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My country and home (about Estonia and Tartu) Urmas Tokko, Tartu Tamme Gymnasium.

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Presentation on theme: "My country and home (about Estonia and Tartu) Urmas Tokko, Tartu Tamme Gymnasium."— Presentation transcript:

1 My country and home (about Estonia and Tartu) Urmas Tokko, Tartu Tamme Gymnasium

2 Estonia and Estonians Fenno-Ugric tribes setteled on the bank of the Baltic about 11 000 y ago; “A people of the country”, poor and not-so- dirthy because of sauna; Geo-politically bad place, but we love it! Almost all the time under the rule of big neighbours; Political independence, own state from 1918 – 1940 and 1991-… And…

3 We are the best! …clever and hard-working; Always singing; …better than Finns, Latvians, and Russians – naturally …educated people, no illiteracy; Really mostly hardworking, … but forgetting having a rest – depression, envy, “cold” people. “Estonians favourite menue: another estonian”

4 (movies) “Singing revolution”; Quick joining into market economy; EU member from May 2004. E-Estonia; Welcome to Estonia!

5 Population of Estonia The population of Estonia 1, 356, 000. Ethnically: Estonians (67.9%), Russians (25.6%), Ukrainians (2.1%), Belorussians (1.3%) and Finnish (0.9%). 67,4 % Estonians are living in the cities 31,6% Estonians are Christians (baptized) 47 different nations living here 99, 76 % Estonians are literate 63 000 students, nr. of students have arisen 2,5 times during last 10 years.

6 Some links (Tartu city) (TTG) (!!!) http://web- (Estonia)http://web- ase.html ase.html

7 Nature conservation in Estonia Still quite close relationship with the land and forests; In the history: Sacred trees, several regulations; 1297 Danish King Erik Menved – restrictions concerning cutting trees etc, specialy in islands of northen part; 1910 – first consrevation area on Vaika islans (now: Vilsandi NP, western islands) 1971 (100 y after world 1. National Park, Yellowstone, USA): Lahemaa NP in northen part.

8 Nature conservation areas About 12% of territory; National Park Nature Reserve Reserve / Nature Park (landscape protectional area) Programme Area (like biosphere reserve)

9 Endangered animal species, examples Pearl Oyster (Margaritifera margaritifera); Black stork (Ciconia ciconia) White-taled Eagle (Haliaetus albicilla) Golden Eagle (Aquila chrusaetos), Eagles etc… Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) Flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) European Mink (Mustela lutreola)


11 People of Forest and Sea 45 200 km 2 About 45% of territory covered by forests (40% pine dominating). Nowadays rapidly decresing, a lot of counted area – not so “forest”. Country between 2 bioms. About 22% of wetlands/mires: swamps, bogs;

12 Landscape and bedrock Mostly flat, except southern part. Highest hill: 318m above the sea level; A lot of islands (about 1500, not so special for Danes, lakes (1400) and rivers (420 over 10 km); Limestone “under” the northen part, Devonian sandstone in the south. Cliffs. Oil-shale (electricity!), phosphorite, blue clay, dolomite: (CaCO 3 *MgCO 3 );

13 Number of species, examples Fishes – 75 species Amphibians – 11 Reptiles – 5 Birds – 328 Mammals – 65 species. Angiospermae – 1500 sp. Insects – 15 000 sp.;

14 App. Number of individuals (1993) Hare (Lepus sp) – 50 000 Elks (Alces alces) – 12 000 Wild boar (Sus scropha) – 16 000 Brown bear (Ursus arctos) – 800 European beaver (Castor fiber) – 4600 Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) – 7900 Lynx (Felis lynx) – 1100 Wolf (Canis lupus) – 450


16 Nature science studies in Tamme Gymnasium (

17 Objectives Environmental education: way of thinking, view of life…Therefore necessary in every field of life. To keep traditions of School (~ 40 years). Preparation for University. To fulfill and supplement National Curriculum To develop personality: to be able to act properly in continious changes in natural, technological and social environment.

18 School curriculum, example for nature science class National curriculum, in biology 140 lessons, 4 courses; 1 course=35 lessons). Compulsory additional courses, in biology (4 courses), geography (2 courses), chemistry (2 courses), physics (1 course). Additional courses, choosen by students; can be choosed also by other classes.

19 Additional courses, examples Botany and zoology (incl field practices) Ecology and environmental protection Molecular biology, gene technology Geology and Estonian landscape Environment and health Human physiology Bio-geography etc.

20 3 classes, 3 directions Nature science class – traditional studies of natural environment (last slide). Class of realities – trying to develop studies of technological environment: pollution, functioning of industrial enterprises etc. Class of humanities – social environment; human being and the nature; environmental history and – drama. Art.

21 Theory and practice Theory lessons; Practical lessons in the classroom; Educational visits; Study trips; Field practices; Projects.

22 Field practices for nature science class Botany (and mycology) –Mushroom species, 2 days in autumn –Trees and brushes in winter-time, 2 days –Plant species and -communities in summer, 5 days Zoology: vertebrate and invertebrate, 4 days Ecology, water quality of Emajõgu river, for an example.

23 Field practices for class of realities Economical geography, physics and environmental protection, 3 days in summer. Technology and environmental chemistry (industrial part of Estonia for an example), 3 days in summer.

24 Field practices for class of humanities Environmental drama and –history, 4 days in summer; Ethnography and nature. Painting in the nature, 3 days in summer.

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