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THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 1 UCB May 2, 2005 THEMIS Pre-Environmental Review Instrument Verification Overview Ellen Taylor University of California.

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Presentation on theme: "THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 1 UCB May 2, 2005 THEMIS Pre-Environmental Review Instrument Verification Overview Ellen Taylor University of California."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 1 UCB May 2, 2005 THEMIS Pre-Environmental Review Instrument Verification Overview Ellen Taylor University of California - Berkeley

2 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 2 UCB May 2, 2005 Requirement Development and Verification Process Top-Level requirements developed during Phase A Concept Study Report (CSR) provides basic mission concept Outlines top-level requirements imposed by science and programmatic objectives Mission requirements flowed down (to subsystem level), formalized and documented early in Phase B All elements of CSR concept and mission requirements reviewed by development team Mission Requirements Database (MRD) developed and reviewed MRD finalized and put under Configuration Control at System Requirements Review (SRR), July 2003 Subsystem Interfaces and Component Requirements further detailed in Phase B Interface Control Documents between Subsystems and Institutions System and Subsystem Specifications (Board Specifications, SOWs, etc) Mission Plans and Policies (PAIP, Risk Management Plan, FMECA, etc) Control Plans (Magnetics, ESC, Contamination)

3 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 3 UCB May 2, 2005 Requirement Development and Verification Process Requirement Verification Plans developed in Phase B and C Development of Verification Matrix ensures a test or analysis is scheduled for all Mission Requirements in MRD Performance Verification and Environmental Test Plans provide launch and space environments and outlines comprehensive component, subsystem and system level test program Environmental Test Matrix (ETM) developed Requirements Compliance and Verification Matrices completed in Phase D MRD and ETM evolve into summary of verification and test program as run Documents Verification and Compliance Status of all Requirements Provides direct trace-ability from requirements to test procedures and reports

4 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 4 UCB May 2, 2005 Performance Verification Performance Verification Program Applies to all technical requirements stated in MRD and associated documents Each item in MRD has field for verification method Performance Verification Methodology Verification of requirements is by Inspection (I), Analysis (A), Test (T) or combination Tasks for each method include: establishing the criteria; preparing plans and procedures; implementing; and documenting the results. Performance Verification Levels Verification will be performed at one or more of following levels: Component, Sub-Assembly, Assembly, Subsystem, System Example from THEMIS MRD Verification Matrix:

5 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 5 UCB May 2, 2005 MRD Status Mission Requirements Document (MRD) Status MRD Rev A released at System Requirements Review (SRR) MRD Rev B released prior to Instrument and Subsystem Peer Reviews MRD Rev C released at Mission PDR MRD Rev D released during Instrument and Subsystem Peer Reviews Incorporated MPDR RFAs and System Change Notices (SCNs) since PDR Added compliance and detailed verification plan (I/A/T) for each requirement MRD Rev E released at Mission CDR MRD Rev F will be released at Mission PER Working version of Rev F is used to track verification status of all requirements Most Instrument performance requirements have been verified during the ETU development and test w/ all instruments meeting or exceeding required performance One waiver is expected for Instrument requirements – SST exceeds magnetic budget allocation

6 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 6 UCB May 2, 2005 Environmental Verification Environmental Test Program Instrument hardware is tested to environmental requirements using GEVS as a Guideline per CDRL THM-SYS-005 THEMIS Instrument Payload Verification and Environmental Test Specification and summarized in Environmental Test Matrix (ETM) Environmental Test Methodology Each hardware item in ETM has fields for test description, test date, and procedure/report Applies to all instrument assemblies, subsystems and systems Example from THEMIS Environmental Test Matrix as-runs:

7 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 7 UCB May 2, 2005 ETM Status Environmental Test Matrix (ETM) Status ETM presented at Mission CDR and delivered to GSFC as CDRL ETM has been further reviewed with minor changes to overall plan Temperature updates to the Instrument and Instrument Suite Level based on thermal modeling refinements, add strength test to AXB carbon tube ETM has evolved into summary of test program as-run Working version is used to track test status of all instrument systems Most Instruments have successfully completed all environmental tests on FM1 units FM1 Mag Booms have not finished Thermal Vacuum Testing – expected mid May FM1 ESA has not gone through Thermal Vacuum Testing – will occur after suite TV

8 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 8 UCB May 2, 2005 Environmental Test Matrix

9 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 9 UCB May 2, 2005 MRD Instrument Suite Requirements Lifetime and Radiation Resource Budgets Thermal Contamination Interfaces Test and Verification Suite MRD Verification

10 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 10 UCB May 2, 2005 Instrument Payload

11 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 11 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-1. The Instrument Payload shall be designed for at least a two-year lifetime I/A: All systems designed to two years and analyzed for two year mission IN-2. The Instrument Payload shall be designed for a total dose environment of 33 krad/year (66 krad for 2 year mission, behind 5mm of Aluminum, RDM 2) IN-3. The Instrument Payload shall be Single Event Effect (SEE) tolerant and immune to destructive latch-up A: GSFC Ray Trace Radiation Analysis provides radiation environment for instrument; I/T: Parts selected with known radiation characteristics or radiation tested for TID and/or SEE Lifetime and Radiation Status GSFC Radiation Analysis complete. See Table 2 from report below. Environment < 33 krad for all instruments except ESA (81.5 krad) Additional electronics shielding added to ESA 100% Instrument Parts screened for TID/SEE requirements. Approx. 20 parts were tested. No parts that failed radiation testing are being used LVPS redesign required - reduced supply efficiency

12 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 12 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-6. The Instrument Payload shall not exceed the total allocated mass budget in THM-SYS-008 THEMIS System Mass Budget.xls T: Instrument payload will be weighed. IN-7. No component of the Instrument Payload shall exceed the allocated mass budget in THM-SYS-008 THEMIS System Mass Budget.xls T: Instruments will be weighed prior to delivery. Resource Budgets - Mass CBE: 24.15 kg Allocation: 24.63 kg Contingency: 2.2% Status Approx. 98% of ETU Instrument Payload has been weighed

13 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 13 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-8. The Instrument Payload shall not exceed the total power allocated in THM-SYS-009 THEMIS System Power Budget.xls T: Instrument payload power will be measured. IN-9. No component of the Instrument Payload shall exceed the power allocated in THM-SYS-009 THEMIS System Power Budget.xls T: Instrument power will be measured prior to delivery. Resource Budgets - Power CBE: 15.26 W Allocation: 14.77 W Contingency: -1.0% Status Approx. 90% of ETU Instrument Payload power has been measured (all Instruments except ESA) ~3x power increase between ETU and Flight Actels was estimated and additional resistor load put on 2.5V line for ETU system

14 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 14 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-10. The Instrument Payload shall not exceed the allocated data budget of 750Mbits/orbit (uncompressed) A/T: Analysis of data rates, data budget, system states over an orbit; analysis verified during functional/performance testing IN-11. The Instrument Payload shall be capable of storing 1 orbit + 1 days worth of Instrument Science and housekeeping data. A/T: Analysis of storage capability, FSW storage efficiency; analysis verified during functional/performance testing Resource Budgets - Data Status 187.5MB storage is required (750Mbits/orbit + 1 day contingency = 1500Mbits = 187.5MB) DCB contains 256MB SDRAM for TM storage. Upper quadrant is devoted to ECC. Memory analysis using predicted data rates from Instruments show storage is sufficient for 4 day orbit + 1day contingency at worse-case spin period of 2.7seconds.

15 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 15 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-13. The Instrument Payload shall survive the temperature ranges provided in the ICDs A/T: Thermal analysis and modeling provides temperature predictions for Instrument Survival; Instruments are thermally tested to predicts plus margin IN-14. The Instrument Payload shall perform as designed within the temperature ranges provided in the ICDs A/T: Thermal analysis and modeling provides temperature predictions for Instrument Science Mode; Instruments are thermally tested to predicts plus margin Thermal Requirements Status ETU Instruments are tested to Thermal Limits +10 degrees Flight Instruments are tested to Thermal Predicts +10 degrees FM1 Flight Instruments have completed Thermal Vacuum Testing, with the exception of: FM1 Mag Booms – TV not completed due to deployment problems. Will be completed following suite TV, as it needs the same facility. FM1 ESA – to be completed after suite TV. ETU ESA Pre-Amp was tested in IDPU TV Test. ETU ESA Actuator was tested in separate Release Plate Assembly TV Test.

16 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 16 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-16 The Instrument Payload shall comply with the Magnetics Cleanliness standard described in the THEMIS Magnetics Cleanliness Plan I/A/T: Verification assured by Magnetics Committee per component budget and requirements provided in THM-SYS-002 Magnetics Control Plan; Components measured prior to Probe Integration in Coil facility. IN-17 The Instrument Payload shall comply with the THEMIS Electrostatic Cleanliness Plan I/A/T: Verification per THM-SYS-003 ESC Control Plan; Analysis provides allowable resistance/area and insulator budget; Measurements are made at system level. IN-18 The Instrument Payload shall comply with the THEMIS Contamination Control Plan I/A/T: Verification per THM-SYS-004 Contamination Control Plan; Thermal Vacuum Bake-out planned w/ TQCM monitoring. Contamination Requirements Status Worse-case offenders for Magnetics is EFI Motors, SST magnets, IDPU switching frequencies ETU EFI Boom motors w/ mu metal shielding tested at UCLA, meets budget of 0.25 nT @ 2m SST Magnets analysis and testing show careful selection of magnets and pairing of sensors can reduce the dc field at the FGM Sensor to within the allotted budget. Sensors do need to be mapped at earliest opportunity. IDPU frequency management plan has implemented in LVPS - switching frequencies above 100 kHz, separated by 10 kHz to avoid beat frequencies in science range. Compatibility testing with SCM verifies instrument power supply frequencies are outside science range.

17 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 17 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-19. All Instruments shall comply with the electrical specifications T: Requirements provided in THM-IDPU-001 Backplane Specification; interfaces verified during IDPU integration. IN-20. The Instrument Payload shall be compatible per IDPU-Instrument ICDs T: Instruments tested to ICD prior to delivery; interfaces verified during I&T of Instruments to IDPU IN-21. The Instrument Payload shall be compatible per the IDPU-Probe Bus ICD T: Instrument Payload tested to ICD prior to delivery; interfaces verified I&T of IDPU to Probe IN-22. The Instrument Payload shall be compatible per Instrument-Probe Bus ICDs T: Instrument Payload tested to ICD prior to delivery; interfaces verified during I&T of Instrument Payload to Probe Interface Requirements Status All FM1 Instrument Boards (DAP, ETC, FGE, DFB, BEB) have been integrated and tested with FM1 IDPU core system (LVPS, DCB and PCB) All Instruments (SSTs, ESA, EFI Pre-Amp & Booms, FGM, SCM, Mag Booms) have been integrated and tested with FM1 IDPU box (Core System and Instrument Boards) Data Interface between IDPU and Probe BAU has been tested on 3 occasions (UCB- Swales I/F Tests: July, October, December 2004). Various levels of interface verification completed during each test. Power Interface Test planned for January? Mechanical Hi-Fi Instrument Mock-ups provided to Swales for Integration to Hi-Fi Probe. Mass Models provided to Swales for Structure Strength and Thermal Testing.

18 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 18 UCB May 2, 2005 REQUIREMENTVERIFICATION METHOD IN-23 The Instrument Payload shall verify performance requirements are met per the THEMIS Verification Plan and Environmental Test Specification I/A/T: Performance Requirements met as documented in MRD Verification Matrix IN-24 The Instrument Payload shall survive and function prior, during and after exposure to the environments described in the THEMIS Verification Plan and Environmental Test Specification I/A/T: Environmental Test Requirements met as documented in Environmental Test Matrix (ETM) Suite Verification and Test Status As provided in MRD and ETM and summarized during Review: Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/thm_sys_001f_MRD.pdf Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/thm_sys_001f_MRD.pdf Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/thm_sys_005AppA_InstrumentETM.pdf Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/thm_sys_005AppA_InstrumentETM.pdf

19 THEMIS SUITE PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 19 UCB May 2, 2005 Design Changes Since CDR System Change Notices

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