRAMSim2 Simulation Output 6 [myhsieh@s910654 bin]$./sst.x --sdl-file=test_dram.xml SST: construct macsimComponent and setSSTComponent with ID 0 SST: construct DRAMSimC with ID 1 … src/ (I=0 C=439930): elapsed time:7.4 seconds Done DRAM: Background Energy 17202960 DRAM: Burst Energy 9973920 DRAM: ACT/PRE Energy 21178560 DRAM: Refresh Energy 1472320 Bus packet Transaction Transaction queue 1]T [Read] [0x45bbfa4] 2]T [Write] [0x55fbfa0] [5439E] Memory statistics Power

7 MacSim Memory Experiments 7 system_DDR3.ini ini/GDDR3.ini system_GDDR5.ini ini/GDDR5.ini MacSim + DDR3 MacSim + GDDR5 **Core 1 Core_Total Finished: insts:205888 cycles:428507 seconds:8 -- 0.48 IPC (0.48 IPC) (I=0 C=428508): finalize simulation DRAM: Background Energy 1431920 DRAM: Burst Energy 40460 DRAM: ACT/PRE Energy 113280 **Core 1 Core_Total Finished: insts:205888 cycles:439929 seconds:7 -- 0.47 IPC (0.47 IPC) (I=0 C=439930): finalize simulation DRAM: Background Energy 17202960 DRAM: Burst Energy 9973920 DRAM: ACT/PRE Energy 21178560 Output

8 Parallel Execution of MacSim in SST 8 MacSim SST-MacSim

9 9 Parallel execution of MacSim through SST Bus MacSim Bus SST Link DRAMSim2 SST Link MacSim SST Link MacSim SST Link

10 Parallel Execution of Multiple MacSim params_x86 trace_file_list_cpu 4Ghz 10 <component name=gpu0 type=macsimComponent> params_gtx8800_v2 trace_file_list_gpu 1.4Ghz system_GDDR5.ini ini/GDDR5_.ini 1GHz cpu gpu mem SST-MacSim CPU SST-MacSim GPU SST-Bus SST-DRAMSim2 CPU GPU Memory

11 11 DEMO

12 Parallel Execution of Multiple MacSim 12 <comonent name=cpu0 type=macsimComponent rank =0> <comonent name=cpu1 type=macsimComponent rank =1> <comonent name=gpu0 type=macsimComponent rank =2> <comonent name=gpu1 type=macsimComponent rank =3> <component name=bus type=bus rank=4> <component name=dram type=DRAMSimC rank=5> mpirun –np6./sst.x –sdl-file=macsim.xml

13 Memory Experiments 13 DRAM: Background Energy 338800 DRAM: Burst Energy 2380 DRAM: ACT/PRE Energy 7080 # # Simulation times # Build time: 0.00 s # Simulation time: 124.04 s # Total time: 124.04 s DRAM: Background Energy 2569720 DRAM: Burst Energy 26180 DRAM: ACT/PRE Energy 77880 # # Simulation times # Build time: 0.00 s # Simulation time: 174.06 s # Total time: 174.06 s 1CPU 1GPU DDR3 2CPUs 2GPUs DDR3

14 Parallel execution of MacSim through SST Iris Network

15 15 Standalone MacSim Core Cache Iris NIC Iris Router DRAM SST/MacSim Terminal Decoupled MacSim Core Cache Iris NIC Iris Router DRAM SST/Iris NICSST/Iris Router SST/MacSim DRAM

16 16 MacSim NIC DRAM MacSim SST Link MacSim NIC R R R R R R R R 2X2 Mesh

17 Configure SST/MacSim 17 x86 0 1 0 x86 2 3 1 SST/MacSim Terminal SST/MacSim DRAM terminalType: 0(core), 1(cache), 2(MC/DRAM) term_mclass: 0 (request from core), 1(response from DRAM)

18 Parallel Execution of Multiple MacSim params_x86 0 1 18 params_gtx8800_v2 2 1 0 0 SST-MacSim Terminal SST-MacSim DRAM SST-Iris NIC SST-Iris Router cpu2nic MC2nic 1 1 SST-Iris Router SST-Iris NIC nic2rtr rtr2rtr

19 19 DEMO

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