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1 Virtual Repository (VR) Based on Linked Open Data 蔡昇翰, 尤正偉, 歐奕宗 2012/11/16 2012 臺灣災害管理研討會 基於鏈結資料之虛擬式災難管理資料框架 Open Information System for Disaster Management.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Virtual Repository (VR) Based on Linked Open Data 蔡昇翰, 尤正偉, 歐奕宗 2012/11/16 2012 臺灣災害管理研討會 基於鏈結資料之虛擬式災難管理資料框架 Open Information System for Disaster Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Virtual Repository (VR) Based on Linked Open Data 蔡昇翰, 尤正偉, 歐奕宗 2012/11/16 2012 臺灣災害管理研討會 基於鏈結資料之虛擬式災難管理資料框架 Open Information System for Disaster Management (OpenISDM)

2 2 Author 蔡昇翰, 尤正偉, 歐奕宗, 賴怡安, 蘇 展, VersionDateNote First Draft12,Nov 2012Introduction & scenarios & details

3 3 Outline Motivation: – Scenarios – Current Solutions – Sample applications: Automatic Disaster Alert System for Tourists (ADAST) Current work: – Linked-Data – VR+ADAST components and general architecture – ADAST demo

4 Existing Disaster Management Systems

5 5 Tourist Info; Building info model; People with special needs; …more. Extreme Weather Situation Debris Flow Alerts Scenario Earthquake

6 6 Retrieving information from official sources Finding information and searching in many sources are time consuming. Finding related information from multiple sources sometimes infeasible. In certain cases, client side users have to discover for needed information.

7 VR is designed to find and discover related information from multiple information systems. VR aims to provide integrated interfaces for retrieving data from different sources. 7 Retrieving information from multiple sources ADAST

8 Sources with LOD Official DMIS Databases Open Data Sources Scientific Databases Other Sources MAD ADAS T Rescue support Other applications C3 Decision support Interfaces for HTTP GET, HTTP PUT, FTP, PUB/SUB, etc External Ontology Set External Ontology Set External Ontology Set SPARQL Interfaces Data Update Module Data Validation Module Client Subscriber Service Client Notification Service Web Services - API Others … Others SPARQL Query Interface Triple Store VR Internal Ontology Set Index Triple Set Cached Data Triple Set Cached Link Triple Set VR Core VR Tools Translation tools : Xquery, D2RQ, etc Indexers for different data types Others … Others

9 9 Automatic Disaster Alert System for Tourists (ADAST) ADAST informs tourists in disaster affected area automatically once the disasters are declared. ADAST can monitor multiple sources. ADAST leverages the benefits of linked data to search and discover related information. ADAST

10 VR pub/sub interfaceVR SPARQL query interface Web alert servicePhone callSMS ADAST based on VR & Linked Data Decision Making Module Response & Alert Module ADAST Information Subscribe Service Information Retrieve Service Authorized Organization VR Triple Store Update Module Validation Module Subscriber Service Notification Service Debris AlertRain InfoTyphoon Alert Others… Sources

11 11 Debris Alert Info Debris_ Alert_1 秀林鄉 太魯閣國 家公園 Tourist Group ID CD001 捷 * 旅行 社 首 * 旅行 社 Tel : 0225***515 Tel : 0225***515 Name : 吳*良 Name : 吳*良 Tel : 09*****923 Tel : 09*****923 Name : 歐*宗 Name : 歐*宗 VR & Linked Data Web alert servicePhone callSMS

12 ADAST + VR Demo

13 13 Thank you!

14 14 Node B Node B Node A Project Guten- berg DBLP Linked-Data

15 15 Debris Alert Info Debris_ Alert_1 Debris_ Alert_2 Debris_Alert_ … 花蓮縣 Debris_Alert_ … 秀林鄉 station1ID, Time, Others… 太魯閣國 家公園 Tourist Group ID CD001 Tourist Group ID FA033 Other Group ID… X 利旅 行社 X 都旅 行社 Other Tourism Companies … Tel : 0225***515 Tel : 0225***515 Name : 吳 * 良 Name : 吳 * 良 Tel : 09*****923 Tel : 09*****923 Name : 歐 * 宗 Name : 歐 * 宗 Other Information… Phone call SMS Web service VR & Linked Data

16 16 Official Open Data BIM ( * ) Database Scientific Data Sources Contact Information Unofficial Open Data Taxi Data WDR DB ( * ) PV DB ( * ) CEWD DB ( * ) Earth Science Institute Database DBAR DACET EPA DB AS IES CDFB ( * ) Government Open data Government Geo Open data Official Disaster Data Sources Council of Agriculture National Fire Agency National Weather Bureau Water Resource Agency Debris Flow Prevention Information System Directorate General of Highways Central Personnel Administration XML / KML Customized interfaces Web Services - API SPARQL Query Interface VR Interfaces VR Translation VR Core Translation tool Indexer for numerical data Indexer for multimedia data External Ontology Set Triple Store Internal Ontology Set SPARQL Cached Link Triple Set Cached Data Triple Set Index Triple Set Data Update Module Data Validation Module Mobile Assistant for Disasters Automatic Disaster Alert System for Tourists Others… Platform Management System Data Gateway Data Exchange Infrastructure Registry Service Category Service Integration Service Access control Official Disaster Management Systems Virtual Repository Information access control/brokerage services

17 17 Structure of ADAST Targets (tourists, tour guides, tour companies, etc) DMIS VR Interfaces Authorized Organization (Ex: Tourism Bureau) Alert via Web Service Alert via Mobile Message Alert via Voice Call Alert Authentication Information Subscribe Service System Log Response & Alert Module Decision Making Module Information Retrieve Service Application VR

18 18 Other Sources Sources with LOD Official DMIS Databases GIS Databases Scientific Databases Other Sources SPARQL Web Services - API Others… SPARQL Query Interface Data sources of VR VR Interfaces Applications MAD ADAST Rescue Decision Support System VR Tools VR Core External Ontology Set External Ontology Set External Ontology Set Data Update Module Data Validation Module Client Subscriber Service Client Notification Service Translation tool : Xquery, D2RQ, etc Indexer for numerical data Indexer for multimedia data Others… Open Data Sources TRIPS Triple Store VR Internal Ontology Set Index Triple Set Cached Data Triple Set Cached Link Triple Set

19 19 Rare Event : Unexpected Disasters Unexpected Location Building Collapse 8+ Earthquake ? Yangmingshan

20 20  Official Disaster Databases  Government Open Data  Tourism Bureau’s Tourist Info. Web Service Population & Vulnerability Database (PV DB) Population & Vulnerability Database (PV DB) Climate Extreme & Weather Disaster Database (CEWD DB) Official Sources Unofficial Sources & Unofficial Services Scientific & Historical Data Sources  Taxi/Bus Company’s Database  Building Information Model and Floor Plan Data  Weather Disaster Risk Database  Earth Science Institute Database (*)

21 21 GIS (geographic information system ) O&M SWE Common Sensor ML TML SIS (Sensor Information System) SWE IEEE 1451 (Smart transducer interface standards) Service Format Raster Vector JPGTIFF GMLKML Shape file WMSWFSWCS CDFnetCDFHDFFITSXSILGMLGDataODataRDF Scientific data format & models General data processing Sensor networks integration Information model SASSOSSPSWNS ESP SeNeIM IrisNETGNS OpenISDM Service model ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo Tab file, TIGER, s57, DGN, CSV, DBF,GML, KML, Interlis, SQLite, ODBC, ESRI GeoDatabase (MDB format), PostGIS/PostgreSQL, MySQL.

22 22 Sources Translation Tools Update Module Validation Module Inside Ontology VR Engine Cached L / D / I Triple set Publisher Hub SPARQL Data Sources VR Application Subscriber Application VR Translation VR Core VR Interface Request Pull Data Return Data Pass Data Is linked ? False True, Store triple Add link Store triple Return Translate Validate Match to existing triple sets? Buffering Start-1 End-1 Subscribe Maintain Subscriber List Subscribed data available Notify Buffering Pull Data Return Data Start-2 End-2 Send query Start-3End-3 Go to Start-1 False, cannot find it, return null Execute query True, return data Is data in cache? False True, return data Find data? Layer-1: Retrieve Data from Sources Layer-2: Application subscribes from VR Layer-3: Application queries data in VR

23 23 Tourists Authorization Organization Action Execution Module Response And Alert Module Alert Authenticatio n Decision Making Module Information Retrieve Service Information Subscribe Service Virtual Repository Start-1 End-1Start-2 End-2 Subscription List Subscribe Notification (Go to VR Start-2) (Return from VR End-2) Push Data Buffering Notify Request Data Determine Cases Return Data Query (Go to VR Start-3) (Return from VR End-3) Pass Data Determine Actions Request Authorization Organization List Request Authorization Return True/False Authorized? Return True/False True: Sava Log & Deliver Decision False: Save Log Determine Targets & Ways Send Alerts End-UsersADASTSources (VR) ADAST

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