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APPRENTICESHIP AND YOU. AGENDA FOR THE DAY  Review why you have chosen this route  Obtain your Training Agreement  Meet your Training Consultant 

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Presentation on theme: "APPRENTICESHIP AND YOU. AGENDA FOR THE DAY  Review why you have chosen this route  Obtain your Training Agreement  Meet your Training Consultant "— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA FOR THE DAY  Review why you have chosen this route  Obtain your Training Agreement  Meet your Training Consultant  Review what will happen between now and the end of June  Review what step you must take after the end of June and the Level 1 training program

3 WHY HAVE YOU CHOSEN THIS ROUTE? You have discovered that you learn best by “DOING” You are a tactile learner You learn best outside the classroom You do not wish to attend university You do not wish to attend college full time You want someone else to help pay the cost of post secondary learning($9000+ for the first year alone) You want a paid, structured, supervised pathway to a bright, prosperous future


5 TRAINING AGREEMENT Do you have one in your hand? – No? Why not? There are 3 copies of the agreement – why? There are 2 parts to apprenticeship – workplace experience (90%) and in-class (10%) No workplace – no apprenticeship No ‘in-class’ – no apprenticeship Your Training Agreement keeps everyone honest – you, your employer and the Province sets out the ‘who, what, where and ‘how long’ say goodbye to the Ministry of Education say hello to ‘Training, Colleges and Universities your Training Consultant will share more with you

6 TRAINING CONSULTANT (TC) Looks after you as you work towards your license Keeps track of your hours (with your help) Works for MTCU – not Ministry of ED Arranges for you to attend the in-school portion of your apprenticeship when the time comes Checks to see if you are learning ‘on the job’ Arranges for your Provincial Exam when your hours are completed at the end of your training Answers your questions as they arise

7 BETWEEN NOW AND THE END OF JUNE  Be grateful that someone else is paying the tuition etc.  Register with the College of Trades content/uploads/ApprenticesMembershipGuide_31_03_2014_EN.pdf  Work diligently at your co-op placement and at college  Make sure you know the dates, times, requirements and rules of your college course – they are different from high school!  Know how you are going to get to college (transportation routes, etc.)  Know and plan for who’s going to pay for bus passes, parking passes etc.  Keep track of the hours you work at your placement and keep a daily record  Keep every piece of documentation that you receive in a file folder & in a safe place – these will be required for future training! Search for a job to go to after graduation

8 WHAT YOU WILL DO AFTER GRADUATION  Follow the instructions in the resource guide you will receive today  Notify your TC that you have graduated  Fax/email a copy of your graduation certificate to them  Find a full time job  Notify your Training Consultant regarding the new job details  Watch the mail for your notice to attend Level 2 – maybe 1-2 years.

9 FREE ADVICE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS IN LEVEL 1! Leave your cell phone in your locker!!!! Be respectful at all times – college teachers tolerate very little!!!! Need learning support? Tell each college instructor on the first day and make sure you get the help you need- your instructors will not ask you!!! Do your homework before you leave the college….. each and every day! Never, ever miss a day or a class Make sure you have or are getting a driver’s license (Your job will likely not be near home; it will be in the GTA but may not be on a bus route) Think seriously about getting a vehicle (a second- hand, dependable model is best) to take you and your tools to work when you get a full time job in July.

10 Any Questions? Ask Now, Know Now! Thanks for listening and good luck!


12 Apprenticeship and YOU

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