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The History of the Atomic Model Journey into the Unseen.

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1 The History of the Atomic Model Journey into the Unseen

2 Aristotle (384-322 BC) Greek philosopher Hypothesized that all things in nature are composed of four elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water

3 Democritus (460-370 BC) Greek philosopher First suggested all things in nature can be divided into atoms Suggested atoms were solid, indivisible particles

4 Thompson’s Model (1904) Discovered electrons Suggested electrons are embedded in positive mass “Raisins in Plum Pudding Model” No neutrons

5 Rutherford’s Model (1911) Introduced nucleus No neutrons Electrons orbit nucleus like planets around a sun

6 Bohr’s Model (1922) Electrons orbit the nucleus at different levels of energy Neutrons discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick

7 Standard Model Based on work of physicists Heisenberg and Schrodinger Atoms are 99.9% empty space An electron’s actual position can never be known, so there is only a probability of where it will be Electron orbits thought of as a cloud

8 Model of the Future Matter and Antimatter? Quarks and Leptons? What do you predict?

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