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EGTEI: Mandate & Outputs expected for 2005 Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues 19 January 2005, Laxenburg EGTEI: Mandate & Outputs expected for 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "EGTEI: Mandate & Outputs expected for 2005 Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues 19 January 2005, Laxenburg EGTEI: Mandate & Outputs expected for 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGTEI: Mandate & Outputs expected for 2005 Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues 19 January 2005, Laxenburg EGTEI: Mandate & Outputs expected for 2005 Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues 19 January 2005, Laxenburg Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

2 Coordinating Centre Programme Centre Coordination Centre for Effects Main Research Centre Programme Centre Programme Centre Implementation Committee WHO Bonn ICP Forests Task Force ICP Integrated Monitoring Task Force ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force ICP Materials Task Force ICP Vegetation Task Force ICP Waters Task Force Health Working Group on Effects Task Force Emission Inventories and Projections Task Force Measurement and Modelling Chemical Coordinating Centre Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East Task Force Integrated Assessment Modelling Centre Integrated Assessment Modelling EMEP Steering Body Expert Group on Ammonia Abatement Task Force on POPs Network of Experts on Benefits and Economic Instruments Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues Task Force on Heavy Metals NEW! Task Force on Hemispheric Air Pollution NEW! Working Group on Strategies and Review EXECUTIVE BODY Implementation Committee CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION Expert Group on Particulate Matter NEW!

3 EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session HIGHLIGHTS 25 th Anniversary: publications, children’s designs, nat’l events Future direction of Convention: - New groups on HMs, PM and Hemispheric Air Pollution - Explore expanded geographic scope ; focus on EECCA EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session HIGHLIGHTS 25 th Anniversary: publications, children’s designs, nat’l events Future direction of Convention: - New groups on HMs, PM and Hemispheric Air Pollution - Explore expanded geographic scope ; focus on EECCA

4 EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session HIGHLIGHTS, continued Preparing for review of Protocols: POPS, HMs, Gothenburg 1st meeting of Parties: HMs Protocol EMEP Monitoring Strategy Emission inventory review EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session HIGHLIGHTS, continued Preparing for review of Protocols: POPS, HMs, Gothenburg 1st meeting of Parties: HMs Protocol EMEP Monitoring Strategy Emission inventory review

5 EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session Preparing for review of Gothenburg 14 ratifications of 16, expected to enter into force in 2005 First meeting of Parties would take place at EB23 (Dec 2005) Urged Parties to ratify Gothenburg EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session Preparing for review of Gothenburg 14 ratifications of 16, expected to enter into force in 2005 First meeting of Parties would take place at EB23 (Dec 2005) Urged Parties to ratify Gothenburg

6 EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session Preparing for review of Gothenburg Welcomed progress in IAM, review of RAINS model, and work by CIAM exploring links with climate change Noted progress in devt of baseline scenario, noting CAFE to cover some non-EU countries EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session Preparing for review of Gothenburg Welcomed progress in IAM, review of RAINS model, and work by CIAM exploring links with climate change Noted progress in devt of baseline scenario, noting CAFE to cover some non-EU countries

7 EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session Preparing for review of Gothenburg: Techno-economic issues Welcomed progress by EGTEI on developing ECODAT Noted its usefulness for IAM Back-to-back meeting with TFIAM workshop on RAINS methodology EXECUTIVE BODY, 22 nd session Preparing for review of Gothenburg: Techno-economic issues Welcomed progress by EGTEI on developing ECODAT Noted its usefulness for IAM Back-to-back meeting with TFIAM workshop on RAINS methodology

8 Convention Work-plan 2005 1.7TECHNO-ECONOMIC ISSUES Description/objectives: To further explore BAT for emission abatement, including efficiency and costs; to continue the development of ECODAT and methodologies for evaluating uncertainties and to draw up draft revisions of techno-economic issues in annexes to protocols. Convention Work-plan 2005 1.7TECHNO-ECONOMIC ISSUES Description/objectives: To further explore BAT for emission abatement, including efficiency and costs; to continue the development of ECODAT and methodologies for evaluating uncertainties and to draw up draft revisions of techno-economic issues in annexes to protocols.

9 Convention Work-plan 2005, (continued) Main activities and time schedule: (a) The Expert Group, with France as lead country, will continue to collect and store techno- economic data on emission control options and abatement techniques in the selected sectors, their costs and ranges of uncertainties; (b) Data will be collected according to the NFR in the Emission Reporting Guidelines

10 Convention Work-plan 2005, (continued) Main activities and time schedule: (c) Validated data on reference installations and control technologies, investment and operational costs will be transmitted to CIAM to be aggregated and included in RAINS; (d) Data will be made available for future revision of technical annexes to protocols; (e) EGTEI will hold its 7 th meeting back-to-back with RAINS workshop and 8th in June, Rome

11 OTHER ISSUES…  Encouraging other Parties to nominate experts to EGTEI;  Cooperation between EGTEI and other groups: TFIAM, TFEIP, NH3, and TFs on HMs, POPs and XGPM;  U.N. Secty Genl’s Guidelines for reports OTHER ISSUES…  Encouraging other Parties to nominate experts to EGTEI;  Cooperation between EGTEI and other groups: TFIAM, TFEIP, NH3, and TFs on HMs, POPs and XGPM;  U.N. Secty Genl’s Guidelines for reports


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