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Writing an Evaluation Plan

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1 Writing an Evaluation Plan
Dr. Andrea Robles, CNCS Office of Research and Evaluation

2 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Explain what an evaluation plan is and its purpose Identify key sections of an evaluation plan Identify what information to include in each section of an evaluation plan Key sections Contents of each section

3 Evaluation cycle – Four phases
Planning Implementation Analysis and Reporting Action and Improvement Facilitator notes:

4 Basic steps for conducting an evaluation
Phase Step Planning Step 1: Build (or Review) a Program Logic Model Step 2: Define Purpose and Scope Step 3: Budget for an Evaluation Step 4: Select an Evaluator Step 5: Develop an Evaluation Plan Implementation Step 6: Collect Data Step 7: Manage the Evaluation Analysis and Reporting Step 8: Analyze Data Step 9: Communicate Findings Action and Improvement Step 10: Apply Findings and Feedback for Program Improvement

5 What is an evaluation plan?
Written document that details all of the evaluation steps and activities you plan to conduct Dynamic tool (i.e., a living document) that should be continually updated as you plan and develop each aspect of the evaluation Required component of your AmeriCorps application

6 Why develop an evaluation plan?
Helps the evaluation team be more systematic and comprehensive in their evaluation efforts Helps the evaluation team and/or program staff anticipate potential challenges and plan accordingly to avoid any missteps Creates a shared understanding of the purpose and use of evaluation results for program stakeholders Facilitates a smoother transition if staff turnover occurs Serves as a written understanding between the grantee and external evaluator(s), if applicable

7 What should your evaluation plan include?
Evaluation Plan Outline I. Introduction II. Program background III. Research questions IV. Evaluation design V. Data collection VI. Analysis plan VII. Timeline VIII. Budget and other See Frequently Asked Questions: Evaluation document for more details:

8 I. Introduction The introduction is intended to establish the context of your planned evaluation. It should explain: Your program model (brief overview) Purpose, scope, and timeframe of the evaluation Intended use and users of the evaluation results Who will be involved in planning and implementing the evaluation

9 II. Program background A description of the program and which specific program components the evaluation will focus on helps set the stage for understanding the evaluation approach. Your program background section should include: Statement of need Your program’s theory of change and supporting research evidence Summary of previous evaluations (if applicable) Narrative account of your program Your program’s logic model Description of which program components the evaluation will focus on

10 Program: A fictional homelessness prevention program
Logic model basics Program: A fictional homelessness prevention program Process Outcomes INPUTS ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS Outcomes Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term What we invest What we do Direct products from program activities Changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, opinions Changes in behavior or action that result from participants’ new knowledge Meaningful changes, often in their condition or status in life Funding Staff AmeriCorps members Non-AmeriCorps volunteers Research Provide housing relocation and stabilization services Provide educational workshops # families received relocation and stabilization services # families attended workshops Total # of program participants Increase in # of families averting displacement Increased knowledge of responsible home owner or tenant practices/skills Increased knowledge of resources/services in community Decrease in foreclosures and evictions Increased adoption of responsible practices/skills Increase in # of families in stable housing Reduction in first-time homelessness in the community

11 III: Evaluation research questions
Choosing research questions is key to defining exactly what it is the evaluation is trying to accomplish.

12 III: Evaluation research questions
Process and outcome objectives generate different kinds of research questions. Research questions for process objectives ask: About: Inputs/resources Program activities Outputs Stakeholder views Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? In: (Short-term) Knowledge Skills Attitudes Opinions EXTRA*Note: It is not always feasible to measure long-term outcomes. Expected outcomes might be beyond the time frame of the program, or may be influenced by many factors outside of the program. Research questions for outcome objectives ask about: Changes? Effects? Impacts? (Medium-term) Behaviors Actions (Long-term) Conditions Status

13 III: Evaluation research questions
What characterizes a good research question? Clearly stated and specific Aligns with your program’s theory of change and logic model Will lead to measurable or observable results Realistic to answer given the resources, time, and experience of those doing the evaluation Builds upon results from previous research and evaluations (if applicable)

14 Introduction, Program Background, Research Questions

15 IV: Evaluation design Evaluation design is the structure that provides the information needed to answer each of your evaluation questions. Your intended evaluation design should be based on and aligned with the following: Your program’s theory of change and logic model Primary purpose of the evaluation and key research questions Funder’s evaluation requirements Resources available for the evaluation

16 IV: Evaluation design What type of evaluation design will be used?
The two “sides” of a program’s logic model align with the two types of evaluation designs: process evaluation and outcome evaluation.

17 IV: Evaluation design Designs: Non-experimental (FYI)
Quasi-experimental (QED) Experimental (RCT)

18 A B C X = intervention is administered 0 = measurement is taken X X X
Pre-test Treatment Post-test a) Single group post-test X b) Single group pre- and post-test A Pre-test Treatment Post-test Intervention Group X Comparison Group B Pre-test Treatment Post-test Intervention Group Randomly assigned X Control Group C

19 IV: Evaluation design Describe your evaluation study group(s)
The evaluation design section of your plan should provide a description of each study group. Intervention, comparison/control Explain how each study group will be identified. Define the target population from which you will recruit your study group participants. Describe how you will access or recruit participants for each study group. Specify any applicable eligibility criteria for each study group (e.g., study participants from your target population must be within a certain age range, hold a certain degree type).

20 Evaluation design: Process, Outcome
Questions?? Evaluation design: Process, Outcome

21 V: Data collection This section focuses on the data you plan to collect to answer your key research questions. Describe how you plan to answer each research question by specifying: What information will be collected? Who/what will be the source of data? What data collection tools/instruments? When will the data be collected and by whom? What are the sampling methods (if any)?

22 V: Data collection a) What information will be collected (i.e., data indicators)? Identify specific, observable, and measurable sources of information. Indicators (or variables) help define exactly what information will be used to answer your research questions. Indicators can be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (non- numerical). There can be more than one indicator for each activity or outcome you choose to measure.

23 V: Data collection Example indicators: Research Question Indicator(s)
(Process-oriented) Were the educational workshops consistently implemented across the four program sites? a) Members received training on how to deliver curriculum b) Topics covered during workshop c) Duration of each workshop d) Total number of workshop participants e) Characteristics of workshop participants (Outcome-oriented) Did program beneficiaries increase their knowledge of responsible home ownership practices? Beneficiaries show an increase in knowledge of: Refinancing options Credit repair and recovery Money saving strategies

24 V: Data collection b) Who/what will be the source of data?
Identify your data sources. Existing data (e.g., administrative records, program databases, external datasets, program documents) or new data (e.g., interviews, focus groups) Beneficiaries, comparison/control group individuals, program staff, AmeriCorps members c) What are the data collection tools/instruments? Identify your data collection tools/instruments. Surveys Interview protocols Focus groups guides Observation templates

25 V: Data collection Quantitative Methods Qualitative Methods Scope Less in-depth data across a larger number of study participants More in-depth data on fewer study participants Data collection Collect data using structured instruments (closed-ended survey items and rating scales) Collect narrative data using semi- or unstructured instruments (open-ended survey items, interviews, observation, focus groups) Data format Numeric Non-numeric (text-based) Data analysis Statistical (e.g., frequencies, means, crosstabs, regression models) Non-statistical (e.g., content analysis) Results More generalizable to a larger population; able to provide evidence of program impact Less generalizable to a larger population; NOT able to provide evidence of program impact Combining qualitative and quantitative data methods (i.e., mixed-method approach) may provide more in-depth answers to your research questions

26 V: Data collection d) When will the data will be collected and by whom? Specify the start and end date and frequency of data collection. Single measure (e.g., after the intervention only) Pre- and post-measures before and after the intervention At various times or continuously during the course of the intervention Over time (longitudinal) Specify who will be responsible for collecting the data. Internal program staff or AmeriCorps members External evaluator Describe your approach to managing and securing the data.

27 V: Data collection e) What sampling methods?
Specify whether a sample will be drawn. Will you collect data on the entire population that you intend to study or will a sample of study participants be drawn? If selecting a sample, include information on: The population from which your sample will be drawn Selected sampling techniques Expected sample size Sampling is a complex process and should be determined by an experienced evaluator.

28 Questions?? Data Collection

29 VI: Analysis plan This section explains the analytic techniques you plan to use in the evaluation. Quantitative data analysis techniques Statistical analysis (mean, median, chi-square, t-test, ANOVA, regression, etc.) Qualitative data analysis techniques Content analysis (cross-site analysis, theme identification, case study descriptions)

30 Crosswalk for a Process or an Outcome Evaluation of
VI. Analysis plan Crosswalk for a Process or an Outcome Evaluation of [FILL IN] Research question What is collected and how? From whom / data sources? When collected and by whom? How will you analyze the data?

31 Almost there….

32 Example of Timing of Activities for Grant Year 1 – Grant Year 3
VII. Timeline Include a timeline of when you expect to carry out each of your key evaluation activities specified in your plan. Evaluation Activities Q1: Sep-Nov; Q2: Dec-Feb; Q3: Mar-May; Q4: Jun-Aug Example of Timing of Activities for Grant Year 1 – Grant Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Develop/refine logic model + Hire/identify evaluator Develop evaluation plan and data collection tools  + Recruit study participants Data collection Analysis/interpretation Report/dissemination

33 VIII. Budget and other Include an estimated budget for your evaluation. Common cost categories: Staff time Materials, equipment, and supplies Travel Data collection Include any other relevant information that is not in other sections of your evaluation plan: Institutional Review Board (IRB) clearance

34 Appendix References Provide complete citations of any reports or publications cited in the body of the plan Copies of data collection tools or instruments you plan to use Surveys Interview protocols

35 Things to remember Developing an evaluation plan should be a collaborative process that takes place over time. An evaluation plan is a dynamic tool and can change and be refined as you make decisions about how best to evaluate your program. An evaluation plan facilitates the process of keeping diverse stakeholders on the same page with regards to the actual implementation of the evaluation. Given the complexities, it is important to engage individuals knowledgeable in evaluation design (e.g., outcome) as you are developing your plans.

36 We made it! Additional questions?

37 Additional questions? Evaluation Plan Outline I. Introduction II. Program background III. Research questions IV. Evaluation design V. Data collection VI. Analysis plan VII. Timeline VIII. Budget and other See Frequently Asked Questions: Evaluation document for more details:

38 Awesome CNCS evaluation resources!
AmeriCorps State and National and other CNCS evaluation resources: I don’t how many of you have been on our website, but there are awesome resources available to help you prepare an evaluation, and frankly, I wish I would have had these resources available a few years ago.   Show examples so people know what they have in front of them.

39 Evaluation resources The American Evaluation Association
The Evaluation Center Innovation Network’s Point K Learning Center Digital Resources for Evaluators SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices: Non-researcher's Guide to Evidence-based Program Evaluation National Service Knowledge Network

40 Thank you for your participation!

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