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NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Comparison of modelled variation in water storage in Finland with GRACE and superconducting gravimeter observations  CPC – Climate.

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Presentation on theme: "NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Comparison of modelled variation in water storage in Finland with GRACE and superconducting gravimeter observations  CPC – Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Comparison of modelled variation in water storage in Finland with GRACE and superconducting gravimeter observations  CPC – Climate Prediction Centre global soil moisture data set  WSFS – Watershed Simulation and Forcasting System Finland  Superconducting gravimeter time series  GRACE time series Finnish Geodetic Institute H. Virtanen, M. Bilker, J. Mäkinen, M. Poutanen, M. Tervo Finnish Environment Institute B. Vehviläinen, M. Huttunen, R. Mäkinen

2 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 CPC vs. WSFS ’96’98’04’02’00 WSFS CPC linear regression coefficient 1.23

3 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Merging CPC & WSFS Loading effect after insertion 4.2 nms -2 smaller

4 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Monthly averages SG GW corr. Precip. Water eq. Snow Total water Ground water

5 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Stacked monthly values

6 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Regression GWWSFSPRECSNOWCORR 26.9 0.970 16.50.099 0.982 27.7 0.029 0.971 24.7 0.0650.975 25.8 0.0470.0720.976 16.90.1140.075-0.0000.985 17.00.1130.075 0.985 16.40.100 -0.0010.982

7 NKG WGG Meeting 2005 Water models & GRACE CPCWSFS GRACE (L = 50)GRACE moving average

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