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Opportunities for leveraging with PPP (NAFAKA) J.Rusike Research Review & Planning Meeting Africa RISING – East & Southern Africa Project 1-5 October 2012,

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities for leveraging with PPP (NAFAKA) J.Rusike Research Review & Planning Meeting Africa RISING – East & Southern Africa Project 1-5 October 2012,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities for leveraging with PPP (NAFAKA) J.Rusike Research Review & Planning Meeting Africa RISING – East & Southern Africa Project 1-5 October 2012, Arusha, Tanzania

2 NAFAKA Means grain Project staples value chain activity Currently very active rice sector in Kilombero and Mvomero 5 Components (in rice sector plan for maize) Rehabilitating value chains Increase productivity in the two crops Innovative trade and competitiveness Innovative partnerships (ACDI-VOCA, MVIWATA,FIPS, RUDI, CRS) Increasing income for vulnerable communities

3 Workings Entry point: village level FO: Identify existing or non-existing Do assessment see area for strengthening/develop partnerships: district federated FOS (Apex producer, outgrowers, cooperatives in crop production) Mother-Baby Trials: variety, fertilizer (YARA) Agrodealers Post-harvest: Storage, warehouse receipt systems; SACCOS Markets (Kibaigwa): Local assembly, central, bargaining, finance/credit

4 Workings For maize targeted high potential area based on soil fertility, rainfall In Kiteto 17 villages; Kongwa 33 villages; Mvomero 12 villages; in Kilombero divided into 2 clusters Mother trials 12x20 meters: 33 in Kongwa, 21 in Kiteto Maize varieties: Hybrids (Pioneer, DK, Tanseed); OPVs (Uganda Longe 6, Longe 4, Situka) All those attend during planting mothers demos each get varieties for baby trials Comparison between Mother and baby Livestock: FIPS Chicken vaccinations but stopped District Officers where to locate, farmers invited to participate about 100 farmers

5 Workings For maize targeted high potential area based on soil fertility, rainfall In Kiteto 17 villages; Kongwa 33 villages; Mvomero 12 villages; in Kilombero divided into 2 clusters Mother trials 12x20 meters: 33 in Kongwa, 21 in Kiteto Maize varieties-: Hybrids (Pioneer, DK, Tanseed); OPVs (Uganda Longe 6, Longe 4, Situka) All those attend during planting mothers demos each get varieties for baby trials Comparison between Mother and baby Baby trials no fertilizer. Mother trials use fertilizer YARA, Minjingu PR). District Officers where to locate, farmers invited to participate about 100 farmers

6 Workings Comparative advantage of the CGIAR agricultural systems production research; Contractors (ACDI, Abt) in value chains The program document/work plan of AR scope USAID wants the two types of implementers to cooperate: Which project goes the credit for the value chain work (not counting twice), once for each project

7 Workings Evaluation is in two parts 1 Technologies per se using a GxEXMXLXM RCTs to go beyond plot level randomization 2 delivery value chain work Quasi-experimental approaches (before and after interventions and with and without interventions i.e. difference in differences; propensity score matching; Instrumental Variables; Assess the value added NAFAKA/ABT/DAI with and without technologies from the CGIARs. Difference can be attributed to value chain work/agricultural production systems research

8 Thank you!

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