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Status of JNNURM Projects
JNNURM PROJECTS AT A GLANCE Status of Sanctioned Projects
Mission launched by Government of India in December’ 2005 with duration of 7 years to ensure planned growth with reforms. Mission has two sub-missions : (i) UI & G Urban Infrastructure and Governance. (ii) BSUP Basic Services for Urban Poor. Rs. in Crores PROJECT STATUS U.I.G. B.S.U.P. TOTAL No. Est. Cost Sanctioned by GoI 14 7 531.67 21 Status of Sanctioned Projects a) In progress 6 2 303.45 8 b) Completed 293.39 5 228.22 13 521.61 Total Amount so far released from GoI GoAP Total Amount spent so far by ULB Rs Cr Rs Cr Rs Cr Rs Cr Expenditure Incurred So far Rs Cr Value of Work done So far Rs Cr 3 3 3
Description of Project
PROGRESS - PROJECT WISE: AT A GLANCE Rs. in Crores Sector Description of Project Project Cost Expd. incurred so far Value of work done Remarks UI&G Water Supply 1. Replacement of existing Thatipudi Pipeline 62.28 59.79 61.17 Completed . 2. Providing pipeline from TSR to Yendada and to Kommadi Junction 23.40 23.35 3. Augmentation of Water Supply to Gajuwaka 39.76 36.35 39.50 Completed. 4. Refurbishment of Water Supply Distribution in Gajuwaka 46.00 36.28 36.57 5. Augmentation of Drinking Water Supply to 32 peripheral areas of GVMC (Rev.Cost : Rs Cr.) 240.74 211.93 217.89 83.50% work completed. Balance work under progress. 6. Refuribishment of Distribution of Comprehensive Water Supply System in North Eastern Zone in Central Area of GVMC. 190.18 120.02 129.17 75% completed. 7. Comprehensive Water Supply System in Old City of GVMC. 47.93 38.46 38.76 86.5% completed. 8. Improvement of 24x7 Water Supply in leftout areas of South West sector of GVMC 83.48 8.69 - New work sanctioned. Agreement entered and Survey work completed. Mobilization Advance paid. Sub-Total 733.77 (749.48) 534.87 546.46 4 Contd…
Description of Project
Contd… Rs. in Crores Sector Description of Project Project Cost Expnd. incurred Value of work done Remarks UI&G Storm Water 9. Regularization of S.L. Canal 3.39 3.35 Completed. 10. Regularization of Yerrigedda 9.21 10.84 11. Imp. of Storm Water Drains for Zone - VIII of GVMC .(Gangulagedda & Yerrigedda Branch Canal). 72.27 64.18 65.25 Sewe- rage 12. Providing Sewerage System in old City 37.08 13. Sewerage System in the Central Part of Visakhapatnam (Rev. Cost : Rs Cr.) 244.44 229.50 90.50% Work completed. Balance work under progress. Urban Trans- port 14.Providing BRTS in Visakhapatnam in Two Corridors including Flyover (Rev. Cost : Rs Cr.) 452.93 383.07 388.40 Overall 80.50% Completed. STC-87.10%, PTC-80%, Flyover-92.5% completed. A total of 43 KM of road work taken up. Balance work under progress. UIG (14 Projects) ( ) 5 Contd…
Description of Project
Contd… Rs. in Crores Sector Description of Project Project Cost Expnd. incurred Value of work done Remarks BSUP Infrastr-ucture 1. Infrastructure to Sri Nagar Poor Settlement 2.40 2.13 Completed. 2. Infrastructure to Yathapalem Poor Settlement 5.50 5.22 3. Infrastructure to Vadlapudi Poor Settlement 28.00 25.38 26.00 4. Infrastructure to 5 Poor Settlements (Sy.No.179 & Sy.No.27 of Madhurawada, Vambay Colony of Madhurawada, Duvvada & Aganampudi. 97.20 84.15 85.20 5. Infrastructure to 11 Poor Settlements (Pedagantyada, Gangavaram, Bhanojithota, Aganampudi, TGR Nagar, Sebastian Colony, Chakirevukonda, Sivashaktinagar, Rasalamma Colon, etc. 95.12 85.87 87.00 Housing Houses in 22 Poor Settlements (Package-I) 90.99 (143.79) 144.25 145.69 Beneficiaries occupied at Madhurawada, Kommadi, Bakkannapalem, Sebastian Colony, etc. locations. Balance Housing and Infrastructure works are in brisk progress. Houses in 6 Poor Settlements (Package-II) 96.86 (159.66) 122.80 Sub-total BSUP (7 Projects) 416.07 (531.67) 469.80 474.04 JNNURM Total (21 Projects) ( ) 6 6
1. Water Supply to 32 Peripheral areas
Objective: To provide drinking water to newly merged villages/ areas Project Cost: Rs Cr Present Status: 83.50% of work is Completed. Ongoing Components: 42 mld Water treatment plant at Narava (in trial run) 85mld Water treatment plant at Aganampudi in progress Expected date of Completion: June, 2014 Benefits: 54000 households will get water supply connection 30000 connections already provided. 17 wards will get potable water supply coverage. 2.5 lakh people will be benefited. Issues:- Delay due to land acquisition at Aganampudi site which is resolved now. 7
Delay in obtaining permissions from VUDA, which is resolved now.
2 Refurbishment of W.S. System in North Eastern Zone of Central City Objective: To refurbish the old water supply distribution lines and to extend lines to the uncovered areas. Project Cost: Rs Cr Present Status: 75% of work is Completed. Ongoing Components: 10 ELSRs / GLSRs (4 completed & 6 in progress) 22 km of Feeder main (11.50 km completed & km in progress) 363 km Distribution lines (267 km completed & 96 km in progress) Expected date of Completion : June, 2014 Benefits: 18 wards of East & North Constituencies will be covered. 2.5 lakh population will get safe drinking water. 37000 new connections can be provided. Improvement in Service Level Issues:- Delay in obtaining permissions from VUDA, which is resolved now. 8
3) Comprehensive Water Supply System in Old City :
Objective: To refurbish the Old distribution lines & main lines to improve service levels and to arrest leakages. Project Cost: Rs Cr Present Status: 86.5% of work is Completed. Ongoing Components: 3 ELSRs (in progress) 11.5 km of pipeline (9.90 km completed & 1.60 km in progress) 60 km distribution lines (56 km completed & 4 km in progress) Expected date of Completion: March, 2014 Benefits: 6 wards of South Constituency will have new pipelines. Serve 1.25 lakh population. 12000 new connections can be provided Issues:- Delay in land acquition from various GoI and KGH, which is resolved now 9
Newly sanctioned work . Project Cost: Rs.83.38 Cr. (IBM Value)
4) Improvement of 24x7 Water Supply in South West sector of GVMC Newly sanctioned work . Project Cost: Rs Cr. (IBM Value) Agreement Cost Rs Cr. GLSRs – 6 Nos / 3200KL (EW for 4 Nos in progress) MBRs Nos / 500KL (EW for 1 No in progress) Sumps – 3 Nos / 1300KL (EW for 3 Nos in progress) Pump Houses – 3 Nos (EW for 3 Nos in progress) Distribution Lines – 95920M (DI-K7 – 150mm to 350mm) Feeder / Gravity Main (DI K7) – 17078M Pumping Mains – 8015M (DI-K9 – 150mm to 700mm) House Service Connections Nos 10
5) Sewerage System in the Central City :
Objective: To provide Under Ground drainage to the uncovered areas. Project Cost: Rs Cr Present Status: % of work is Completed. Ongoing Components: 108 mld STP – 30% Completed. 320.9 Km of sewerage network ( km completed & 2.3 km in progress) Expected date of Completion : June, 2014 Benefits: The network Coverage will be increased from 25 % to 65%. Issues:- Permission for 2 Nos of Railway Crossings to be received. 11
Urban Transport – Projects
6. Providing BRTS with Flyover in Two Corridors : Total Length of Corridors Km Simhachalam Tranist Corridor (STC) Km (87.10% of Work Completed) (Including Underpass) Pendurthi Transit Corridor (PTC ) Km (80% of Work Completed) (Including Flyover ) Total Sanctioned - Rs Cr (PTC, STC, Flyover with Underpass) Expected date of Completion : March, 2014 12
Flyover & Underpass at Asilmetta – BRTS
BRTS – Contd… Flyover & Underpass at Asilmetta – BRTS A. Flyover km Length No. of spans Nos No. of spans completed Nos No. of spans in progress Nil Carriage way width mts (4 Lane) Vertical clearance mts B. Underpass – Completed & Commissioned Length Km C. Service roads (either side): Service roads kms. length Carriageway mts width Foot path mts width Storm water drain - 1 x 1 mtr. size 13
Issues related to completion of the projects
BRTS Project – 2 Corridors (PTC, STC & Flyover) 32 Kms. completed out of 43 Kms. Planned – Rest in progress. In operation in 22 Kms. together in 2 Corridors started on 11th Feb’2013. Claimed good results by APSRTC in terms of Travel time & Occupancy ratio etc. Pendurthi Transit Corridor (PTC) i) Issue with Railways (E.Co.Railways) Land acquisition for Road widening (PT Corridor & Flyover). Affected length 5.00 Kms. and area of 28,000 Sq.mts. linearly. Status : Issue settled in Feb’2013. Settled for 1:2 exchange of equitable land transfer (1-Railways, 2-GVMC) & paid Structural Compensation. Work in progress in Railway portion with shifting of Compound walls, utilities, affected structures etc. 15
Issues…. Contd.. ii) Issue with Defence (Indian Navy)
Land acquisition for Road widening for PTC. Affected length 2.00 Kms. and 6,700 Sq.mts. linearly. Status : Issue settled in Jan’2013. Formal approval from Defence H.Q., New Delhi received in 3rdweek of Jan’2013. Issue settled with 1:2 equitable land transfer. Work in progress with Shifting of Compound walls & Utilities. Expected Completion is 6 to 8 months. Simhachalam Transit Corridor (STC) i) Issue with SVLNS Devasthanam 2.00 Kms. between Gosala and Adivivaram. Status : i) Issue with SVLN Devastanam / Private properties in 2 Kms is still to be resolved. ii) Awaiting Govt. orders on compensation to 241 Nos. Private properties of 1.60 Kms. In Simhachalam village. iii) Mixed Corridor in 2 Kms., if issue is not resolved. 16
ii) Ramakrishnapuram Colony : Issue Settled
iii) S.C. Colony at Gosala : Issue Settled PT & ST Corridors : Community/Religious Structures in both the Corridors. Issue : 31 Nos. including 1 Mosque and 1 Church. Status : 18 Temples, 1 Mosque and 1 Church compound removed. 11 Nos. shifting in progress. Private Properties Issue : 1555 properties to be acquired. Status : So far acquired, 1451 Nos. Acquisition for 104 properties in progress. 17
After Before STC – Mosque – Ch 0+800 19 19
BSUP - HOUSING in 2 Packages
Total No. of Locations Nos. Total No. of Houses proposed Nos. Dropped as per SLSC Meeting Nos Total no of houses taken up Nos Total no of houses Allotted DUs Under construction including Infrastructural works DUs Completed and Ready for occupation DUs Completed and Occupied DUs Completed and to be occupied DUs Balance DUs Ready for occupation by Mar’ 2014 20
Total No of houses taken up : 14203
Status of allotment of houses under JNNURM Total Sanctioned : ,320 (G.O.Rt.No.314 dt: ) Total No of houses taken up : Balance No of Houses dropped as per : SLSC meeting on Total No of houses allotted so far : 21
JNNURM PROJECTS STATEMENT OF FUNDS TO BE RELEASED TO GVMC BY GOVT. OF A.P. UI & G Sector (JNNURM) - Rs Cr. BSUP Sector (JNNURM) - Rs Cr. Sub-Total - Rs Cr. 3. i) Under Indiramma Urban Housing (by APSHCL)(Rs Rs.56.00Cr.) Rs Cr. (Vide G.O.Rt.No. 129/Dt Housing Dept.) ii) Towards enhanced unit cost (from MA&UD, GoAP) (Rs Cr.-Rs Cr.) - Rs Cr. (Vide G.O.Rt.No. 232 MA/Dt of MA&UD (UBS)) Total - Rs Cr. 22
Issues to be Resolved Name of the Project Issue
Sewerage system in central city Permission for 2nos of Railway crossings to be received Providing BRTS in Simhachalam corridor Issue with SVLN Devastanam/private properties in 2 Km is to be resolved . Awaiting Government orders on Compensation to 241 Nos. Private properties of 1.6 Km in Simhachalam Village . Mixed corridor in 2 km , if issue is not resolved. 23
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