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Innovation-Development Process Lynn P. White EDUC 8841-1: Diffusion and Integration of Educational Technology Dr. Tim Green.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation-Development Process Lynn P. White EDUC 8841-1: Diffusion and Integration of Educational Technology Dr. Tim Green."— Presentation transcript:


2 Innovation-Development Process Lynn P. White EDUC 8841-1: Diffusion and Integration of Educational Technology Dr. Tim Green

3  College too expensive?  No majors that interest you?  Don’t want to sit through lectures?  Want to take up a trade? Try Trade School

4 Trade School Classes in the Traditional Educational Setting  Smaller classes  Less expensive  Higher chances at job placement

5 Background Information

6 The Need  Students graduating who do not plan to attend college  Students lacking any type of skills  Students end up working for minimum wage, receiving public assistance, i.e. food stamps or becoming a part of the penal system.

7 Research: Trade School

8 General Samuel Chapman Armstrong Organized one of the first private trade schools was Hampton Institute in Virginia. Colonel Richard Tylden Auchtmuty Founded first school to offer specific trade training with supplementary studies related to each trade was the New York Trade School ( Vocational Education, Industrial Education, and Trade Schools )

9 Intended Audience  Students  Teachers  School Boards  Parents

10 Innovation-Decision Process Knowledge What is Trade School? How does it work? Will students benefit from it?

11 What is Trade School?  A trade school, also known as a technical school or a vocational school, is an educational institution that exists to teach skills related to a specific job.  This is different from a community college or a traditional four year college, as those institutions provide educations in areas such as liberal arts and sciences.  While traditional schools provide degrees in subjects like English, Mathematics, Engineering, History, and Chemistry, an education at a vocational school focuses on preparation for a variety of careers. (What is Trade School? - New Castle Trade Schools).

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