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1 Bus topology network. 2 Data is sent to all computers, but only the destination computer accepts 02608c133456.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bus topology network. 2 Data is sent to all computers, but only the destination computer accepts 02608c133456."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bus topology network

2 2 Data is sent to all computers, but only the destination computer accepts 02608c133456

3 3 Simple star network Hub

4 4 Simple ring network showing logical ring

5 5 A computer grabs the token and passes it around the ring 40080865402 Data

6 6 Hub showing the internal ring and clockwise token path

7 7 FDDI uses a dual-ring topology

8 8 A hub is the central point in a star topology Hub 02608c133456

9 9 Hybrid hub Main Hub

10 10 A break or unplugged cable takes down only the unplugged computer

11 11 The seven-layer OSI model

12 12 The OSI model showing the layers of protocols Application Layer Presentation Layer Session Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer Initiates a request or accepts a request Adds formatting, display, and encryption information to the packet Adds traffic flow information to determine when the packet gets sent Adds error-handling information Sequencing and address information is added to the packet Adds error-checking information and prepares data for going on to the physical connection Packet sent as a bit stream

13 13 Project 802 Logical Link Control and Media Access Control sublayers

14 14 Communication between the network adapter card and network software Virtual communications

15 15 A bridge connecting two networks Segment 1 Segment 2 Bridge

16 16 The routing table keeps track of addresses Segment 1 Segment 2 Bridge Routing Table 02608c133456 02608c133561

17 17 Routers work at the Network layer Router Bridge

18 18 How Networks Send Data

19 19 Large continuous streams of data slow down the network

20 20 Breaking data in packets Data

21 21 Packet components Header DataTrailer

22 22 The complete packet Application Header Presentation Header Session Header Transport Header Network Header Data Link Header Frame Preamble Data Link Trailer (CRC) Data Packet

23 23 Packet creation process

24 24 Introduction to TCP/IP

25 25 What Is TCP/IP? 1965197019801985 APANET commissioned by DOD 1969 1975 Telnet 1972 FTP 1973 TCP 1974 IP 1981 TCP/IP Protocol Suite 1982 DNS 1984

26 26 The Internet Standards Process The Responsibility of the Internet Society (ISOC) Governed by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) TCP/IP Standards are Published in Request for Comments Five Classifications of RFCs Required, recommended, elective, limited, use, not recommended


28 28 Configuring TCP/IP Manually

29 29 Testing Microsoft TCP/IP with IPCONFIG and PING Start IPCONFIG Ping (Loopback Address) Ping IP Address of the Local Host 1 2 3 Ping IP Address of Default Gateway 4 Ping IP Address of Remote Host 5 End

30 30 Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite

31 31 The Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol Suite Transport Application Windows ® Sockets Applications Windows ® Sockets Applications NetBIOS Applications NetBIOS Applications NetBIOS NetBIOS over TCP/IP TCP UDP IP ICMP ARP Internet LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI WAN Technologies: Serial Lines, Frame Relay, ATM WAN Technologies: Serial Lines, Frame Relay, ATM Network Sockets TDI IGMP

32 32 Network Interface Technologies IP Over LAN Technologies Ethernet Token ring ARCnet FDDI IP Over WAN Technologies Serial lines Packet switched networks

33 33 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Successful Mapping of an IP Address to a Hardware Address Address Resolution Is the Function of ARP ARP Uses a Local Broadcast to Obtain a Hardware Address Address Mappings Are Stored in a Cache for Future Reference

34 34 Resolving a Local IP Address ARP Cache 08004... 08004... 08004... 08004... ARP Cache 08004... ARP Broadcast ARP Broadcast 44 IP Address = Hardware Address = 08004... IP Address = Hardware Address = 08007... 33 22 11 ping

35 35 Resolving a Remote IP Address A Router B ARP Broadcast for Router A ARP Broadcast for Router A ARP for Router B ARP for Router B IP Address = Hardware Address = 08004... IP Address = Hardware Address = 08009... ARP Cache 08009... 08006... 08009... 08006... ARP Cache 08004... 44 11 08005... 08006... 22 55 ping ARP Cache 33

36 36 The ARP Cache IP AddressHardware Address =FFFFFFFFFFFF =080009654321 =080006723111 =080002345621 22 11

37 37 Multimedia Presentation: TCP/IP Architecture show

38 38 Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses and Routes Packets Connectionless No session is established Nonguaranteed “Best Effort” Delivery Reliability Is the Responsibility of Higher-Layer Protocols and Applications Fragments and Reassembles Packets

39 39 IP on the Router Decrements the TTL Fragments Large Packets Into Smaller Packets Creates a New Header for Each New Packet Flag Fragment ID Fragment offset Calculates a New Checksum Obtains the Hardware Address of the Next Router Forwards the Packet

40 40 Transport Application Internet Network Ports and Sockets TFTP Server Web Server 0... 65536 TCP Ports 20,21 UDP Port 69 TCP Port 80 Windows Sockets Interface Web Browser TCP Port 1210 TCPUDP IP FTP Server

41 41 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Connection-oriented Session is established before exchanging data Reliable Delivery Sequence numbers Acknowledgments (ACKs) Byte-Stream Communications Uses Port Numbers as Endpoints to Communicate

42 42 TCP Three-Way Handshake Application Transport Internet Network Data Application Transport Internet Network Data, ACK ACK

43 43 Multimedia Presentation: TCP Sliding Windows show

44 44 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Connectionless No session is established Does Not Guarantee Delivery No sequence numbers No acknowledgments Reliability Is the Responsibility of the Application Uses Port Numbers as Endpoints to Communicate

45 45 Viewing and Modifying the ARP Cache

46 46  Review Network Interface Technologies Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Internet Protocol (IP) Ports and Sockets Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

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