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Johnson Chapter 20 section 3. Lyndon Baines Johnson  LBJ  1937  Won a special election top fill a vacant seat in the U.S House of Representatives 

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1 Johnson Chapter 20 section 3

2 Lyndon Baines Johnson  LBJ  1937  Won a special election top fill a vacant seat in the U.S House of Representatives  “New Dealer”  Small ranchers and struggling farmers  Imitated FDR’s leadership

3  1948  Won the Democratic primary elections for the Senate

4 Civil Rights Act of 1957  A voting rights measured that was the first civil rights legislation since Reconstruction

5  Once Johnson was in the office he urged congress to pass some of Kennedy’s bills  Civil Rights  July 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964  Will prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, national origins, and sex and granted the federal government new powers to enforce its provisions  Tax-Cut bills  February1964 congress passed a tax reduction of $10 billion

6 “Unconditional war on Poverty”  1964  Congress enacted the Economic Opportunity Act  EOA  Approving $1 billion for youth programs, antipoverty measures, small-business loans, and job training

7 EOA  Job Corps Youth Training Program  VISTA  Volunteers in Service to America  Project Head Start  An education program for underprivileged preschoolers  Community Action Program  Encouraged poor people to participate in public-works programs

8 Election 1964  Barry Goldwater  Republican Nominee  Attacked Social Security  Frightened many Americans  Johnson assured the Americans that he would not send troops into Vietnam  LBJ won the election with 61% of the popular vote

9 Great Society  May 1964  Vision for America  “The key which would unlock the door to the great society”  Secondary and Elementary Act of 1965 would provide more than $1 billion in federal aid

10 Healthcare  Medicare  Provided hospital insurance and low-cost medical insurance for almost every American 65 years old or older  Medicaid  Extended health insurance to welfare recipients

11 Housing  Shift of the nations political power from rural to urban areas  Getting money to build low-rent public housing  Developing HUD  Department of Housing and Urban Development

12 Immigration  Changes to the Immigration Act of 1924 and National Origins Act of 1924  Established immigration quotas that discriminated strongly against people from outside Western Europe  150,000  Southern and Eastern Europe  Asia

13 Immigration Act of 1965  Opened the door for many non- European immigrants to settle in the United States by ending quotas based on nationality

14 Supreme Court in 1960’s  1954  Brown vs. Board of Education  Ruled school segregation unconstitutional  Warren Court  Banned state-sanctioned prayer in public schools and declared state-required loyalty oaths unconstitutional

15  Reapportionment  Way in which states redraw election districts based on the changing number of people in them  80% lived in cities and suburbs  1962  First of several decisions that established the principle of “one person, one vote”  Federal courts had the right to tell sates to reapportion  Re-divide

16 Mapp vs. Ohio  1961  Evidence seized illegally could not be used in State courts  Exclusionary rule  Justices required criminal courts to provide free legal counsel to those who could not afford it  Justices ruled that an accused person has a right to have a lawyer present during police questioning

17 Miranda vs. Arizona  Ruled that all suspects must be read their rights before questioning  Liberals said that these ruling places limits on police power and protected the rights of all citizens to a fair trial  Conservatives said that it benefited the criminal and severely limited the power of the police to investigate

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