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CAMP GRADY SPRUCE Departure: December 14, 9:00 a.m. Arrival: December 16, 3:00 p.m. ***Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up your child on these.

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Presentation on theme: "CAMP GRADY SPRUCE Departure: December 14, 9:00 a.m. Arrival: December 16, 3:00 p.m. ***Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up your child on these."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAMP GRADY SPRUCE Departure: December 14, 9:00 a.m. Arrival: December 16, 3:00 p.m. ***Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up your child on these days. Students cannot bring their camp items on the regular school bus.***

2 Chaperones There’s room for you!!!  Cost is $95  Heated cabins  5 students per group Mandatory Chaperone Meeting December 8, 5:00 p.m.

3 Discipline and Dress *We consider camp an outdoor classroom, therefore student code of conduct and dress code apply. *Behavior and dress are safety issues.

4 Things to Bring  4 Long-Sleeve Shirts  2 Sweatshirts or Sweaters  Lightweight Raincoat or Poncho  3 Sweats, Jeans, or Long Pants  3 Pairs of Socks  3 Underwear  2 Pairs of Shoes for walking and comfort (one pair that can get wet)  1 Towel, 1 Washcloth  Personal Toiletries  Soap, shampoo, deodorant, foot spray, etc.  Sleeping Bag or 1 set of Sheets and Blanket  Pillow / Pillowcase  Flip Flops for Shower Use  Book for Reading ***LABEL EVERYTHING!***

5 Things Not to Bring  Jewelry  Electronics  Radios, MP3s, iPods, electronic games, etc.  Hair dryer, curling iron  Food or snacks  Knives or other sharp items  Other expensive items  Cell phones are not permitted at camp (just like at school).

6 More Things to Bring For their backpack:  Pencils  Journals  Full water bottle  Sunscreen/bug spray  Disposable camera  Flashlight with fresh batteries  Sunglasses  Cap or hat *Sack lunch and drink for the noon meal the day we leave.*

7 A Typical Day:   7:00 amwake up, clean cabins, get ready for the day   7:45 hoppers to the dining hall   7:50flag raising—all but hoppers must attend   8:00breakfast   9:00activity and trail time   11:40hoppers to dining hall   12:00 pmlunch   1:00rest   1:45activity and trail time   5:40hoppers to the dining hall   5:50 flag lowering   6:00supper   7:00evening activities   9:00to cabins   10:00lights out

8 Activities:  Star Lab  Hayride  Canoeing  Night Sensory Trail  Archery  Orienteering  Hiking  Campfire  Devil’s Island  Skits

9 Contact Information  In case of emergency call… YMCA Camp Grady Spruce: (940)779-3411

10 Hug from Home Campers love to get mail! Camper’s Name Sendera Ranch Elementary YMCA Camp Grady Spruce 3000 Park Road 36 Graford, TX 76449 Send 1 week prior to camp (Dec. 7).

11 What’s Next?  Before you leave tonight  Turn in all forms (pink form must be notarized)  $50 deposit due  December 7  All medication due to Nurse Cote  Mail a hug to your camper  Mail a hug to your camper  December 8  All money and forms due  Mandatory chaperone meeting, 5 p.m.

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