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THE WATSONS GO TO BIRMINGHAM - 1963 Week 4 Epilogue.

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1 THE WATSONS GO TO BIRMINGHAM - 1963 Week 4 Epilogue

2 MONDAY, JANUARY 27 A  1. amended – v: changed, revised  2. pervasive – adj: widespread  3. prohibited – v: outlawed; forbidden  4. interracial – adj: between people of different races  5. segregation – v: practice of keeping different races or groups of people apart  6. demonstrations – n: public meetings or parades in which people show how they feel about an issue

3 MONDAY, JANUARY 27 B  7. strove – v: tried hard  8. sit-ins – n: protests in which people sit down in a place and refuse to leave  9. boycotts – n: protests in which people refuse to buy someone’s merchandise or use someone’s services  10. banned – v: made illegal; forbidden  11. picketing – n: marching or standing outside a business, or other place and carrying signs to show opposition to a policy or practice  12. confrontations – n: acts of opposing or standing fact to face against someone or something

4 TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 A  Study the vocabulary words. Think of a way that you could put the words in categories. Group the words and be ready to defend the way you grouped them.

5 TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 B  Name three things that can be amended.  Name three things that can be pervasive.  Name three things that are prohibited at school.

6 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29  Name three things that are banned at the airport.  1.  2.  3.

7 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 TH  Name three topics that people have held a demonstration over.  1.  2.  3.

8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 A  Write a synonym for each of the following words: 1. Strove: 2. Picketing: 3. Confrontation:

9 THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 B Write a sentence which includes both forms of the following words.  Demonstrate, demonstrations  Segregate. Segregation  Pervade, pervasive

10 FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 A  Give a partner a vocabulary quiz. Call out the definition and have them write the word that goes with the definition. Then switch.

11 FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 B  Spend ten minutes studying your vocabulary words. Then prepare your paper for the weekly quiz.

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