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Ronald Reagan “The Great Communicator” & “The Teflon President” - 40 th President (1981-1989) X39dGQmBEww

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Presentation on theme: "Ronald Reagan “The Great Communicator” & “The Teflon President” - 40 th President (1981-1989) X39dGQmBEww"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ronald Reagan “The Great Communicator” & “The Teflon President” - 40 th President (1981-1989) X39dGQmBEww X39dGQmBEww

2 Ronald Reagan Biography –Born in Midwest –Radio/Actor –President of Screen Actors Guild –Divorced/Remarried –Governor of California (2 terms) –President (2 terms)

3 The Campaign: “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Conservative Agenda: Cut Taxes Cut the size of government Increase Defense Spending Pres. Reagan & Vice-Pres. Bush

4 The Election of 1980

5 Hostages in Iran Released on January 20, 1981 President Reagan gets the credit

6 Reagan vs. FDR: a Fundamental Change “The only bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people…” - Franklin D. Roosevelt “Government is the problem…” - Ronald Reagan

7 FDR – Demand Side Economics Favors working class over Big Business and the wealthy

8 FDR’s (Demand Side) Provide Government help to the working class (New Deal Programs) Working class spends their money at businesses who will prosper Businesses provide jobs for working class The Depression Ends!

9 Reagan Supports Big Business and the wealthy because they are the job creators Wants a return to Laissez-Faire

10 Reaganomics (Supply-Side) Gov. policies Help businesses and the wealthy (tax breaks, deregulation, etc.) Businesses in turn provide jobs to people People earn money, so they spend it Businesses do well and hire people/provide raises Recession Ends! (Money Trickles Down)

11 Reaganomics (Supply-side policy) Give Tax Breaks and Money to the Wealthy and Business Owners Money “trickles down” to the working class in the form of jobs and raises

12 FDR’s (Demand-side Policy) Money “trickles up” to the wealthy and businesses as it is spent Give money and aid to the working class

13 Domestic Challenges Economy Supreme Court Appointments –Sandra Day O’Connor - First Woman –Antonin Scalia –Anthony Kennedy “War on Drugs”/Crime

14 Attempted Assassination March 30, 1981 Assassin – John Hinkley Jr. “Brady Bill” passes in 1994

15 Foreign Affairs (1981-1984) Stop Communism Central America –El Salvador/Nicaragua Middle East –Lebanon; Peacekeeping force targeted during civil war Caribbean ousting of –Grenada ousting of Marxist government

16 U.S. Embassy in Beirut Bombed

17 The Election of 1984

18 Foreign Affairs (1985 – 1989) U.S./Soviet relations improve. Iran-Contra Affair –Selling of weapons to Iran to fund Contras in Nicaragua – ILLEGAL!

19 End of the Cold War Reagan in Berlin, 1987 ch?v=WjWDrTXMgF8&featu re=related

20 Reagan’s Death and Legacy Died June 5, 2004, after long battle with Alzheimer’s Legacy: –Safer world, more prosperous country, end to Cold War threat –Larger gap between rich and poor, national debt much larger

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